Thursday, April 9, 2009

Gun Control

There were a couple of shootings over this past weekend. I fear that these shooting are going to be used as ammunition against legal gun owners in the pursuit of Gun Control and eventually Gun Confiscation.

Immediately after the shooting on Saturday that killed four police officers, the liberal bloggers were immediately spreading the rumors on their blogs that the shooter was a conservative and that he was disenfranchised by listening to conservative talk ( can you say Fairness Doctrine?) shows and news like Fox. They went on to mention Glenn Beck as being responsible for this guys actions.

Later, after the blogs were discovered, there were some who went to the video on YouTube to see if in fact it was true about Glenn Beck being instrumental in stroking this guys anger. The answer is unequivocally NO. The shooter was actually upset with Glenn Beck because he was telling people NOT to think of using violence to express their unhappiness with the current Administration or current Economic affairs. He was a nutcase who decided he wanted to shoot people and it was no persons fault that he decided to act on those thoughts.

Beware though, they will start using instances such as these to implement their long awaited policies of Gun Control and Fairness Doctrine. The people of this country need to make themselves aware of what is coming, or they will find themselves slaves to Socialistic Government. If you doubt this, just look back five or ten years. Do you recognize this country as the same one from that time frame? No, it has changed immensely just in that period of time and it is changing even more and more quickly now.

People will try and say it is the ability to have guns that is causing these types of shootings. I have owned guns for many years and can honestly say I have never seen my gun pick itself up and shoot someone. The opposition will say that just having access allows these things to happen. I would argue that by allowing law abiding citizens to arm themselves keeps these types of things from happening much more frequently. I would further argue that if you make guns illegal, only the criminals will have guns (and those of us who the law would make criminals by insuring our safety by acquiring "illegal guns"). In addition, I would argue that this is an insane argument to begin with. IF a person kills with a baseball bat, do we outlaw baseball bats? If a person kills someone with a hammer, do we outlaw hammers? If a person kills someone with their car, do we outlaw cars? Can you see how insane this argument is?

Here's a novel idea, how about we make people RESPONSIBLE for their own actions? How about that? How about we make guns easier for law abiding people to carry so that the nutcases will think twice before doing something stupid because they know there will probably be someone nearby with a gun who will be able to stand against them. How about we do away with "Gun Free" zones so that criminals will no longer have a legal hunting zone. By having gun free zones, you are in fact insuring that if there is a nutcase out there who wishes to do harm, that he will have the ability to do so unimpaired in these zones. How about arming our teachers so that when a nutcase wants to go on a school shooting, there will be someone there who can prevent or minimize the loss of life. These are just a few "How Abouts" to ponder.

The Bowing of America

President Obama recently made the ultimate submissive gesture to another foreign leader.

On April 8th, 2009, Obama was visiting Saudi Arabia and while meeting the King, he made a deep bow towards the king. No American president in history has ever subjugated the American people or the country to another country. This was the ultimate insult to both our country and the American people.

It has been reported by the White House initially that Obama was picking a piece of lint off of his pant leg. Later, when it was shown that the American people were not accepting that explanation they came out with another explanation stating that he was shaking hands with the king with both hands and because he is so much taller than the king, it appeared to the observer that he was bowing. I suggest you go to the numerous videos located on YouTube and make up your own mind.

I personally see him bowing deeply. I also think that people better start rising up and contacting their Representatives concerning all these seemingly independent snafus the President is committing with International Dignitaries, but are most certainly connected. Just three that come to mind. 1, The gift of Videos and toy models to Prime Minister Brown, 2, Giving an IPOD to the Queen of England and now 3, Bowing to a foreign leader. Individually, you might make the case that these are just stupid blunders. But, put them all together and it shows a pattern of lowering the prestige of the Country and the Presidency to foreign leaders.

Make up your own minds, the information is out there. Earl

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Being in the right place

I want to relay a story I recently heard that I think makes a point of what people are going through right now as it relates to the economy and what it ultimately means. I hope this story is as inspirational to you as it was to me.

Sgt Greg Stubey is a Special Forces soldier who was injured in Afghanistan by a RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade). Sgt Stubey was saved by another Special Forces soldier, it is this soldier the story is ultimately about.

Sgt Stubey was an instructor at the Special Forces Medic Training course. He was the person who made the decision weather a soldier was passed or failed from the Medic training. The soldier who saved Sgt Stubey's life was a soldier who went through training with Sgt Stubey. After going through all the initial training that is required of all Special Forces personnel and then going on to the Advanced training which was the Medic training, this soldier was told he was not being passed. He had failed the course.

