Thursday, April 9, 2009

Gun Control

There were a couple of shootings over this past weekend. I fear that these shooting are going to be used as ammunition against legal gun owners in the pursuit of Gun Control and eventually Gun Confiscation.

Immediately after the shooting on Saturday that killed four police officers, the liberal bloggers were immediately spreading the rumors on their blogs that the shooter was a conservative and that he was disenfranchised by listening to conservative talk ( can you say Fairness Doctrine?) shows and news like Fox. They went on to mention Glenn Beck as being responsible for this guys actions.

Later, after the blogs were discovered, there were some who went to the video on YouTube to see if in fact it was true about Glenn Beck being instrumental in stroking this guys anger. The answer is unequivocally NO. The shooter was actually upset with Glenn Beck because he was telling people NOT to think of using violence to express their unhappiness with the current Administration or current Economic affairs. He was a nutcase who decided he wanted to shoot people and it was no persons fault that he decided to act on those thoughts.

Beware though, they will start using instances such as these to implement their long awaited policies of Gun Control and Fairness Doctrine. The people of this country need to make themselves aware of what is coming, or they will find themselves slaves to Socialistic Government. If you doubt this, just look back five or ten years. Do you recognize this country as the same one from that time frame? No, it has changed immensely just in that period of time and it is changing even more and more quickly now.

People will try and say it is the ability to have guns that is causing these types of shootings. I have owned guns for many years and can honestly say I have never seen my gun pick itself up and shoot someone. The opposition will say that just having access allows these things to happen. I would argue that by allowing law abiding citizens to arm themselves keeps these types of things from happening much more frequently. I would further argue that if you make guns illegal, only the criminals will have guns (and those of us who the law would make criminals by insuring our safety by acquiring "illegal guns"). In addition, I would argue that this is an insane argument to begin with. IF a person kills with a baseball bat, do we outlaw baseball bats? If a person kills someone with a hammer, do we outlaw hammers? If a person kills someone with their car, do we outlaw cars? Can you see how insane this argument is?

Here's a novel idea, how about we make people RESPONSIBLE for their own actions? How about that? How about we make guns easier for law abiding people to carry so that the nutcases will think twice before doing something stupid because they know there will probably be someone nearby with a gun who will be able to stand against them. How about we do away with "Gun Free" zones so that criminals will no longer have a legal hunting zone. By having gun free zones, you are in fact insuring that if there is a nutcase out there who wishes to do harm, that he will have the ability to do so unimpaired in these zones. How about arming our teachers so that when a nutcase wants to go on a school shooting, there will be someone there who can prevent or minimize the loss of life. These are just a few "How Abouts" to ponder.

The Bowing of America

President Obama recently made the ultimate submissive gesture to another foreign leader.

On April 8th, 2009, Obama was visiting Saudi Arabia and while meeting the King, he made a deep bow towards the king. No American president in history has ever subjugated the American people or the country to another country. This was the ultimate insult to both our country and the American people.

It has been reported by the White House initially that Obama was picking a piece of lint off of his pant leg. Later, when it was shown that the American people were not accepting that explanation they came out with another explanation stating that he was shaking hands with the king with both hands and because he is so much taller than the king, it appeared to the observer that he was bowing. I suggest you go to the numerous videos located on YouTube and make up your own mind.

I personally see him bowing deeply. I also think that people better start rising up and contacting their Representatives concerning all these seemingly independent snafus the President is committing with International Dignitaries, but are most certainly connected. Just three that come to mind. 1, The gift of Videos and toy models to Prime Minister Brown, 2, Giving an IPOD to the Queen of England and now 3, Bowing to a foreign leader. Individually, you might make the case that these are just stupid blunders. But, put them all together and it shows a pattern of lowering the prestige of the Country and the Presidency to foreign leaders.

Make up your own minds, the information is out there. Earl

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Being in the right place

I want to relay a story I recently heard that I think makes a point of what people are going through right now as it relates to the economy and what it ultimately means. I hope this story is as inspirational to you as it was to me.

Sgt Greg Stubey is a Special Forces soldier who was injured in Afghanistan by a RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade). Sgt Stubey was saved by another Special Forces soldier, it is this soldier the story is ultimately about.

Sgt Stubey was an instructor at the Special Forces Medic Training course. He was the person who made the decision weather a soldier was passed or failed from the Medic training. The soldier who saved Sgt Stubey's life was a soldier who went through training with Sgt Stubey. After going through all the initial training that is required of all Special Forces personnel and then going on to the Advanced training which was the Medic training, this soldier was told he was not being passed. He had failed the course.

After the initial disappointment of not making it passed, he asked Sgt Stubey what was his options. Sgt Stubey told him there were only two. He could either go back to his line unit or he could go through the Medic training all over again. Having the mindset of a Special Forces operator, he chose to go through it again instead of giving up. Sgt Stubey was even harder on him the second time. It eventually got to be so bad that about half way through the training, the soldier asked Sgt Stubey what his problem was with him. Sgt Strubey's reply was he had no problem with him, he just does not believe this soldier has the ability to save a life. He went on to tell him that he might very well have to save someones life, it could even be his (Sgt Stubey's), and he was not going to pass someone who he didn't feel could do the job. He went on to tell him to do the work and earn the right. The soldier did do the work, and did go on to wear the Special Forces tab.

On his first assignment, he was assigned the Sgt Stubey in Afghanistan. On the first mission, an RPG went through the Humvee that was carrying Sgt Stubey. The rocket went into Sgt Stubey from the rear and during it's flight through Sgt Stubey, spilled the majority of it's fuel into Sgt Stubey. Sgt Stubey was blown out of the Humvee where his leg was blown off by the explosion. He also had his intestines hanging out of him as he lay their. The soldier who he would not pass because he did not want him going unprepared was the soldier who ran to his aid. The only thing he was able to say to him before passing out was "no hard feeling, right?). This same soldier was responsible for saving Sgt Stubey's life.

The reason I tell this story is because there are many people out their who are going through incredible hardships right now. Many people are losing their homes, their jobs. their fortunes. Maybe, just maybe, these people are being positioned before the ultimate problems with the economy and the country come to a head. Maybe it is these people who will be the ones who will be responsible for helping the masses cope with the coming trials, because they have already gone through them and can attest to the fact that people will survive. If nothing else, it should give you great inspiration to know that you can face incredible odds and still succeed.

Stay positive and continue the good fight. Earl