Let me start by stating right off that I do not wish ill on anyone in California, I think what is happening to the people there is a travesty. With that being said, I am sick and tires of having my hard earned tax dollars sent to California every year because of these wild fires.
These fires could be greatly reduced if not altogether eliminated by the use of control burns to burn up the dead underbrush and vegetation. The voters and the state congress has elected to stop control burns in that state which causes the buildup of dead vegetation. Once this vegetation catches fire, it turns into these monster fires that we are seeing year after year.
When are the people of California going to wake up and tell the environmentalist to go jump in a lake. The real Californians need to take back their state and demand that their politicians reinstate the controlled burns. Only then will California save itself from the yearly fires that ravage the state and the homes of the people who live there. Only then will my tax dollars actually go for something like roads, national defense or other infrastructure in which it was intended. My tax dollars were never meant to be used to save the people of California from their own stupidity.
As always, I look forward to your responses. Earl
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
Earl For President
I was sitting here thinking about the upcoming election and had the question, What if I wanted to be president? What platform would I run on? What would the answers to the questions that are on the minds of Americans be? Well, below I will speak of just that. I am not saying that I want to be president, I am saying is if I were running. these would be the things that I would be concerned with. I hope this causes others to look at these questions and answer them according to their belief structure and then vote for the candidate that has views most like theirs.
First question, What is your stand on the war?
Answer- I am a firm believer that we are in a war for our very survival. I think that Americans need to realize that the enemy that we are fighting has no conscious, has no willingness to come to agreements. Their sole purpose is to destroy us and Israel. There can be no appeasement. If there is a complaint that I have, it is with the way this war is being fought. We need to fight this war to win it, not just to not lose it. We need to employ every weapon in our arsenal and some that have yet to be fielded. We must quit trying to win the hearts of the worlds people while at the same time trying to win this war. We are not loved around the world, get used to it. Win the war and let world opinion be what it will. Let history be our judge, not the world stage. Enough said.
Second question, What is your stand in the Abortion Issue?
Answer- My answer to that is that the decision in Roe vs. Wade was an incorrect decision based on the information that the courts had at the time. Science has evolved since that decision and has concluded through many different methods that life does indeed start at conception. They have photos of babies playing inside of the mothers womb. I think that they need to revisit that case and use the new information that is available. I think we would see an immediate reversal of that decision based on new evidence submitted. On a personal note. I am very pro-life and do not apologize for my stance. When I meet my maker, my soul will be clean when it comes to this particular subject.
Third question, How would you tackle the Illegal Immigration problem in America?
Answer- The first thing we have to do is acknowledge that we have an Illegal Immigration problem, once we acknowledge it, we can start repairing it. My plan is simple. Build the fence that the American People have stated they want. We do not do anything about the ones that are already here until we stop the flow of Illegals into the country. Once we have stopped the flow, we can then start the process of sending the Illegal Immigrants back to their home countries. I do not accept the fact that this is too big of a problem to handle or that it is not cost effective to send them back. I am totally against any Amnesty Bill, Period. There will be no Amnesty for people breaking our laws and living in the shadows. If they are found, they will be deported, period. IF you are a business and you are hiring Illegals once the Identification process is put into place, you will be put out of business. There will be no second chances, there will be no fines levied against you, there will be no apologies. You will be shut down, Period!!! We need to take back control of our country and I do not care how much I P.O. the president of Mexico or any other countries for that matter. This is the United States of America, and that is what we are going to stay. Those of you who do not like this country, leave. There are plenty of people who want to live here legally and we really do not want anyone here who does not want to be here.
Fourth question, What is you stance on God when it comes to the Government?
Answer- I was hoping this would come up. I want to dispel a myth right now. There is not separation of church and state in the constitution. What the constitution states is that there will be no government sponsored religion. What does this mean? It means that the government cannot tell you that if you are an American that you will be Catholic, or Christian , or Baptist or whatever. It means that you have the right to practice whatever religion you wish as long as it is peaceful and does not infringe on the rights of others to practice their religion. This rule in the constitution has been so misused that frankly, it makes me sick. If I want to pray to my god in the Oval Office, then that is my right. Our forefathers established this country with the idea that god Must be included if this country was to succeed. We are a god fearing people who have had our country hijacked from us from some groups with deep pockets. If I am elected into office, I am going to rescind the order stating that there will be no prayer in school, I am also going to reestablish the pledge of allegiance in the schools. We need to get back to the time when we were proud of being Americans and proud of having god as our foundation. When we get these things back into the hearts of our children, our country will again see prosperity like it never has. We have turned our backs on god, can we really blame god if he turns his back on us? I think not!!
Fifth question, What would you do to improve our economy?
Answer-I would continue the tax cuts that President Bush has instituted, making them permanent. I would eliminate the Estate tax (also known as the death tax). I would implement a plan that would encourage businesses to keep their businesses here rather than move them overseas. I would do this through tax incentives. Companies move their business to other countries because they can get better tax breaks and those countries are more friendly towards business. We need to get back to that, we were after all, the first to do this. I would introduce to the congress a tax reform system that is fair to all persons in our country. I would introduce the flat tax system. This would eliminate the need for the IRS in its present form. We would no longer need to do tax filing at the end of the year. This would bring a large influx of cash into the government coffers that could be used to pay down our debt to the rest of the world.
Sixth question, What would you do about our dependency on foreign oil?
Answer-I would first allow our oil companies to start drilling in Alaska and off of our coast. I would further order that five new oil refineries be authorized for immediate building. The big environmental lobbiest would just have to get mad and start throwing mud my way, we will become self reliant again. I would also give great tax incentives to get our auto makers motivated to increase spending on alternative fuels, possibly hydrogen. I know that our people are the most industrialist in the world, we just need to get back the motivation to do it again. We have become a country of consumers and we need to start making things again. I would also challenge our auto industries to find ways to increase MPG on the vehicles of the immediate future until we can implement new alternative fuels. I would also ask the auto industries to possibly come up with a way to convert present automobiles to the new fuel source that would not cost the consumer an arm and a leg. I do not believe that there is anything that we cannot do, I only believe that we have to have the attitude that we must.
Seventh question, What is your plan for the continuation of our present entitlement programs?
Answer- I would take a serious look at all the entitlement programs and start eliminating them from the most dangerous on up. What do I mean by dangerous? I mean that there are entitlement programs that only result in people becoming lazy and dependent on the government for that particular item. Let's take Welfare for instance. We have families who have been on welfare for generations, this would stop. I would offer up a reform for welfare that would disqualify anyone who did not work from receiving it. I think that welfare should be for people who are working but are making under the poverty mark. These people would be given what amounts to a subsidy to help them reach the poverty mark. It is the governments responsibility to give your the opportunity to pursue happiness, not give it to you. Welfare subsidy would be a limited item that would allow people the chance to increase their education so that they may pursue a higher paying job. The way the system is now, people are rewarded for not having a job, no wonder they have been on the roles for so long. Why would you go find work if you can make just as much not working. Doesn't make sense to me.