After the initial disappointment of not making it passed, he asked Sgt Stubey what was his options. Sgt Stubey told him there were only two. He could either go back to his line unit or he could go through the Medic training all over again. Having the mindset of a Special Forces operator, he chose to go through it again instead of giving up. Sgt Stubey was even harder on him the second time. It eventually got to be so bad that about half way through the training, the soldier asked Sgt Stubey what his problem was with him. Sgt Strubey's reply was he had no problem with him, he just does not believe this soldier has the ability to save a life. He went on to tell him that he might very well have to save someones life, it could even be his (Sgt Stubey's), and he was not going to pass someone who he didn't feel could do the job. He went on to tell him to do the work and earn the right. The soldier did do the work, and did go on to wear the Special Forces tab.

On his first assignment, he was assigned the Sgt Stubey in Afghanistan. On the first mission, an RPG went through the Humvee that was carrying Sgt Stubey. The rocket went into Sgt Stubey from the rear and during it's flight through Sgt Stubey, spilled the majority of it's fuel into Sgt Stubey. Sgt Stubey was blown out of the Humvee where his leg was blown off by the explosion. He also had his intestines hanging out of him as he lay their. The soldier who he would not pass because he did not want him going unprepared was the soldier who ran to his aid. The only thing he was able to say to him before passing out was "no hard feeling, right?). This same soldier was responsible for saving Sgt Stubey's life.

The reason I tell this story is because there are many people out their who are going through incredible hardships right now. Many people are losing their homes, their jobs. their fortunes. Maybe, just maybe, these people are being positioned before the ultimate problems with the economy and the country come to a head. Maybe it is these people who will be the ones who will be responsible for helping the masses cope with the coming trials, because they have already gone through them and can attest to the fact that people will survive. If nothing else, it should give you great inspiration to know that you can face incredible odds and still succeed.

Stay positive and continue the good fight. Earl

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Possible Changes

Yesterday I was telling you about what is happening in our government and I told you I would send out a list of possible changes that could be made that would make our Country more in line with what our founding fathers designed it to be. So here it goes.

First, I would like Term Limits. I was originally against Term Limits because I felt that there needed to be people in Washington who knew how the system worked and could navigate within it. I now believe it is exactly that reason that we need Term Limits and I mean in every Branch. In the House of Representatives we need a maximum of Two limits, either in succession or separate. In the Senate we Need One Term and it needs to be restructured to a single Four your Term instead of the Six year Term they now enjoy. The President needs to only be able to have a Single Term but that Term needs to be extended to Six Years. The reason for all these changes in the Terms is because for one, the people who are now serving are only worried about one thing, that is how to get re-elected. If we place limits on how many terms they can serve, then they will do the best they can do for the good of the Country, rather than whats best for them so they can get re-elected. As far as the President goes, by making it a Single Term with Six years, you are eliminating the extended campaigning and out of control spending that is going on as it pertains to the Electoral process. The President will have more time to do the work he has been hired to do and have less incentive to pass legislation that would hamper or hurt the country because he or she would know going in that they are going to have to go back into the private sector in a short period of time. Furthermore, I would suggest that this service be just that, Service. There would no longer be lifetime benefits associated with the service. The person serving would make a salary and benefits, but both would cease upon completion on their service. There would no longer be lifetime politicians. I would add to that the the Supreme Court Justices would no longer have the protection of lifetime appointment, such as they have now. I would require the Justices to have the same term limits that the Senate has, and that one of the requirement of a Supreme Court Justice be, that they are Constitutional Scholars who understand the Constitution and the formation of the Country.

Next, There would no longer be allowed any Special Interest Lobbyist. I feel that these lobbyist are one of the main reasons for the corruption we now have in Washington. No, The members of Congress will do what their constituents placed them their for, not what the lobbyist want.

Next, We would go to a Flat Tax. This means that everyone would pay the same amount percentage wise, regardless of your income. Included in this would be the elimination of any and all tax deductions and loopholes. There would no longer be a requirement for tax filing because the flat tax would be automatically taken from you paychecks like it already is, except in this case, there would be no W-2s or W-4s. Everyone and Every Business would pay the same amount in percentages. I feel that a very good percentage which I feel would give the government all the funds it needs to perform it's duties as described in the Constitution is 18%.

Next, the Dismantling of the I.R.S. This would take some time as it would have to be done as the Flat Tax is implemented. No longer would the American People have to worry about the I.R.S. being used as a weapon against them. That is exactly what it has been designed to be. Nobody can be clean in their taxes, when the program is over 88 thousand pages in length. There will always be a way for the I.R.S. to come after you if need be.

