There were a couple of shootings over this past weekend. I fear that these shooting are going to be used as ammunition against legal gun owners in the pursuit of Gun Control and eventually Gun Confiscation.
Immediately after the shooting on Saturday that killed four police officers, the liberal bloggers were immediately spreading the rumors on their blogs that the shooter was a conservative and that he was disenfranchised by listening to conservative talk ( can you say Fairness Doctrine?) shows and news like Fox. They went on to mention Glenn Beck as being responsible for this guys actions.
Later, after the blogs were discovered, there were some who went to the video on YouTube to see if in fact it was true about Glenn Beck being instrumental in stroking this guys anger. The answer is unequivocally NO. The shooter was actually upset with Glenn Beck because he was telling people NOT to think of using violence to express their unhappiness with the current Administration or current Economic affairs. He was a nutcase who decided he wanted to shoot people and it was no persons fault that he decided to act on those thoughts.
Beware though, they will start using instances such as these to implement their long awaited policies of Gun Control and Fairness Doctrine. The people of this country need to make themselves aware of what is coming, or they will find themselves slaves to Socialistic Government. If you doubt this, just look back five or ten years. Do you recognize this country as the same one from that time frame? No, it has changed immensely just in that period of time and it is changing even more and more quickly now.
People will try and say it is the ability to have guns that is causing these types of shootings. I have owned guns for many years and can honestly say I have never seen my gun pick itself up and shoot someone. The opposition will say that just having access allows these things to happen. I would argue that by allowing law abiding citizens to arm themselves keeps these types of things from happening much more frequently. I would further argue that if you make guns illegal, only the criminals will have guns (and those of us who the law would make criminals by insuring our safety by acquiring "illegal guns"). In addition, I would argue that this is an insane argument to begin with. IF a person kills with a baseball bat, do we outlaw baseball bats? If a person kills someone with a hammer, do we outlaw hammers? If a person kills someone with their car, do we outlaw cars? Can you see how insane this argument is?
Here's a novel idea, how about we make people RESPONSIBLE for their own actions? How about that? How about we make guns easier for law abiding people to carry so that the nutcases will think twice before doing something stupid because they know there will probably be someone nearby with a gun who will be able to stand against them. How about we do away with "Gun Free" zones so that criminals will no longer have a legal hunting zone. By having gun free zones, you are in fact insuring that if there is a nutcase out there who wishes to do harm, that he will have the ability to do so unimpaired in these zones. How about arming our teachers so that when a nutcase wants to go on a school shooting, there will be someone there who can prevent or minimize the loss of life. These are just a few "How Abouts" to ponder.
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