I want to address the Border between the United States and Mexico. There is a war going on in Mexico and it is not being reported on by the main stream media here in the United States. Why does this matter to us here in America? The following will explain why it matters and why you should be on the phone and fax, contacting your representatives of both the House and the Senate to let them know how you feel about the border being protected, and fenced.
Let me start out by saying that whenever this subject is approached within the main stream media, they always resort to name calling such as Bigget, hater, prejudice,etc. These different names are used by design to quiet the decent of the population and those who would try and make a serious argument for border security. Let me say right now that those of us who believe in border security are none of the names listed above, but we are one name that was not mentioned. We are Americans.
In Mexico, there is a war going on between the Mexican Drug Cartels and the Mexican Government. This was has been going on for the past couple of years but has escalated in the last 16 months to a scary level. In 2008, there were more that 4000 killings in Juarez Mexico. Most people will say so what, what has that got to do with us, Well, Juarez is the border city of El Paso, TX. The only thing that separates the two cities is a small border crossing and a even smaller creek. By the way, out of the 4000 who were killed, there were many hundreds who were beheaded and their heads hung on stakes to intimidate the law enforcement officers who they were fighting. In addition, many of those who were beheaded were the officers who was fighting these Cartels. Now, in the first three months of 2009, Juarez is on target to double the number of killings from the previous year. Now remember, this is right across the border (open) from a major U.S. city. The name of the most violent Cartel is Las Zetas. The reason this Cartel is not only the most violent but the most worrisome for the United States is because our military trained many members of it. Let me explain. A few years ago, the United States and Mexico formed a joint venture to assist Mexico with the growing drug problem and the growing Cartels. In this venture, we sent our Special Forces to Mexico to train their drug-enforcement officers in Special Forces Tactics in order for them to gain an advantage when they went up against these heavily armed militia type cartels. Well, as these things usually go, the men that were trained found it more profitable to hire their services out to the Cartels rather than working for the Mexican Government. Therefore, the men soon went AWOL from the drug enforcement service and started working for the Cartels. Not only that, but in addition to assisting the Cartels in the smuggling operations, they were also training other members of the cartels in the Special Forces Tactics that they were taught. As of this day, they estimate that there are several thousand members of the Las Zetas cartel who have this Special Forces Training. The police are no match for these guys. Now the Mexican military is also involved in the war on the cartels, but again they are no match of the member of the cartels who have this specialized training. In addition to drug running, the Las Zetas are believe to be assisting Al Quieda is getting across our open borders by providing security for the coyotes who are bringing them across. It is believed that they have assisted in the bringing in of several hundred members of Al Quieda in the last several years.
Now on to the bad news. It is now believed that the following cartels are trying to form some sort of truce so as to consolidate their forces into one large military type force. 1, Las Zetas, 2, Sinaloa Cartel, 3, Tijuana Cartel, 4, Juarez Cartel. and 5, Beltran Leyva Organization. These 5 cartels joining forces is a disaster for the Mexican Government. They are having a serious problem handling the cartels separately, it will be a nightmare if they are able to join forces. These cartels are now in over thirty states here in the United States had have been connected in assassinations of drug dealers who have not paid the cartels. Our border patrol has given the government an outline in which it states that this is the most important threat that our country faces. As usual, the government is turning a blind eye to the report. I don't know if it due to incompetence or if it is because they have some sort of agreement with Mexico concerning the Border. Whichever it is, is borders on treason that our government is allowing our citizens to face this kind of threat when it is the governments number one responsibility to protect our citizens. All these stimulus packages and spending bills are not their primary responsibility, it is defense of our country, infrastructure and rule of law, that's it. It is dropping the ball on their main responsibility. Please contact your representatives and let them know that this is totally unacceptable and we want our borders secured. Do not let people intimidate you by calling you a racist, or a bigget or a hate monger or anti Mexican or whatever. Stand up against those who will use this type of language to silence you. Stand up for your country before it is no longer yours.
Now for the last thing, the number one city for kidnappings is Mexico City. Do you know what the number two is? It is Phoenix, AZ. Not somewhere in Columbia or even in Central or South America, but Phoenix. They had 359 reported kidnappings in 2008 and it is estimated that there were two to three as many that were not reported either because of them being illegals or associated with the cartels or drug dealers. The point is, that the Cartels are responsible for these kidnappings. It is the next profit center for them. They kidnap someone and then ransom them back to their families. If the families cannot pay, the person is never heard from again. The Phoenix police are saying it is mostly the above mentioned people who are mostly being kidnapped, but believe me, when it comes to money, how long do you think it will be before they start kidnapping children from schools or wives from shopping centers. my guess is not long. These are just some things that you need to be aware of when it comes to our border. Continue to fight the good fight. Earl
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