Saturday, March 28, 2009

Possible Changes

Yesterday I was telling you about what is happening in our government and I told you I would send out a list of possible changes that could be made that would make our Country more in line with what our founding fathers designed it to be. So here it goes.

First, I would like Term Limits. I was originally against Term Limits because I felt that there needed to be people in Washington who knew how the system worked and could navigate within it. I now believe it is exactly that reason that we need Term Limits and I mean in every Branch. In the House of Representatives we need a maximum of Two limits, either in succession or separate. In the Senate we Need One Term and it needs to be restructured to a single Four your Term instead of the Six year Term they now enjoy. The President needs to only be able to have a Single Term but that Term needs to be extended to Six Years. The reason for all these changes in the Terms is because for one, the people who are now serving are only worried about one thing, that is how to get re-elected. If we place limits on how many terms they can serve, then they will do the best they can do for the good of the Country, rather than whats best for them so they can get re-elected. As far as the President goes, by making it a Single Term with Six years, you are eliminating the extended campaigning and out of control spending that is going on as it pertains to the Electoral process. The President will have more time to do the work he has been hired to do and have less incentive to pass legislation that would hamper or hurt the country because he or she would know going in that they are going to have to go back into the private sector in a short period of time. Furthermore, I would suggest that this service be just that, Service. There would no longer be lifetime benefits associated with the service. The person serving would make a salary and benefits, but both would cease upon completion on their service. There would no longer be lifetime politicians. I would add to that the the Supreme Court Justices would no longer have the protection of lifetime appointment, such as they have now. I would require the Justices to have the same term limits that the Senate has, and that one of the requirement of a Supreme Court Justice be, that they are Constitutional Scholars who understand the Constitution and the formation of the Country.

Next, There would no longer be allowed any Special Interest Lobbyist. I feel that these lobbyist are one of the main reasons for the corruption we now have in Washington. No, The members of Congress will do what their constituents placed them their for, not what the lobbyist want.

Next, We would go to a Flat Tax. This means that everyone would pay the same amount percentage wise, regardless of your income. Included in this would be the elimination of any and all tax deductions and loopholes. There would no longer be a requirement for tax filing because the flat tax would be automatically taken from you paychecks like it already is, except in this case, there would be no W-2s or W-4s. Everyone and Every Business would pay the same amount in percentages. I feel that a very good percentage which I feel would give the government all the funds it needs to perform it's duties as described in the Constitution is 18%.

Next, the Dismantling of the I.R.S. This would take some time as it would have to be done as the Flat Tax is implemented. No longer would the American People have to worry about the I.R.S. being used as a weapon against them. That is exactly what it has been designed to be. Nobody can be clean in their taxes, when the program is over 88 thousand pages in length. There will always be a way for the I.R.S. to come after you if need be.

Next, Social Security, Prescription Drugs, Medicare. These are all programs in which the Government overstepped it;s authority. These programs would be phased out through a generation. The people who are now over the age of 18 would continue to get these benefits, as promised by the government, but at a much decreased amount. In addition, the next generation just coming into the workforce would have to continue to pay into the Social Security Program to assist with the promises of the past. But, they would also be given allowances to place income into their own retirement programs. this is the only way I can see to get the country out of the 56 Trillion Dollar Welfare Program we have found ourselves in. In addition to the allowance given to the next generation, I would also require the implementation of Financial Planning and Retirement planning into all the Public School Systems. This would ensure that everyone would have the knowledge needed to plan for their own retirement.

Next, Public School overhaul. Our schools would go into a Voucher System in which every parent would be able to decide which public school they wanted their children to attend. This would make competition automatic for the school systems and would require the Teachers to step up and perform. We have great teachers who I personally feel are underpaid for what they do. But included in those are some who are deadbeats and are protected by the teacher's union and by Tenure. By allowing vouchers, parents can out the schools and teachers who are sub par by the choice they make as to which school their children attend. But, if a parent chooses to have their children attend a school which fall outside their districts, they would be responsible for getting their children to and from school. There will not be any additional burden placed upon the schools to get children outside their districts to school. This falls under Personal Responsibility of the parents.

These are just some of the ideas I have had in which we could turn this country around. I would really like to hear some of yours. Please respond to this email and let me know what you think of these ideas and what ideas you have that could help us get this country back onto to road of greatness she once enjoyed.

As always, keep fighting the good fight. Wake up you neighbors. Earl

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