Next, Social Security, Prescription Drugs, Medicare. These are all programs in which the Government overstepped it;s authority. These programs would be phased out through a generation. The people who are now over the age of 18 would continue to get these benefits, as promised by the government, but at a much decreased amount. In addition, the next generation just coming into the workforce would have to continue to pay into the Social Security Program to assist with the promises of the past. But, they would also be given allowances to place income into their own retirement programs. this is the only way I can see to get the country out of the 56 Trillion Dollar Welfare Program we have found ourselves in. In addition to the allowance given to the next generation, I would also require the implementation of Financial Planning and Retirement planning into all the Public School Systems. This would ensure that everyone would have the knowledge needed to plan for their own retirement.

Next, Public School overhaul. Our schools would go into a Voucher System in which every parent would be able to decide which public school they wanted their children to attend. This would make competition automatic for the school systems and would require the Teachers to step up and perform. We have great teachers who I personally feel are underpaid for what they do. But included in those are some who are deadbeats and are protected by the teacher's union and by Tenure. By allowing vouchers, parents can out the schools and teachers who are sub par by the choice they make as to which school their children attend. But, if a parent chooses to have their children attend a school which fall outside their districts, they would be responsible for getting their children to and from school. There will not be any additional burden placed upon the schools to get children outside their districts to school. This falls under Personal Responsibility of the parents.

These are just some of the ideas I have had in which we could turn this country around. I would really like to hear some of yours. Please respond to this email and let me know what you think of these ideas and what ideas you have that could help us get this country back onto to road of greatness she once enjoyed.

As always, keep fighting the good fight. Wake up you neighbors. Earl

Friday, March 27, 2009

Divide and Conquerq

I think it is about time that someone tells you of the history of what is happening in our country today.

There are two other times in recent history that the idea of divide and conquer has been used on an entire country. It might be better to state it as "Class Warfare", but we will go with divide and conquer for this discussion for simplicity sake.

In Russia, in the late 18Th century and early 19Th century, the Russian people were going through tough economic times. Along came a man, very persuasive, charming and articulate. This man, ran and was elected to the position of Leader of the Soviet Union. After being elected, he started the "Command Economy", which was a five year plan. During this time, he started making statements that the leaders of the corporations were the cause for all the economic trouble the Russian Economy was going through. At the same time, he started the same accusations against the farmers, stating it was their fault that the Russian people were going hungry, because the farmers were getting rich off of the work of the Russian people. Because Stalin had such a command presence and because he was able to bring fear and hunger in with the disenfranchisement, the Russian people fell for the divide and conquer plan. Their was a great uprising in Russia, the citizenry went out and killed all the business owners and all the farmers. Stalin then gave all the businesses and all the farms to the people. Needless to say, the people did not know how to run business and did not know how to run a farm. Within just a couple of years, Russia had collapsed into chaos. Their were mass Starvation's occurring throughout the Russian Empire until a young, fledgling country came to their aid, that country was The United States. This is a brief explanation of what happened in the Soviet Union due to the divide and conquer technique used by their leadership. To read the whole story, go to

Now, the second instance. Their was born a Austrian born man who in 1933 became the leader of Germany. The man's name is Adolph Hitler. Most people think that Hitler was German born, but they would be wrong, he was born in Austria in 1889.

Hitler became Chancellor in 1933 and quickly established a Totalitarian and Fascist Dictatorship. He started blaming all the trouble Germany was having a specific group of people, the Jews. throughout the Second World War, Hitler systematically eliminated the lives of over 6 million Jews. This is not the worst part, in that same period of time, he and the Nazi regime was estimated to have killed over 17 million civilians. Again, he was able to accomplish this by using the divide and conquer mentality to breed hatred against one segment of population so that the civilian population would be distracted by anger, therefore not watch what was happening with their own country. Go to

Now to present times. Here in the United States, the people are again being divided by hatred. First it was color, Black against White. Then when it seemed that we had made great steps toward bringing the races together, they again use the divide technique to keep us separated. This time it is Class Warfare. The Rich against the Poor. We have always been a country that knew that we had the opportunity to achieve whatever level of success our drive and motivation could carry us to. But in recent times, we have be told by our politicians that we can no longer achieve these dreams unless the Government gives them to us. Now they ( the Government ) is using the Rich as the escape goats to maintain their power over the populous. The government is saying that it is the Wealthiest people's fault the the economy is in the shape it is in. This could not be further from the truth.

Let me ask you, when was the last time you were hired by a poor person. When was the last time you needed assistance and the poor person gave you the help you needed. I am not putting down the poor. I am saying that the poor cannot provide jobs, they cannot be charitable. WE are villianizing the very people who have made this country great. Do you know that more that eighty percent of millionaires are self made? This means that they too, started out poor, but decided they were not going to remain there. They worked hard and overcame immense challenges, both personal and professional, to achieve the level of success they now enjoy.