Eighth question, how would you protect our country both now and in the future?
Answer- Right after I am elected President I am going to submit a Proposal the the congress that would mandate that all men and women graduating from high school would be required to serve a minimum of three years in the branch of military of their choice. I feel this is necessary not only to have our ranks filled with the most intelligent men and women in our country, but also so that we can start to accumulate a inactive reserve force that could be called upon in instances like we are in now. We now have soldiers that have and are presently serving multiple tours of service in multiple combat areas. This is unacceptable! Our soldiers need to know that there will be people in the ranks that are going to be able to relieve them once they complete their tour in a combat area. This is not to say that soldiers would not serve more than one tour in combat, but it would give them the opportunity to have longer peaceful deployments before returning to a combat zone. In addition, there would be a large contingent of trained military people in our civilian base that could and would have the ability to respond to any threat that might occur on our own soil. I feel that this is very necessary for our country because with all the forces lining up against us, it is only a matter of time before someone tries to make a large scale attack on our soil. We would have the civilian military available to counter this possible attack until the regular military could take over. I feel that this is very necessary for our survival. I would also recommend that we increase military spending for our soldiers, their families and for research and development of new weapon systems that would be able to carry us into the future with ease of mind of our capabilities. I would further request that the congress reactivate a number of the Carrier Battle Groups that have been mothballed in the past decades until such time as newer, more powerful Battle Groups can be brought online. We also need to update our Air force. Our planes have been used and abused in the past decade with the different wars that we have been involved in, we need to get the newest fighters and bombers online as soon as possible and rotate the older planes to the Guard and Reserve units until we can give them newer planes also. Remember, it is the governments primary purpose to protect our people and our country. If the government is going to be spending billions of dollars, let it spend it in the defense of our nation. And before anyone accuses me of being a warmonger, let me remind everyone that I have a son in the Marines and I also have grandchildren. I do not want my son to die any more than any of you, But I also understand that freedom isn't free, someone has to pay the price so the rest of us can live in peace. That price is blood, both in training and in war.
Ninth question. What would you do about Global Warming?
Answer- Nothing!! I do believe that there is global warming happening, I just don't believe that humans are the cause of it. I know that Al Gore has stated that the argument is over concerning this issue, but I beg to differ. There is enough scientist who have just as convincing of an argument that this is just another of the earths cycles. I also would like to know what could we as a nation really do to stop it. Lets start with the idea of shutting down 15 or 20 coal mines in the next twenty years that has be proposed by a member of congress. How on earth is this going to help when the Chinese are opening coal plants at a rate of one every two weeks. How long before they totally destroy what very little progress would be made by shutting down ours. I know there are critics out there that say that we could get China to go along with us, Not so! There population is so large that they need not only the coal that those plants will produce, but also the jobs that they would produce also. No, I feel that this is just another way for foreign governments to get another foothold in our countries economy. If we really want to help with the environment, we should start allowing the building and production of Nuclear energy. This is the cleanest and safest energy at our disposal outside of water. There has been very limited instances of hazards related to Nuclear energy. People are going to scream about 3 mile Island! Let me remind you that the containment system that was put in place just for that purpose worked just as it was supposed to. There were no deaths associated with that incident. Then they will bring up Chernobyl. Let me remind everyone that that was in Russia, at a time when we in a cold war with that country and they were not able to contribute as much money that was needed for the containment systems. Not only that, but look at how long ago that particular incident happened. We are the most technological advanced society on the planet, don't you think that our nuclear technology has far surpassed what it was 20 years ago. There is no reason why we cannot have our primary source of electricity be Nuclear. WE also need to be committed to it's use. What do I mean by that? I mean that once the world recognizes that we are serious about getting off of foreign oil, they are going to drop the price dramatically so that it would be cheaper for us to purchase it than continue with the Nuclear energy production. We need to be fully committed to it's use and not fall for the price cuts again as we did in the 70's. Let us pay the additional costs in the short term until we are able to cut our reliance on oil. A little pain now will make all the difference later.
Tenth question, How will you fix the Social Security crises?
Answer- Let me start by making a statement prior to the answer. I would remind everyone that there was a time when there was a third word in the phrase "Social Security", that third word was Insurance. Social Security Insurance was never intended to be a retirement plan, it was Insurance against living too long. Through the years, Social Security has dropped the Insurance part of the phrase and the program has grown to what it is now. With that being said, let discuss how we are going to fix the program that is going to be only getting worse as the Baby Boomers reach retirement age and want the money they have been promised. I feel the solution is two fold. One, let those who want to take responsibility for part of the money do so. I think that we should let people have a certain percentage of the money they have earned to invest as they see fit. There is a chance of course that these people will not be fruitful in their investments, that is why I do not condone giving them all the money they have accumulated.
Two, we need to stop borrowing from the Social Security plan to pay for other programs and start repaying the money we have taken from it. We also need to bring in some private investor firms that have proven themselves capable of producing large profits for their clients. We need to hire them to invest the accumulation of money from Social Security so that there will be enough to fulfil our promises to the American people. We also need to quit this stuff about letting the Illegal Immigrants who have been in this country get Social Security. This is the dumbest idea I have heard of. We are going to take a plan that by best estimates will be bankrupt by 2016 and influx another 12 Million people into it. I don't think so!! The Legal Immigrants that have paid into the program for the same amount of time that the American People have to will be entitled to the same benefits, no body else!!
Ending Statement- Have you noticed that in all my answers I did not rely on the government to solve any of the problems that we are facing today. We live in a capitalistic society and as such, we need to let capitalism find the solution for our problems. I have tried to demonstrate here that it is not the government who will get us back on track with the constitution, but the people. I think that the government has gotten way too large for it to be of any benefit to the people, we need to find ways to eliminate the abusive spending machine that our government has turned into. I also think that in order to continue to be the worlds greatest superpower, we need to make our policies and decisions clear to the rest of the world. As it is now, we say one thing and do others. This practice only makes up look weak and hypocritical in the eyes of the world. We need to say what we mean, and mean what we say!! At one time the world feared us because we stood for something other than money, we stood for our principles. Let us get back to that point, let the world fear and respect the greatest country in the world. The United States of America!!
