Thursday, March 26, 2009

A.I.G. Update

Yesterday it was found that the protest that the bulk of the main stream media were covering concerning the A.I.G. bonuses were fraudulent.

The protest that were seen outside the A.I.G. headquarters were not your everyday citizens who were upset over the bonuses these executives were receiving. No, these people were union members of the "Service Industry Union". If this union sounds familiar to you, it should. This is the union who protested and spent untold amounts of money in Nevada so that the voting commission would have to place voting machines in the casinos so that their workers could vote and not have to leave work to do so. This was significant because if not for that particular voting block, Obama would not have won Nevada in the election. Now, believe what you want, but I do not believe for a moment that it is a coincidence that it is the same union that portrays itself as the everyday person out in front of A.I.G protesting these bonuses. I believe this was a favor that was paid back for the Nevada voting machine favor.

Next, it was portrayed all over the main stream media that there were bus tours and protest of A.I.G. executives homes, protest against the receipt of the bonuses given to the A.I.G. executives. The coverage of these protests would lead you to believe that it was the everyday person who was demonstrating their dissatisfaction over the bonuses. Again, not true. In fact, the bus tours and demonstrations were organized, planned, and paid for by Acorn. Again, the name might ring a bell. It should! This is the same organization (non-profit status) that had over a dozen lawsuits filed against it in over a dozen states in association with voter fraud. Now we find this same organization is faking the rage of the American people against A.I.G.

One other thing about Acorn. Another thing that the majority of people in the country do not know is that the census count has been moved from the non partisan accounting office to the White House. What does this mean to you? It means that when they do the new census, which directs how districts are formed and how many representatives a particular district receives, it is now at the sole discretion of the White House. (Now I am sure there will be no fraudulent counts going on). Oh, did I forget to mention that "Acorn" has been assigned by the White House to assist in the count of the census. Again, I'm sure there is nothing to be concerned about!!!

People, please for the love of God, WAKE UP!!!!! The way your country votes, the way it selects it;s elected representatives and the country itself is being hijacked right out from underneath you.

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