Now, we have an administration who is telling us that is this "groups" fault for the shape our economy is in. Does this sound familiar to the two incidents I explained above? The wealthy are not the cause, they are the cure. We need to hold the politicians accountable for their actions in this economic crises. If it were not for the openly hostile legislation they have passed against business, if it were not for the laws that they have passed to make it nearly impossible for business to be competitive in this country, I do not think we would be in the shape we are in.

Our leaders for decades, on both sides of the political isle, have made it increasingly difficult for businesses to operate in this country. Now the the country is going through the hardships due to their legislation, they want to blame the business owners for the problems. Again, do you see any similarities?

We need to overhaul our Congress and Senate. In my next letter, I will give you my views on how we can fix our Congress and our Country. Until then, keep up the good fight. Earl

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A.I.G. Update

Yesterday it was found that the protest that the bulk of the main stream media were covering concerning the A.I.G. bonuses were fraudulent.

The protest that were seen outside the A.I.G. headquarters were not your everyday citizens who were upset over the bonuses these executives were receiving. No, these people were union members of the "Service Industry Union". If this union sounds familiar to you, it should. This is the union who protested and spent untold amounts of money in Nevada so that the voting commission would have to place voting machines in the casinos so that their workers could vote and not have to leave work to do so. This was significant because if not for that particular voting block, Obama would not have won Nevada in the election. Now, believe what you want, but I do not believe for a moment that it is a coincidence that it is the same union that portrays itself as the everyday person out in front of A.I.G protesting these bonuses. I believe this was a favor that was paid back for the Nevada voting machine favor.

Next, it was portrayed all over the main stream media that there were bus tours and protest of A.I.G. executives homes, protest against the receipt of the bonuses given to the A.I.G. executives. The coverage of these protests would lead you to believe that it was the everyday person who was demonstrating their dissatisfaction over the bonuses. Again, not true. In fact, the bus tours and demonstrations were organized, planned, and paid for by Acorn. Again, the name might ring a bell. It should! This is the same organization (non-profit status) that had over a dozen lawsuits filed against it in over a dozen states in association with voter fraud. Now we find this same organization is faking the rage of the American people against A.I.G.

One other thing about Acorn. Another thing that the majority of people in the country do not know is that the census count has been moved from the non partisan accounting office to the White House. What does this mean to you? It means that when they do the new census, which directs how districts are formed and how many representatives a particular district receives, it is now at the sole discretion of the White House. (Now I am sure there will be no fraudulent counts going on). Oh, did I forget to mention that "Acorn" has been assigned by the White House to assist in the count of the census. Again, I'm sure there is nothing to be concerned about!!!

People, please for the love of God, WAKE UP!!!!! The way your country votes, the way it selects it;s elected representatives and the country itself is being hijacked right out from underneath you.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Another Supreme Court Ruling

I just wanted to let you know what the Supreme Court voted today, I swear this is true.

They voted today to make it against the Constitution to say the word pray, and or prayer in public schools. The reason they gave for this ruling is because if you say the word, then you have to explain what it means and that violates the seperation of state and church.

This is such a crock!!! You people better get off your butts and start contacting your legislature and get involved, otherwise, not only are you going to lose your rights, you are also going to lose the ability to say anything. Remember, those who control the language, control the argument! Earl Beebe

The Alamo

I am sending this out because I think there are many that believe they are alone in their beliefs of what this country is supposed to be. Evermore, I think many people believe that their voices are going unheeded or ignored. The following is a little lengthy but worth the read. Please do so, it took me a while to get the information for you but I think at the end of it you will hopefully feel more connected to the rest of us who are continuing the fight.

Most people have heard of "The Alamo", but most do not know the whole story behind it. So here it goes The Alamo was not a fort, it was a mission. It was turned into a fort for the coming battle with Santa Ana's Army. When the battle of the Alamo began there were more that 4000 soldiers in Santa Ana's Army. Do you know how many Texans there were at the Alamo? There were 188. Do you know what the battle of the Alamo was about? Texas had just declared its independence and was forming it's own Republic, it's own Country. Just a few weeks after the declaration, Santa Ana gave Commander Travis the ultimatum to either give up or his Army would encompass The Alamo and it would be taken by force. Again, there were more than 4000 soldiers in Santa Ana's Army and only 188 Texans in the Alamo, that is about 20 to 1 odds. After the first 24 hours of continued bombardment, Santa Ana sent a request for surrender to Commander Travis. Commander Travis responded to Santa Ana that in the 24 hour bombardment, he had not lost a single man, had suffered no losses. He went on to say that he had no intention of surrendering The Alamo.