One additional point, I am not foolish enough to think that my ideas are going to be welcomed by everyone in our country. There is too much money at stake. If the American people like what I have presented here and decide that I am to be their next presidency, I do not expect that I would live to see the end of my first term. I am willing to accept that fact for the better good of my country. My family know my view and understands my commitment. MY only promise to the American people that I will make is that everything I will do will be it this country's best interest. But, remember, I as presidency have only limited power to implement these ideas. If people want these changes, they are going to have to elect others in the House of Representatives and the Senate who share these ideas. As I am standing here speaking right now, I assure you that there are already plans being drawn up in case I am elected, to fight these initiatives from day one. I will do everything in my power to fulfill these ideas, but it is every Americans responsibility to help by voting for those who are like minded. Good night and God Bless.
Talk to you soon, Earl
First question, What is your stand on the war?
Answer- I am a firm believer that we are in a war for our very survival. I think that Americans need to realize that the enemy that we are fighting has no conscious, has no willingness to come to agreements. Their sole purpose is to destroy us and Israel. There can be no appeasement. If there is a complaint that I have, it is with the way this war is being fought. We need to fight this war to win it, not just to not lose it. We need to employ every weapon in our arsenal and some that have yet to be fielded. We must quit trying to win the hearts of the worlds people while at the same time trying to win this war. We are not loved around the world, get used to it. Win the war and let world opinion be what it will. Let history be our judge, not the world stage. Enough said.
Second question, What is your stand in the Abortion Issue?
Answer- My answer to that is that the decision in Roe vs. Wade was an incorrect decision based on the information that the courts had at the time. Science has evolved since that decision and has concluded through many different methods that life does indeed start at conception. They have photos of babies playing inside of the mothers womb. I think that they need to revisit that case and use the new information that is available. I think we would see an immediate reversal of that decision based on new evidence submitted. On a personal note. I am very pro-life and do not apologize for my stance. When I meet my maker, my soul will be clean when it comes to this particular subject.
Third question, How would you tackle the Illegal Immigration problem in America?
Answer- The first thing we have to do is acknowledge that we have an Illegal Immigration problem, once we acknowledge it, we can start repairing it. My plan is simple. Build the fence that the American People have stated they want. We do not do anything about the ones that are already here until we stop the flow of Illegals into the country. Once we have stopped the flow, we can then start the process of sending the Illegal Immigrants back to their home countries. I do not accept the fact that this is too big of a problem to handle or that it is not cost effective to send them back. I am totally against any Amnesty Bill, Period. There will be no Amnesty for people breaking our laws and living in the shadows. If they are found, they will be deported, period. IF you are a business and you are hiring Illegals once the Identification process is put into place, you will be put out of business. There will be no second chances, there will be no fines levied against you, there will be no apologies. You will be shut down, Period!!! We need to take back control of our country and I do not care how much I P.O. the president of Mexico or any other countries for that matter. This is the United States of America, and that is what we are going to stay. Those of you who do not like this country, leave. There are plenty of people who want to live here legally and we really do not want anyone here who does not want to be here.
Fourth question, What is you stance on God when it comes to the Government?
Answer- I was hoping this would come up. I want to dispel a myth right now. There is not separation of church and state in the constitution. What the constitution states is that there will be no government sponsored religion. What does this mean? It means that the government cannot tell you that if you are an American that you will be Catholic, or Christian , or Baptist or whatever. It means that you have the right to practice whatever religion you wish as long as it is peaceful and does not infringe on the rights of others to practice their religion. This rule in the constitution has been so misused that frankly, it makes me sick. If I want to pray to my god in the Oval Office, then that is my right. Our forefathers established this country with the idea that god Must be included if this country was to succeed. We are a god fearing people who have had our country hijacked from us from some groups with deep pockets. If I am elected into office, I am going to rescind the order stating that there will be no prayer in school, I am also going to reestablish the pledge of allegiance in the schools. We need to get back to the time when we were proud of being Americans and proud of having god as our foundation. When we get these things back into the hearts of our children, our country will again see prosperity like it never has. We have turned our backs on god, can we really blame god if he turns his back on us? I think not!!
Fifth question, What would you do to improve our economy?
Answer-I would continue the tax cuts that President Bush has instituted, making them permanent. I would eliminate the Estate tax (also known as the death tax). I would implement a plan that would encourage businesses to keep their businesses here rather than move them overseas. I would do this through tax incentives. Companies move their business to other countries because they can get better tax breaks and those countries are more friendly towards business. We need to get back to that, we were after all, the first to do this. I would introduce to the congress a tax reform system that is fair to all persons in our country. I would introduce the flat tax system. This would eliminate the need for the IRS in its present form. We would no longer need to do tax filing at the end of the year. This would bring a large influx of cash into the government coffers that could be used to pay down our debt to the rest of the world.
Sixth question, What would you do about our dependency on foreign oil?
Answer-I would first allow our oil companies to start drilling in Alaska and off of our coast. I would further order that five new oil refineries be authorized for immediate building. The big environmental lobbiest would just have to get mad and start throwing mud my way, we will become self reliant again. I would also give great tax incentives to get our auto makers motivated to increase spending on alternative fuels, possibly hydrogen. I know that our people are the most industrialist in the world, we just need to get back the motivation to do it again. We have become a country of consumers and we need to start making things again. I would also challenge our auto industries to find ways to increase MPG on the vehicles of the immediate future until we can implement new alternative fuels. I would also ask the auto industries to possibly come up with a way to convert present automobiles to the new fuel source that would not cost the consumer an arm and a leg. I do not believe that there is anything that we cannot do, I only believe that we have to have the attitude that we must.
Seventh question, What is your plan for the continuation of our present entitlement programs?
Answer- I would take a serious look at all the entitlement programs and start eliminating them from the most dangerous on up. What do I mean by dangerous? I mean that there are entitlement programs that only result in people becoming lazy and dependent on the government for that particular item. Let's take Welfare for instance. We have families who have been on welfare for generations, this would stop. I would offer up a reform for welfare that would disqualify anyone who did not work from receiving it. I think that welfare should be for people who are working but are making under the poverty mark. These people would be given what amounts to a subsidy to help them reach the poverty mark. It is the governments responsibility to give your the opportunity to pursue happiness, not give it to you. Welfare subsidy would be a limited item that would allow people the chance to increase their education so that they may pursue a higher paying job. The way the system is now, people are rewarded for not having a job, no wonder they have been on the roles for so long. Why would you go find work if you can make just as much not working. Doesn't make sense to me.
Eighth question, how would you protect our country both now and in the future?
