Sunday, September 30, 2007

Military Buildup

I want to address a problem we currently are experiencing and nobody is addressing. I am talking about the age of our military and it's weapon systems.

I know we are presently involved in three wars, the war on terror, the Iraq war, and the war in Afghanistan. I am also aware of the limits that are put on our military due to the number of wars we are presently involved in. I also know that there are several places in which we have soldiers that are acting in an "Advisor" role, meaning there is no declaration of war or conflict but none the less we have soldiers there.

You add to the number of troops and wars that we are involved in with the fact that we have an aging arsenal of military equipment, and we have a recipe for disaster for the first time in our military's history.

The average age of our top jet fighter is 25 years old. The average age of our refueling tankers are 45 years old. We have our planes operating at their limits as far as age and time of service as well as flight time goes. This is a serious problem as I see it. This is the first time in our history that an enemy or possible adversary has a more modern Air Force than our own. I am speaking of course of China.

While we have been busy with Iraq and Afghanistan, China has been literally dumping Billions of dollars into their military. They are filling their skies with the most modern fighters and bombers made by Russia as well as their own manufactures'. They are also spending a fortune on the Anti-Aircraft systems that are being placed all around the perimeter if China. It makes me wonder what does China know that we don't?

It goes back to the old magician's trick which goes something like this. Look at my lovely assistant and don't worry about what I am doing while you are not watching. I think that China is preparing for a war with someone, and I cannot think of anyone other than the United States that would be an adversary worthy of this type of military buildup. I know it is making me very nervous.

Think about it this way. When is the best time to strike a potential enemy? Well, there are two answers really. One, when your enemies attention is diverted from protecting itself, or two, when your enemies forces and equipment are in such a state of disrepair that they are unable to defend themselves from the onslaught. Does one or both of these scenarios sound familiar? I would have to say, unquestionably Yes!!!

Our politicians in Washington need to understand the threat and act accordingly. While everyone is watching and worrying about Iran, China is using that diversion to build up it's military might. We need to start a Major Military Buildup like the one we did during the Cold War with Russia. We need to start aggressively start Modernizing our military before it is too late. We also need to start making it mandatory for all men to serve at least 4 years in the military right out of high school. I know this is going to be VERY unpopular with a lot of people out there, I don't care! I know that our troops are being spread too thin and that there are not enough troops to make the rotations out of the combat zones. There is a price for Freedom and that price is Service.

There are going to be people out there that say the the United States is on a mission to conquest the World. I say to them that the United States has never kept land that it has won in combat! On the contrary, it not only gives back the land that it has fairly won, but in addition, it helps that country rebuild after the was is over. We are a people who value freedom and liberty over everything else and when we go to war, it is to help others know the type of freedom that we enjoy. For anyone to say anything else is just plain wrong and probably has some political motive. We are a God loving and God fearing people. We need to start inviting God back into our lives and into our Country before he abandons us all together. I honestly believe that everything that is going on with our country is going on because we have tried to Expel God from our lives. I am not a deeply religious person but I am a DEEPLY Spiritual person. We Need God in our country for our country to survive. Our very way of life was founded with Christianity at it's roots, all you have to do is read the Constitution to understand that. The trouble we are facing with China and Iran is a direct reflection of our expulsion of God from our lives and from our Country.

Please tell people you know to contact their politicians and tell them we need a STRONG DEFENSE. Modernize our Air Force And our Navy. Increase the number of our Planes and Aircraft Carrier groups as well as our Soldiers and the Support elements. This is not something that can be ignored anymore, to do so would be catastrophic to our very way of life. Everyone in this country loves Freedom, even those who speak against our ways enjoys the freedom of speaking out without fear of death or severe repercussions. There is a price for that freedom and that price is Service and a strong military. Without those two items, we would fall as surly as a bully takes from the weaker.

A quote to end this on.

Project strength to avoid conflict.

The reason we are having so many problems in the world right now is that other countries see us as weak and uncommitted to our beliefs. Let's show them how very wrong they are!!

Talk to you soon. Earl

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