After a weeks of fighting, Commander Travis sent a letter to Sam Houston to request reinforcements, stating that he knew Sam Houston was facing problems of his own and to send help when he could. The fight went on for another 3 days and Commander Travis sent one final plea to Sam Houston. Travis stated in his letter that he intended to fight as long as possible but understood that they would not be able to hold without reinforcements. He told Sam Houston that if they were to parish before help arrived, to look out for his son. He went on to say that if Santa Ana was defeated, then his death would mean untold fortune for his son and for all Texans. But, if Texas would fall, that his son would have the honor of knowing that his father stood toe to toe for the freedom Texas held, if it would have survived.

Under the flag of Texas, Travis wrote, give me liberty, or give me death. After 13 days of fighting, The Alamo finally fell. After 13 days, all 188 men that fought at the Alamo were dead, and over 600 of Santa Ana's men perished. Sam Houston was able to use the time the men at the Alamo gave him, to raise an all volunteer army and go on to defeat Santa Ana. Texas did become it's own Republic, it's own Country for a little while before agreeing to become part of the United States.

Most people who hear this story say yea, but they lost. Did they? I think they made the ultimate sacrifice in order to buy time for Sam Houston to raise an army and defeat Santa Ana. I think the men at the Alamo knew exactly what they were doing and what the outcome was going to be, but decided that the formation of their own country was worth more than their own lives. I tell this story to give you hope, that your voice is being heard. We may not be seeing the results as quickly as we would like, but we are giving the good people who are in Washington time to gather alliances and formulate a plan to get our country back on track. Do not give up, do not surrender. Just because you feel you are one voice, one person, do not stop. Continue to voice your views, continue to call your representatives and make your voice heard. WE THE PEOPLE, the first three words in the Constitution, these words are there for a reason. It is WE THE PEOPLE that make up this country and it is WE THE PEOPLE who will take it back. Remember, you are not alone! Thanks for reading. Earl

Al Gore tell children not to listen to their parents.

I wanted to let you know what happened with 3000 children and Al Gore during the Presidential Inauguration. If this does not get your blood boiling, I don't know what will. I am sending this to inform you of what is being taught in the schools and how they are subverting your power as a parent. Please pay attention and stay informed as to what is being taught to your children.

In a nutshell, Al Gore was speaking with 3000 children ages 12 and up about Global Warming. He went on to say that there are some things that these children are smarter than their parents in certain things. Can you imagine someone telling your 12 year old child that they are smarter than you are and that they do not need to listen to you regarding these things because they know better than you.

Click on the link below and listen to the entire audio. It comes from a trusted source so you don't have to worry about virus's. Please let me know what you think and pass this email along to all your friends and family so they can become aware. Earl

A.I.G. Ruse

I want to address the uprising that has been occurring since the release of the information concerning the bonus's given to certain AIG executives. First all, let me say that if the executives that are part of AIG that is failing are getting these bonuses, I am against rewarding failure.

Now on to the meat of it. AIG has seven separate departments under the umbrella name of AIG. Only two of them are having the financial problems that is bringing it down, the rest of the departments remain profitable. So when you hear about AIG executives getting bonuses, the first thing that needs to be considered is whether the executives are part of the corporation that is still a viable, profit making division or are they part of the divisions that are causing the trouble.

The real story though, is all the executives are entitled to these bonuses regardless of which division they belong to. Let me explain. When congress passed the stimulus bill, Chris Dodd, (the Senator of Connecticut) purposely placed in this bill an exception stating that any contracts that were in place on or before the date in the bill ( sometime in February), would have to be paid their bonuses agreed to in their existing contracts with AIG. Furthermore, Chris Dodd was the number on recipient of campaign contributions from AIG, with Obama being second. Now, because it has become politically unattractive to be associated with this company, Chris Dodd was the first to come out against these bonuses and demand repayment. Again, it is politicians playing politics. They could have cared less about these bonuses if the people would not have started rising up against them.

But, the people are addressing the wrong issue. They are going after these 63 people who received these bonuses instead of going after the politicians who, for one, wrote the exception into the bill in the first place. and two, the majority of the politicians in Washington who did not even read this bill before signing it into law. If they had, they would have known about the exception and would have not had it included in the bill prior to signing it. So we have one of two things happening with the politicians in Washington. One, they are totally inept, by not reading this bill prior to signing it, what else is in this bill that is going to come back to bite them? and Two, they are corrupt by knowing of this exception and allowing it to remain in place. In either case, it is bad news for We The People. In addition to the above, the politicians in Washington are now trying to force these bonus earners to return their legally received bonuses or else they are going to try and recover the money by implementing a special tax in the amount of 100%.