Answer- Right after I am elected President I am going to submit a Proposal the the congress that would mandate that all men and women graduating from high school would be required to serve a minimum of three years in the branch of military of their choice. I feel this is necessary not only to have our ranks filled with the most intelligent men and women in our country, but also so that we can start to accumulate a inactive reserve force that could be called upon in instances like we are in now. We now have soldiers that have and are presently serving multiple tours of service in multiple combat areas. This is unacceptable! Our soldiers need to know that there will be people in the ranks that are going to be able to relieve them once they complete their tour in a combat area. This is not to say that soldiers would not serve more than one tour in combat, but it would give them the opportunity to have longer peaceful deployments before returning to a combat zone. In addition, there would be a large contingent of trained military people in our civilian base that could and would have the ability to respond to any threat that might occur on our own soil. I feel that this is very necessary for our country because with all the forces lining up against us, it is only a matter of time before someone tries to make a large scale attack on our soil. We would have the civilian military available to counter this possible attack until the regular military could take over. I feel that this is very necessary for our survival. I would also recommend that we increase military spending for our soldiers, their families and for research and development of new weapon systems that would be able to carry us into the future with ease of mind of our capabilities. I would further request that the congress reactivate a number of the Carrier Battle Groups that have been mothballed in the past decades until such time as newer, more powerful Battle Groups can be brought online. We also need to update our Air force. Our planes have been used and abused in the past decade with the different wars that we have been involved in, we need to get the newest fighters and bombers online as soon as possible and rotate the older planes to the Guard and Reserve units until we can give them newer planes also. Remember, it is the governments primary purpose to protect our people and our country. If the government is going to be spending billions of dollars, let it spend it in the defense of our nation. And before anyone accuses me of being a warmonger, let me remind everyone that I have a son in the Marines and I also have grandchildren. I do not want my son to die any more than any of you, But I also understand that freedom isn't free, someone has to pay the price so the rest of us can live in peace. That price is blood, both in training and in war.
Ninth question. What would you do about Global Warming?
Answer- Nothing!! I do believe that there is global warming happening, I just don't believe that humans are the cause of it. I know that Al Gore has stated that the argument is over concerning this issue, but I beg to differ. There is enough scientist who have just as convincing of an argument that this is just another of the earths cycles. I also would like to know what could we as a nation really do to stop it. Lets start with the idea of shutting down 15 or 20 coal mines in the next twenty years that has be proposed by a member of congress. How on earth is this going to help when the Chinese are opening coal plants at a rate of one every two weeks. How long before they totally destroy what very little progress would be made by shutting down ours. I know there are critics out there that say that we could get China to go along with us, Not so! There population is so large that they need not only the coal that those plants will produce, but also the jobs that they would produce also. No, I feel that this is just another way for foreign governments to get another foothold in our countries economy. If we really want to help with the environment, we should start allowing the building and production of Nuclear energy. This is the cleanest and safest energy at our disposal outside of water. There has been very limited instances of hazards related to Nuclear energy. People are going to scream about 3 mile Island! Let me remind you that the containment system that was put in place just for that purpose worked just as it was supposed to. There were no deaths associated with that incident. Then they will bring up Chernobyl. Let me remind everyone that that was in Russia, at a time when we in a cold war with that country and they were not able to contribute as much money that was needed for the containment systems. Not only that, but look at how long ago that particular incident happened. We are the most technological advanced society on the planet, don't you think that our nuclear technology has far surpassed what it was 20 years ago. There is no reason why we cannot have our primary source of electricity be Nuclear. WE also need to be committed to it's use. What do I mean by that? I mean that once the world recognizes that we are serious about getting off of foreign oil, they are going to drop the price dramatically so that it would be cheaper for us to purchase it than continue with the Nuclear energy production. We need to be fully committed to it's use and not fall for the price cuts again as we did in the 70's. Let us pay the additional costs in the short term until we are able to cut our reliance on oil. A little pain now will make all the difference later.
Tenth question, How will you fix the Social Security crises?
Answer- Let me start by making a statement prior to the answer. I would remind everyone that there was a time when there was a third word in the phrase "Social Security", that third word was Insurance. Social Security Insurance was never intended to be a retirement plan, it was Insurance against living too long. Through the years, Social Security has dropped the Insurance part of the phrase and the program has grown to what it is now. With that being said, let discuss how we are going to fix the program that is going to be only getting worse as the Baby Boomers reach retirement age and want the money they have been promised. I feel the solution is two fold. One, let those who want to take responsibility for part of the money do so. I think that we should let people have a certain percentage of the money they have earned to invest as they see fit. There is a chance of course that these people will not be fruitful in their investments, that is why I do not condone giving them all the money they have accumulated.
Two, we need to stop borrowing from the Social Security plan to pay for other programs and start repaying the money we have taken from it. We also need to bring in some private investor firms that have proven themselves capable of producing large profits for their clients. We need to hire them to invest the accumulation of money from Social Security so that there will be enough to fulfil our promises to the American people. We also need to quit this stuff about letting the Illegal Immigrants who have been in this country get Social Security. This is the dumbest idea I have heard of. We are going to take a plan that by best estimates will be bankrupt by 2016 and influx another 12 Million people into it. I don't think so!! The Legal Immigrants that have paid into the program for the same amount of time that the American People have to will be entitled to the same benefits, no body else!!
Ending Statement- Have you noticed that in all my answers I did not rely on the government to solve any of the problems that we are facing today. We live in a capitalistic society and as such, we need to let capitalism find the solution for our problems. I have tried to demonstrate here that it is not the government who will get us back on track with the constitution, but the people. I think that the government has gotten way too large for it to be of any benefit to the people, we need to find ways to eliminate the abusive spending machine that our government has turned into. I also think that in order to continue to be the worlds greatest superpower, we need to make our policies and decisions clear to the rest of the world. As it is now, we say one thing and do others. This practice only makes up look weak and hypocritical in the eyes of the world. We need to say what we mean, and mean what we say!! At one time the world feared us because we stood for something other than money, we stood for our principles. Let us get back to that point, let the world fear and respect the greatest country in the world. The United States of America!!
One additional point, I am not foolish enough to think that my ideas are going to be welcomed by everyone in our country. There is too much money at stake. If the American people like what I have presented here and decide that I am to be their next presidency, I do not expect that I would live to see the end of my first term. I am willing to accept that fact for the better good of my country. My family know my view and understands my commitment. MY only promise to the American people that I will make is that everything I will do will be it this country's best interest. But, remember, I as presidency have only limited power to implement these ideas. If people want these changes, they are going to have to elect others in the House of Representatives and the Senate who share these ideas. As I am standing here speaking right now, I assure you that there are already plans being drawn up in case I am elected, to fight these initiatives from day one. I will do everything in my power to fulfill these ideas, but it is every Americans responsibility to help by voting for those who are like minded. Good night and God Bless.
