Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The U.N.

I have a question to ask. Does anyone know what the U.N. is good for? This is a serious question and I for one would like an answer to it!

The most recent B.S. that the U.N. has done is give Iran a two month extension on the sanctions that were voted on and agreed on. This means that Iran has two more months to continue it's progress on the development of Nuclear Weapons. When are we going to take the country and it's leadership seriously? Also, when are we, the U.S. going to stand up to the U.N. and say we are no longer going to be part of your collection of Thugs and criminals.

I say this after Another U.N. refusal to enforce sanctions which have already been voted on and agreed upon by it's members. The U.N. is nothing other than an organization for dictatorships and countries opposed to the United States to get together with an air of legitimacy. I tell you, this is no respectable organization, and we as the United States should distance ourselves from it. Not only that, we should tell the U.N. that they are no longer welcome in the United States and the the building that the U.N. is now occupying will be destroyed within one month. That gives them plenty of time to find a new home, maybe in Iran, and move their "Organization" there. We do not want them, nor do we need them. I say good ridden to bad luggage.

Just a couple of things that the U.N. had been involved in recently that makes me come to this decision, which I actually came to some time ago. The most recent is the continued appeasal of Iran and the continued delay that have been allowed to happen with this organization at the helm. The longer we allow Iran to proceed with it's Nuclear program the less time there is going to be to respond when the time comes. Make no mistake, Iran has already stated that it wants to destroy Israel and the United States. When Iran has the capability to produce weapons grade plutonium, it will be too late to strike. While their plant is still in the stage of development we have a chance, when it is making Plutonium, we can no longer attack the plant due to the very real possibility of the spread of fallout from the reactor. We need to act now to make sure that they never have the ability to strike Israel, nor the United States for that matter.

Two, the Oil for Food program that ended up being a Oil for Profit for the U.N. program. The key players in this fiasco were Russia, France, and Germany. Do you remember these countries names from somewhere? Let me remind you, they are the three major countries that were vehemently opposed to the United States declaring war on Iraq. Oh yes, and they all three are members of the U.N. Sort of makes you wonder what is really the ultimate plan of the U.N. is doesn't it. These three countries along with the leadership of the U.N. were directly involved in the scandal that has been washed under the U.N. building, this is a corrupt organization that we really need to distance ourselves from.

Third, there has Never been a proposal that the United States has gone to the U.N. for that has been voted for, in every instance the vote has been against us and we have had to make deals with it's members to get them to go along with us. Is this what we call a coalition of friendly countries or is this a coalition of countries trying to blackmail the most powerful country in the world for their own gains. I leave that judgement to each of you.

My personal view of what the sole purpose of the U.N. is as follows. I think they are only assembled for the purpose of preventing the United States from securing itself. I think that they only exist to prohibit or delay the actions our country sees as vital to it's national interest. I think their only purpose is to weaken us to the point where we are subject to attacks from a multiple of directions. Did you also know that most of the members of the U.N. are anti-Israel? In every instance where Israel defended herself after first being attacked, the U.N. has come out with a condemnation of their actions. How can an organization that says it is for the right of every nation to have equal footing in the same breath condemn Israel for defending herself. The Hypocrisy is laughable.

The United States needs to pull out of the U.N. immediately and evict all those countries with offices in that building. We need to stay vigilant in our defense of Israel and our defense of ourselves. If the U.N. and the countries that are members of this terrorist organization are upset by this action, TOO BAD!!! We are the most powerful country on the planet and we can only be defeated by defeating ourselves. Let us stand united and say to the world that our country is special and was designed by Davine Guidance. Let us say we will never cower to the will of these other countries whose only purpose is the downfall of our beloved country.

Talk to you soon. Earl

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