Here is the problem with that. One, these are legally signed contracts by the company and the individuals long before the crises that they are facing. These contracts legally binding and if the government did not want these bonuses to be pain, they should have let the company declare chapter 11 bankruptcy in order to void the contracts and renegotiate new ones. But by giving them bailout money, they in essence forced these companies to uphold the contracts and pay the bonuses.

And most importantly two, it is against the first article of the Constitution for the government to impose a tax on a specific part of the population and it is against the first article of the Constitution for the government to interfere with legal contracts between private citizens as well as establish laws that would penalize citizens retroactively. What this means is that the government can not pass a law that states that as a gun owner, you are now responsible for any deaths that have occurred for the past fifty years and they are now going to retroactively charge you taxes for all the medical payments for medical treatment that gunshot victims received over the past fifty years. This was put into the Constitution for the sole purpose to prevent the government from doing what is trying to do right now with these citizens receiving these bonuses. Please pass this along to all your friends and family and co-workers so they understand that their anger is misplaced. It is not the employees of AIG that they should be angry at, but Chris Dodd and the members of our government who intentionally forced this company to pay these bonuses in the first place. Thanks, and keep fighting the good fight. Earl

Border War

I want to address the Border between the United States and Mexico. There is a war going on in Mexico and it is not being reported on by the main stream media here in the United States. Why does this matter to us here in America? The following will explain why it matters and why you should be on the phone and fax, contacting your representatives of both the House and the Senate to let them know how you feel about the border being protected, and fenced.

Let me start out by saying that whenever this subject is approached within the main stream media, they always resort to name calling such as Bigget, hater, prejudice,etc. These different names are used by design to quiet the decent of the population and those who would try and make a serious argument for border security. Let me say right now that those of us who believe in border security are none of the names listed above, but we are one name that was not mentioned. We are Americans.

In Mexico, there is a war going on between the Mexican Drug Cartels and the Mexican Government. This was has been going on for the past couple of years but has escalated in the last 16 months to a scary level. In 2008, there were more that 4000 killings in Juarez Mexico. Most people will say so what, what has that got to do with us, Well, Juarez is the border city of El Paso, TX. The only thing that separates the two cities is a small border crossing and a even smaller creek. By the way, out of the 4000 who were killed, there were many hundreds who were beheaded and their heads hung on stakes to intimidate the law enforcement officers who they were fighting. In addition, many of those who were beheaded were the officers who was fighting these Cartels. Now, in the first three months of 2009, Juarez is on target to double the number of killings from the previous year. Now remember, this is right across the border (open) from a major U.S. city. The name of the most violent Cartel is Las Zetas. The reason this Cartel is not only the most violent but the most worrisome for the United States is because our military trained many members of it. Let me explain. A few years ago, the United States and Mexico formed a joint venture to assist Mexico with the growing drug problem and the growing Cartels. In this venture, we sent our Special Forces to Mexico to train their drug-enforcement officers in Special Forces Tactics in order for them to gain an advantage when they went up against these heavily armed militia type cartels. Well, as these things usually go, the men that were trained found it more profitable to hire their services out to the Cartels rather than working for the Mexican Government. Therefore, the men soon went AWOL from the drug enforcement service and started working for the Cartels. Not only that, but in addition to assisting the Cartels in the smuggling operations, they were also training other members of the cartels in the Special Forces Tactics that they were taught. As of this day, they estimate that there are several thousand members of the Las Zetas cartel who have this Special Forces Training. The police are no match for these guys. Now the Mexican military is also involved in the war on the cartels, but again they are no match of the member of the cartels who have this specialized training. In addition to drug running, the Las Zetas are believe to be assisting Al Quieda is getting across our open borders by providing security for the coyotes who are bringing them across. It is believed that they have assisted in the bringing in of several hundred members of Al Quieda in the last several years.