Talk to you soon, Earl
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Political Correctness
Today I would like to address the growing and seemable unstoppable progression of Political Correctness.
There is a growing trend in this country to try and appease everyone and every group, this appeasement is called Political Correctness, and it has to stop. If we do not stop this trend, we are and will continue to be on our way to Socialism.
The most recent event that I am calling to attention is the Illegal Immigration stance of the P.C. police's stance to try and make something that is lawfully Illegal into something Legal. By trying to rename the problem of Illegal Immigration to "Undocumented Workers" they are taking the term Illegal out of the equation. Remember, those who control the language control the argument. We need to keep on the politicians to keep the terminology the same and to fight and enforce our laws that are more than sufficient to correct this problem, if they have the guts to enforce them. Immigration overhaul is not needed, enforcement of our current laws, is.
The P.C. police will try and define you as the following if you try and make a stand to keep our constitution intact. Here are some of the terms that the P.C. police will label you if you go against them.
On the subject of Universal Health care, if you are for free markets and Capitalism and believe that everyone is capable of getting coverage as long as they are willing to pay for it, the P.C. police will label you as a "Child Hater" stating that only a child hating, hate monger would want to keep children from getting health care. What they do not tell you is that health care is already available for anyone who goes to the hospital. It is already illegal for a hospital to turn you away just because you do not have health care coverage. And to go back for a moment to the paragraph above, even illegals can receive health care at hospitals. To test this, just go to your local emergency room and look around.
If you believe that the United States has the best way of life and that you believe that we have an obligation to help others become free of dictatorships and socialism, than you are labeled a "Warmonger", only wanting to conquer other countries and take over the world. What the P.C. police will not tell you, nor do they want you to know, is that the United States has never kept the land that we have won in combat, we have always given the land back and helped them to not only rebuild their country but improve their way of life. We have been and continue to be the example of the world and anyone who disagrees is invited to leave.
Something that is more close to the home for most of you is the raising of your children. Most of you do not know what they are teaching your children in school, and if you did, you would be shocked. The present P.C. action is for children NOT to be evaluated on the basis of their academics, but on their potential. Do you understand what that means? That means that the P.C. police do not want your children to be graded on a pass-fail process that determines where a child is positioned in his-her academic growth, they want ALL children to feel good about themselves even if they have no reason to feel that way. The P.C. police object to the idea of having equivalency exams in the schools, they would prefer and have in fact tried to have it made into law that children be judged on their possible potential, not their true potential through evaluation. This would mean that ALL children would pass their grades even though they may not have earned it. OH MY, Did I say Earn It? Oh how the P.C. police must be steaming at that statement.
Let approach sports! Did you know their are many schools that have already caved to the P.C. police when it comes to sports. There are schools for example that have outlawed the game of dodge ball because it causes children to feel bad about themselves when they are eliminated. Don't believe me, look it up!! Then lets talk about football. There are schools that have eliminated their football teams as well as any other competitive sports from their curriculum because they do not believe in children FEELING like losers when they do not Earn the right to call themselves Winners. This is too hard on their little minds, the harsh reality that they must earn the right to call themselves winners just isn't right in the P.C. police's minds.
I could go on and on but I am sure you get the jest of it. Our whole way of life is under attack and we just keep on appeasing because we do not want to be title by the P.C. police. Well, Label me, go ahead, start applying labels, my shoulders are big enough to handle it. Let us get together and start fighting back against this assault. We need to stay united in our beliefs, do not let these people win or our rights will be forever forsaken.
Remember, for evil to win, all that needs to happen is for good men and women to do nothing.
Talk to you soon. Earl
There is a growing trend in this country to try and appease everyone and every group, this appeasement is called Political Correctness, and it has to stop. If we do not stop this trend, we are and will continue to be on our way to Socialism.
The most recent event that I am calling to attention is the Illegal Immigration stance of the P.C. police's stance to try and make something that is lawfully Illegal into something Legal. By trying to rename the problem of Illegal Immigration to "Undocumented Workers" they are taking the term Illegal out of the equation. Remember, those who control the language control the argument. We need to keep on the politicians to keep the terminology the same and to fight and enforce our laws that are more than sufficient to correct this problem, if they have the guts to enforce them. Immigration overhaul is not needed, enforcement of our current laws, is.
The P.C. police will try and define you as the following if you try and make a stand to keep our constitution intact. Here are some of the terms that the P.C. police will label you if you go against them.
On the subject of Universal Health care, if you are for free markets and Capitalism and believe that everyone is capable of getting coverage as long as they are willing to pay for it, the P.C. police will label you as a "Child Hater" stating that only a child hating, hate monger would want to keep children from getting health care. What they do not tell you is that health care is already available for anyone who goes to the hospital. It is already illegal for a hospital to turn you away just because you do not have health care coverage. And to go back for a moment to the paragraph above, even illegals can receive health care at hospitals. To test this, just go to your local emergency room and look around.
If you believe that the United States has the best way of life and that you believe that we have an obligation to help others become free of dictatorships and socialism, than you are labeled a "Warmonger", only wanting to conquer other countries and take over the world. What the P.C. police will not tell you, nor do they want you to know, is that the United States has never kept the land that we have won in combat, we have always given the land back and helped them to not only rebuild their country but improve their way of life. We have been and continue to be the example of the world and anyone who disagrees is invited to leave.
Something that is more close to the home for most of you is the raising of your children. Most of you do not know what they are teaching your children in school, and if you did, you would be shocked. The present P.C. action is for children NOT to be evaluated on the basis of their academics, but on their potential. Do you understand what that means? That means that the P.C. police do not want your children to be graded on a pass-fail process that determines where a child is positioned in his-her academic growth, they want ALL children to feel good about themselves even if they have no reason to feel that way. The P.C. police object to the idea of having equivalency exams in the schools, they would prefer and have in fact tried to have it made into law that children be judged on their possible potential, not their true potential through evaluation. This would mean that ALL children would pass their grades even though they may not have earned it. OH MY, Did I say Earn It? Oh how the P.C. police must be steaming at that statement.
Let approach sports! Did you know their are many schools that have already caved to the P.C. police when it comes to sports. There are schools for example that have outlawed the game of dodge ball because it causes children to feel bad about themselves when they are eliminated. Don't believe me, look it up!! Then lets talk about football. There are schools that have eliminated their football teams as well as any other competitive sports from their curriculum because they do not believe in children FEELING like losers when they do not Earn the right to call themselves Winners. This is too hard on their little minds, the harsh reality that they must earn the right to call themselves winners just isn't right in the P.C. police's minds.
