Wednesday, October 24, 2007

California Wildfire

Let me start by stating right off that I do not wish ill on anyone in California, I think what is happening to the people there is a travesty. With that being said, I am sick and tires of having my hard earned tax dollars sent to California every year because of these wild fires.

These fires could be greatly reduced if not altogether eliminated by the use of control burns to burn up the dead underbrush and vegetation. The voters and the state congress has elected to stop control burns in that state which causes the buildup of dead vegetation. Once this vegetation catches fire, it turns into these monster fires that we are seeing year after year.

When are the people of California going to wake up and tell the environmentalist to go jump in a lake. The real Californians need to take back their state and demand that their politicians reinstate the controlled burns. Only then will California save itself from the yearly fires that ravage the state and the homes of the people who live there. Only then will my tax dollars actually go for something like roads, national defense or other infrastructure in which it was intended. My tax dollars were never meant to be used to save the people of California from their own stupidity.

As always, I look forward to your responses. Earl

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