Now on to the bad news. It is now believed that the following cartels are trying to form some sort of truce so as to consolidate their forces into one large military type force. 1, Las Zetas, 2, Sinaloa Cartel, 3, Tijuana Cartel, 4, Juarez Cartel. and 5, Beltran Leyva Organization. These 5 cartels joining forces is a disaster for the Mexican Government. They are having a serious problem handling the cartels separately, it will be a nightmare if they are able to join forces. These cartels are now in over thirty states here in the United States had have been connected in assassinations of drug dealers who have not paid the cartels. Our border patrol has given the government an outline in which it states that this is the most important threat that our country faces. As usual, the government is turning a blind eye to the report. I don't know if it due to incompetence or if it is because they have some sort of agreement with Mexico concerning the Border. Whichever it is, is borders on treason that our government is allowing our citizens to face this kind of threat when it is the governments number one responsibility to protect our citizens. All these stimulus packages and spending bills are not their primary responsibility, it is defense of our country, infrastructure and rule of law, that's it. It is dropping the ball on their main responsibility. Please contact your representatives and let them know that this is totally unacceptable and we want our borders secured. Do not let people intimidate you by calling you a racist, or a bigget or a hate monger or anti Mexican or whatever. Stand up against those who will use this type of language to silence you. Stand up for your country before it is no longer yours.

Now for the last thing, the number one city for kidnappings is Mexico City. Do you know what the number two is? It is Phoenix, AZ. Not somewhere in Columbia or even in Central or South America, but Phoenix. They had 359 reported kidnappings in 2008 and it is estimated that there were two to three as many that were not reported either because of them being illegals or associated with the cartels or drug dealers. The point is, that the Cartels are responsible for these kidnappings. It is the next profit center for them. They kidnap someone and then ransom them back to their families. If the families cannot pay, the person is never heard from again. The Phoenix police are saying it is mostly the above mentioned people who are mostly being kidnapped, but believe me, when it comes to money, how long do you think it will be before they start kidnapping children from schools or wives from shopping centers. my guess is not long. These are just some things that you need to be aware of when it comes to our border. Continue to fight the good fight. Earl

Stem Cell Research reversal/stimulus vote/Blacklist

First up, I want to address the reversal of the bill signed by President Bush. If you are unaware of what I am talking about, I am talking about the bill that President Bush signed which prevented the U.S. Government from funding Stem Cell Research and in particular, eliminated the ability of researchers from using frozen or newly fertilized Embryos. This week, Obama reversed that bill and is now allowing government funded research on these Embryos. In addition, this reversal also allows for the experimenting with cloning. Something even some of the most starch supporters of Abortion have come out against. Just thought it would be something you might like to know.

2nd, The stimulus bill that Obama just signed. I thought that when Obama was on the campaign trail he said that this would be the most honest, the most transparent and the most Bi-partisan administration in recent history. So much for those promises. This bill that he just signed, was formed without any input from the Republican party, not one member of the Republicans in either the House of Representatives or the Senate was allowed to have any input into it. It was wholly written and submitted by Nancy Palozi and the other Democrats in those two branches. Continuing on with this subject, this bill went to vote without a single person in either party even reading it. The final draft was finished around midnight and was put to a vote on noon the next day. This stimulus bill was 1011 pages in length. Both parties voted on this without having the slightest idea what they were even signing. Should be pretty scary to you, having people in office who will vote on things that directly impact your pocket without even looking at what it is they are signing. Now, this very day, it was reported that the congress and the President are looking at another stimulus package. We cannot afford to continue to spend this kind of money. When will the people wake up and stand together against this congress and president. When will people have had enough of the government giveaways. Remember, Socialism is only one step away from Communism.

Third, Obama came out earlier this week and made the statement that if you listen to Rush Limbaugh, you have no place in his administration. Not only that, but within this same week made the comment that he is willing to talk to the moderate members of the Taliban. So unless I am missing something, he would rather talk to terrorist than to conservatives. Again, this should cause you as an American great concern. That the President of the United States is openly blacklisting a segment of our population because of their political standings. Can anyone remember the McCarthy Hearings or the Woodrow Wilson doctrine? And lastly, almost for the entire week the media has been hounding Rush Limbaugh for his comments that he hopes that Obama fails. He went on to say that what he means by that is everything Obama is doing is leading our country straight to Socialism and he for one hopes Obama fails. The media went into a feeding frenzy over this statement and would not let it go until today. Now, lets back up to 2006. In a Fox Dynamic Poll, when asked about President Bush, 51% of Democrats stated that they wanted the President to fail, not his policies, but the man. I for one think this is much more reprehensible that what Rush said, but it was not even a blip on the main street media's radar at that time. Not only that, is was openly taunted by the democrats at the time.

U.S.S Cole

This is an update to what is happening in Washington and the Obama Administration.

Late last week, Obama told the judge hearing the case of the man who planned the bombing of the USS Cole to postpone the hearing for 4 more months. The judge denied Obama's order stating that Obama had no jurisdiction in the case and had no authority to order the hearing postponed, furthermore, he stated there was no just cause for the postponement and that the trial would proceed as planned. So, what did Obama do? Thursday afternoon, Obama dropped the charges against the defendant. What he actually did was to drop the charges without prejudice. What this means is the charges can be refiled and the person can go on to be tried at a later date. (Although, with all the things going on in the world, does anyone believe this won't get lost in the fray?)