I could go on and on but I am sure you get the jest of it. Our whole way of life is under attack and we just keep on appeasing because we do not want to be title by the P.C. police. Well, Label me, go ahead, start applying labels, my shoulders are big enough to handle it. Let us get together and start fighting back against this assault. We need to stay united in our beliefs, do not let these people win or our rights will be forever forsaken.
Remember, for evil to win, all that needs to happen is for good men and women to do nothing.
Talk to you soon. Earl
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
The U.N.
I have a question to ask. Does anyone know what the U.N. is good for? This is a serious question and I for one would like an answer to it!
The most recent B.S. that the U.N. has done is give Iran a two month extension on the sanctions that were voted on and agreed on. This means that Iran has two more months to continue it's progress on the development of Nuclear Weapons. When are we going to take the country and it's leadership seriously? Also, when are we, the U.S. going to stand up to the U.N. and say we are no longer going to be part of your collection of Thugs and criminals.
I say this after Another U.N. refusal to enforce sanctions which have already been voted on and agreed upon by it's members. The U.N. is nothing other than an organization for dictatorships and countries opposed to the United States to get together with an air of legitimacy. I tell you, this is no respectable organization, and we as the United States should distance ourselves from it. Not only that, we should tell the U.N. that they are no longer welcome in the United States and the the building that the U.N. is now occupying will be destroyed within one month. That gives them plenty of time to find a new home, maybe in Iran, and move their "Organization" there. We do not want them, nor do we need them. I say good ridden to bad luggage.
Just a couple of things that the U.N. had been involved in recently that makes me come to this decision, which I actually came to some time ago. The most recent is the continued appeasal of Iran and the continued delay that have been allowed to happen with this organization at the helm. The longer we allow Iran to proceed with it's Nuclear program the less time there is going to be to respond when the time comes. Make no mistake, Iran has already stated that it wants to destroy Israel and the United States. When Iran has the capability to produce weapons grade plutonium, it will be too late to strike. While their plant is still in the stage of development we have a chance, when it is making Plutonium, we can no longer attack the plant due to the very real possibility of the spread of fallout from the reactor. We need to act now to make sure that they never have the ability to strike Israel, nor the United States for that matter.
Two, the Oil for Food program that ended up being a Oil for Profit for the U.N. program. The key players in this fiasco were Russia, France, and Germany. Do you remember these countries names from somewhere? Let me remind you, they are the three major countries that were vehemently opposed to the United States declaring war on Iraq. Oh yes, and they all three are members of the U.N. Sort of makes you wonder what is really the ultimate plan of the U.N. is doesn't it. These three countries along with the leadership of the U.N. were directly involved in the scandal that has been washed under the U.N. building, this is a corrupt organization that we really need to distance ourselves from.
Third, there has Never been a proposal that the United States has gone to the U.N. for that has been voted for, in every instance the vote has been against us and we have had to make deals with it's members to get them to go along with us. Is this what we call a coalition of friendly countries or is this a coalition of countries trying to blackmail the most powerful country in the world for their own gains. I leave that judgement to each of you.
My personal view of what the sole purpose of the U.N. is as follows. I think they are only assembled for the purpose of preventing the United States from securing itself. I think that they only exist to prohibit or delay the actions our country sees as vital to it's national interest. I think their only purpose is to weaken us to the point where we are subject to attacks from a multiple of directions. Did you also know that most of the members of the U.N. are anti-Israel? In every instance where Israel defended herself after first being attacked, the U.N. has come out with a condemnation of their actions. How can an organization that says it is for the right of every nation to have equal footing in the same breath condemn Israel for defending herself. The Hypocrisy is laughable.
The United States needs to pull out of the U.N. immediately and evict all those countries with offices in that building. We need to stay vigilant in our defense of Israel and our defense of ourselves. If the U.N. and the countries that are members of this terrorist organization are upset by this action, TOO BAD!!! We are the most powerful country on the planet and we can only be defeated by defeating ourselves. Let us stand united and say to the world that our country is special and was designed by Davine Guidance. Let us say we will never cower to the will of these other countries whose only purpose is the downfall of our beloved country.
Talk to you soon. Earl
The most recent B.S. that the U.N. has done is give Iran a two month extension on the sanctions that were voted on and agreed on. This means that Iran has two more months to continue it's progress on the development of Nuclear Weapons. When are we going to take the country and it's leadership seriously? Also, when are we, the U.S. going to stand up to the U.N. and say we are no longer going to be part of your collection of Thugs and criminals.
I say this after Another U.N. refusal to enforce sanctions which have already been voted on and agreed upon by it's members. The U.N. is nothing other than an organization for dictatorships and countries opposed to the United States to get together with an air of legitimacy. I tell you, this is no respectable organization, and we as the United States should distance ourselves from it. Not only that, we should tell the U.N. that they are no longer welcome in the United States and the the building that the U.N. is now occupying will be destroyed within one month. That gives them plenty of time to find a new home, maybe in Iran, and move their "Organization" there. We do not want them, nor do we need them. I say good ridden to bad luggage.
Just a couple of things that the U.N. had been involved in recently that makes me come to this decision, which I actually came to some time ago. The most recent is the continued appeasal of Iran and the continued delay that have been allowed to happen with this organization at the helm. The longer we allow Iran to proceed with it's Nuclear program the less time there is going to be to respond when the time comes. Make no mistake, Iran has already stated that it wants to destroy Israel and the United States. When Iran has the capability to produce weapons grade plutonium, it will be too late to strike. While their plant is still in the stage of development we have a chance, when it is making Plutonium, we can no longer attack the plant due to the very real possibility of the spread of fallout from the reactor. We need to act now to make sure that they never have the ability to strike Israel, nor the United States for that matter.
Two, the Oil for Food program that ended up being a Oil for Profit for the U.N. program. The key players in this fiasco were Russia, France, and Germany. Do you remember these countries names from somewhere? Let me remind you, they are the three major countries that were vehemently opposed to the United States declaring war on Iraq. Oh yes, and they all three are members of the U.N. Sort of makes you wonder what is really the ultimate plan of the U.N. is doesn't it. These three countries along with the leadership of the U.N. were directly involved in the scandal that has been washed under the U.N. building, this is a corrupt organization that we really need to distance ourselves from.
Third, there has Never been a proposal that the United States has gone to the U.N. for that has been voted for, in every instance the vote has been against us and we have had to make deals with it's members to get them to go along with us. Is this what we call a coalition of friendly countries or is this a coalition of countries trying to blackmail the most powerful country in the world for their own gains. I leave that judgement to each of you.
My personal view of what the sole purpose of the U.N. is as follows. I think they are only assembled for the purpose of preventing the United States from securing itself. I think that they only exist to prohibit or delay the actions our country sees as vital to it's national interest. I think their only purpose is to weaken us to the point where we are subject to attacks from a multiple of directions. Did you also know that most of the members of the U.N. are anti-Israel? In every instance where Israel defended herself after first being attacked, the U.N. has come out with a condemnation of their actions. How can an organization that says it is for the right of every nation to have equal footing in the same breath condemn Israel for defending herself. The Hypocrisy is laughable.
The United States needs to pull out of the U.N. immediately and evict all those countries with offices in that building. We need to stay vigilant in our defense of Israel and our defense of ourselves. If the U.N. and the countries that are members of this terrorist organization are upset by this action, TOO BAD!!! We are the most powerful country on the planet and we can only be defeated by defeating ourselves. Let us stand united and say to the world that our country is special and was designed by Davine Guidance. Let us say we will never cower to the will of these other countries whose only purpose is the downfall of our beloved country.
Talk to you soon. Earl
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Military Buildup
I want to address a problem we currently are experiencing and nobody is addressing. I am talking about the age of our military and it's weapon systems.
I know we are presently involved in three wars, the war on terror, the Iraq war, and the war in Afghanistan. I am also aware of the limits that are put on our military due to the number of wars we are presently involved in. I also know that there are several places in which we have soldiers that are acting in an "Advisor" role, meaning there is no declaration of war or conflict but none the less we have soldiers there.
You add to the number of troops and wars that we are involved in with the fact that we have an aging arsenal of military equipment, and we have a recipe for disaster for the first time in our military's history.
The average age of our top jet fighter is 25 years old. The average age of our refueling tankers are 45 years old. We have our planes operating at their limits as far as age and time of service as well as flight time goes. This is a serious problem as I see it. This is the first time in our history that an enemy or possible adversary has a more modern Air Force than our own. I am speaking of course of China.
While we have been busy with Iraq and Afghanistan, China has been literally dumping Billions of dollars into their military. They are filling their skies with the most modern fighters and bombers made by Russia as well as their own manufactures'. They are also spending a fortune on the Anti-Aircraft systems that are being placed all around the perimeter if China. It makes me wonder what does China know that we don't?
It goes back to the old magician's trick which goes something like this. Look at my lovely assistant and don't worry about what I am doing while you are not watching. I think that China is preparing for a war with someone, and I cannot think of anyone other than the United States that would be an adversary worthy of this type of military buildup. I know it is making me very nervous.
Think about it this way. When is the best time to strike a potential enemy? Well, there are two answers really. One, when your enemies attention is diverted from protecting itself, or two, when your enemies forces and equipment are in such a state of disrepair that they are unable to defend themselves from the onslaught. Does one or both of these scenarios sound familiar? I would have to say, unquestionably Yes!!!
Our politicians in Washington need to understand the threat and act accordingly. While everyone is watching and worrying about Iran, China is using that diversion to build up it's military might. We need to start a Major Military Buildup like the one we did during the Cold War with Russia. We need to start aggressively start Modernizing our military before it is too late. We also need to start making it mandatory for all men to serve at least 4 years in the military right out of high school. I know this is going to be VERY unpopular with a lot of people out there, I don't care! I know that our troops are being spread too thin and that there are not enough troops to make the rotations out of the combat zones. There is a price for Freedom and that price is Service.
There are going to be people out there that say the the United States is on a mission to conquest the World. I say to them that the United States has never kept land that it has won in combat! On the contrary, it not only gives back the land that it has fairly won, but in addition, it helps that country rebuild after the was is over. We are a people who value freedom and liberty over everything else and when we go to war, it is to help others know the type of freedom that we enjoy. For anyone to say anything else is just plain wrong and probably has some political motive. We are a God loving and God fearing people. We need to start inviting God back into our lives and into our Country before he abandons us all together. I honestly believe that everything that is going on with our country is going on because we have tried to Expel God from our lives. I am not a deeply religious person but I am a DEEPLY Spiritual person. We Need God in our country for our country to survive. Our very way of life was founded with Christianity at it's roots, all you have to do is read the Constitution to understand that. The trouble we are facing with China and Iran is a direct reflection of our expulsion of God from our lives and from our Country.
Please tell people you know to contact their politicians and tell them we need a STRONG DEFENSE. Modernize our Air Force And our Navy. Increase the number of our Planes and Aircraft Carrier groups as well as our Soldiers and the Support elements. This is not something that can be ignored anymore, to do so would be catastrophic to our very way of life. Everyone in this country loves Freedom, even those who speak against our ways enjoys the freedom of speaking out without fear of death or severe repercussions. There is a price for that freedom and that price is Service and a strong military. Without those two items, we would fall as surly as a bully takes from the weaker.
A quote to end this on.
Project strength to avoid conflict.
The reason we are having so many problems in the world right now is that other countries see us as weak and uncommitted to our beliefs. Let's show them how very wrong they are!!
Talk to you soon. Earl
I know we are presently involved in three wars, the war on terror, the Iraq war, and the war in Afghanistan. I am also aware of the limits that are put on our military due to the number of wars we are presently involved in. I also know that there are several places in which we have soldiers that are acting in an "Advisor" role, meaning there is no declaration of war or conflict but none the less we have soldiers there.
You add to the number of troops and wars that we are involved in with the fact that we have an aging arsenal of military equipment, and we have a recipe for disaster for the first time in our military's history.
The average age of our top jet fighter is 25 years old. The average age of our refueling tankers are 45 years old. We have our planes operating at their limits as far as age and time of service as well as flight time goes. This is a serious problem as I see it. This is the first time in our history that an enemy or possible adversary has a more modern Air Force than our own. I am speaking of course of China.
While we have been busy with Iraq and Afghanistan, China has been literally dumping Billions of dollars into their military. They are filling their skies with the most modern fighters and bombers made by Russia as well as their own manufactures'. They are also spending a fortune on the Anti-Aircraft systems that are being placed all around the perimeter if China. It makes me wonder what does China know that we don't?
It goes back to the old magician's trick which goes something like this. Look at my lovely assistant and don't worry about what I am doing while you are not watching. I think that China is preparing for a war with someone, and I cannot think of anyone other than the United States that would be an adversary worthy of this type of military buildup. I know it is making me very nervous.
Think about it this way. When is the best time to strike a potential enemy? Well, there are two answers really. One, when your enemies attention is diverted from protecting itself, or two, when your enemies forces and equipment are in such a state of disrepair that they are unable to defend themselves from the onslaught. Does one or both of these scenarios sound familiar? I would have to say, unquestionably Yes!!!