Does this scare the hell out of anyone but me. The President of the United States purposely sidestepped the rule of law and the separation of powers because the judge had the balls to follow the law. I guess this is what all of the people who voted for Obama wanted when they voted for change. This should scare you. When the President of the United States can circumvent the law, what else is he willing to do when he does not get his way? He stated that he still wants this person tried, but in a civilian court and not by a military tribunal. I thought the Military Tribunal was formed for exactly this purpose.

Please pass this along, everyone, Democrat and Republican, Independent and Libertarian needs to know in what direction this new president is taking us.

Furthermore, the past 4 nominations for cabinet members have had serious tax problems. I.E. They didn't pay them, and still Obama refused to withdrawal his nominations. Also, he has resulted to fear tactics in order to try and push through the stimulus (oops, I'm sorry, the spending) package. Making the comment that if we don't pass the package immediately, The United States may never recover. Who does he think he is talking to? The American people can do anything if the government gets out of their way. There is nothing the Country cannot do if left to the people, but when the government gets involved, it only gets worse. I guess this is the type of change we can expect. Get prepared, tough times are coming. Earl

Founding Father's quotes/ economy

I am starting out this email with a couple of quotes from our founding fathers. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do and recognize how far we have drifted from them.

1, I am for doing what is good to the poor, but I different in opinion in the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. ( BEN FRANKLIN)

2, Government is not reason, not elegance, government is brute force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master. (GEORGE WASHINGTON)

3, When people find a way to vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic. (BEN FRANKLIN)

4, The Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those willing to work and give it to those who will not. (THOMAS JEFFERSON).

Here is something that I am sure most if not all of you have not heard before but yet impacted everyone's lives. Around September 15th this comes from a Congressman from Pennsylvania during a interview on cspan. It is titled " the day the economy almost died". On this date there was a meltdown of the money market funds. This is what started the the current financial crises that we are facing. Around 11:00 am, the federal reserve noticed a tremendous draw down of the money market accounts to the tune of 550 BILLION DOLLARS in the span of 1 to 2 hours. The treasury opened up the window and pumped in 105 BILLION Dollars into the system but quickly realized they could not stop it. It is considered in the halls of the government the electronic version of a run on the banks. They decided to close down the money market accounts for the day, and announced a guarantee of 250 thousand dollars per account so there would not be any further panic. If they had not done that, and would have allowed it to continue, their estimation was that by 2:00 pm, 550 TRILLION DOLLARS would have been drawn out of the United States and would have collapsed the entire economy of the United States. Furthermore, with 24 Hours, the world economy would have collapsed. This was done purposefully by someone! We still do not know who did this. All we know is that with the span of about an hour, 550 Billion dollars left the United States. Changing subjects now, It looks like the stimulus ( spending ) package is going to pass the Senate. It has been reduced from 925 Billion Dollars to 890 Billion Dollars. I do not think there are enough people who are awake to call Washington and make their voices heard and so the spending package is going to pass and the debt it will place on our citizens will be passed not only to our children but our grandchildren as well. It has taken us 200+ years to accumulate the amount of deficit we are producing since September. To give you an idea of how much a Trillion Dollars is, If you take thousand dollar bills and stack them on top of each other, you will have a stack over 68 miles high. To put it another way, The debt we are putting on our children is equivalent to having spent 4 million dollars a day every since the birth of our nation, we would still have an additional 50 years of spending before we would match it. Think about the immenseness of these numbers. We will never dig ourselves out of this.

Additionally, there is a part in this bill that initiates the integration of Universal Health Care. What does this mean? The government will have all medical records from every doctor in the United States centrally located at an office within the government and whenever your doctor decides you need a specific test done, he or she must first consult this government advisor who will not be part of any medical establishment, but rather another Washington Bureaucrat. The advisor will have to say weather or not you can have that test because the government is paying for it. Furthermore, if you decide to appeal the decision of the advisor, it can and will take up to 18 months for them to reach a decision concerning your care.

This is not a conspiracy, this is in the spending bill that the Senate just passed. There are many, many more items in this bill that deserve mentioning but I am just alerting you to one of them. It is up to you to do your own homework and decide if socialized medicine is really what you want. Furthermore, it is up to you to decide if you want your country to be socialist or not. It is already there, but it can be turned around if enough people wake up and find their voices. You inherited a free country, it is your responsibility to ensure your children have the same. Do your part, call your legislature and spread this information to all your friends and acquaintances. Earl;