Our politicians in Washington need to understand the threat and act accordingly. While everyone is watching and worrying about Iran, China is using that diversion to build up it's military might. We need to start a Major Military Buildup like the one we did during the Cold War with Russia. We need to start aggressively start Modernizing our military before it is too late. We also need to start making it mandatory for all men to serve at least 4 years in the military right out of high school. I know this is going to be VERY unpopular with a lot of people out there, I don't care! I know that our troops are being spread too thin and that there are not enough troops to make the rotations out of the combat zones. There is a price for Freedom and that price is Service.
There are going to be people out there that say the the United States is on a mission to conquest the World. I say to them that the United States has never kept land that it has won in combat! On the contrary, it not only gives back the land that it has fairly won, but in addition, it helps that country rebuild after the was is over. We are a people who value freedom and liberty over everything else and when we go to war, it is to help others know the type of freedom that we enjoy. For anyone to say anything else is just plain wrong and probably has some political motive. We are a God loving and God fearing people. We need to start inviting God back into our lives and into our Country before he abandons us all together. I honestly believe that everything that is going on with our country is going on because we have tried to Expel God from our lives. I am not a deeply religious person but I am a DEEPLY Spiritual person. We Need God in our country for our country to survive. Our very way of life was founded with Christianity at it's roots, all you have to do is read the Constitution to understand that. The trouble we are facing with China and Iran is a direct reflection of our expulsion of God from our lives and from our Country.
Please tell people you know to contact their politicians and tell them we need a STRONG DEFENSE. Modernize our Air Force And our Navy. Increase the number of our Planes and Aircraft Carrier groups as well as our Soldiers and the Support elements. This is not something that can be ignored anymore, to do so would be catastrophic to our very way of life. Everyone in this country loves Freedom, even those who speak against our ways enjoys the freedom of speaking out without fear of death or severe repercussions. There is a price for that freedom and that price is Service and a strong military. Without those two items, we would fall as surly as a bully takes from the weaker.
A quote to end this on.
Project strength to avoid conflict.
The reason we are having so many problems in the world right now is that other countries see us as weak and uncommitted to our beliefs. Let's show them how very wrong they are!!
Talk to you soon. Earl
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Jeremy Scahill
I normally would not write about a book I've read or an author, but I feel it is an obligation to inform you of this author and his book called "Blackwater".
While normally I enjoy a good book and even a book that causes me to think of alternative points of view, I cannot and will not let this author go unchecked in his ranting about the United States Government and the group Blackwater.
I have read this book and I cannot remember a book that was so one sided and against everything this country and our present political administration is for. He seems to have a hatred for everything this country stands for. I hope that you will not help this author to prosper one more cent by purchasing his books. I would suggest that you read his book only so that you can see that what I am saying is true, but get it from the library instead of purchasing it. This way you can stay educated and at the same time not be helping this guy benefit from his hatred.
Now to the meat of the matter. The first thing I would like to address is, in his writing of the war in Iraq, he continues to make the statement that the United States is in an Occupation of Iraq instead of a war in Iraq. To make the statement that we are in an Occupation makes the soldiers who are fighting and dying over there feel as if they are not being supported. Ask any soldier that has served in Iraq if they feel they are merely Occupying Iraq or if they are actually fighting and dying there. I know most of you already know the answer to this question but there will those who are extremely leftist who will agree with the author. To those I pose the about statement. Ask a soldier if he is occupying of fighting. I bet they will tell you!!
This author continues to make inflammatory statements regarding the war and the process in which the administration is handling it. To him I say, grab a weapon and go serve a tour. I would like to see what you have to say after being there day after day having to patrol the streets of Iraq with the possibility of a roadside bomb going off at any moment. I am sure he would change his tune the first time a soldier had to disarm a I.E.D. before it killed him. I hate it when people make statements like he is making without firsthand knowledge of the situation. He is clearly an anti-war and anti-bush person and everything that spews out of his mouth is subject to bias.
In his book, he goes on to criticize the Blackwater group for their participation in the war in Iraq as well as Afghanistan. He makes claims of the men of Blackwater doing illegal activities in these and other war areas. He makes claims that he cannot or will not back up. He makes statement of questionable nature concerning this companies growth. I feel from reading his book that he against any company making a profit. He reminds me of a Socialist in his statements. He makes the reader feel as if it is somehow improper that a company should make a profit at the expense of a situation. I hate it tell him, this is how a democracy works. You find a need in the market and you fill it. You also do everything in your power to ensure you position in that market. He makes the reader feel as if making a profit is dirty or illegal. I bet he doesn't turn away any money he makes from his books though. He makes money from the very market he despises. I hate hypocrite's.
He then shifts from the war in Iraq to the Border situation and the Hurricane Katrina Situation. He makes claims of Blackwater men illegally patrolling the streets of New Orleans and doing illegal activities. He comments on the men of Blackwater firing at people in Louisiana, briefly even mentioning that they were criminals. He clearly has an agenda with this book. I think this agenda is to undermine the present administration while at the same time trying to insinuate the company of Blackwater of some wrongdoing. I think he is doing this so that there might be some government officials who are as biased as he is, start some investigations which would result in a railroad job against this company. He probably is a wannabe in the military community and was rejected by Blackwater. This is just my view, nothing to confirm that.
The next thing I would like to address his his constant attack on the christian nomination of anyone associated within the Bush administration or it's associates. This is downright un-american, one of our countries original mandates is the ability for one to practice the religion of their choice. And let me remind you all, this country was founded on Christian Fundamentals. Our forefathers made ALL their decisions with the lord almighty at the center. For this yahoo to insinuate that because our President believes in the Almighty, he must somehow be corrupt as a leader is just plain Stupid, as is He.
There is so much in this book I would like to address, but it would do no good. I think with what I have written here, you get the message. This guy is no good, not for our country, not for business, and nor for free enterprise. He should be living in Red China. Oh yea, if he was, he couldn't spew his hatred of the country. They would kill him and never allow him to publish his book.
I know there will be those of you who will read this book and agree with everything this guy spews out of his mouth. To these I say, welcome to America, where you can benefit from criticizing your own country.
Talk to you soon. Earl
While normally I enjoy a good book and even a book that causes me to think of alternative points of view, I cannot and will not let this author go unchecked in his ranting about the United States Government and the group Blackwater.
I have read this book and I cannot remember a book that was so one sided and against everything this country and our present political administration is for. He seems to have a hatred for everything this country stands for. I hope that you will not help this author to prosper one more cent by purchasing his books. I would suggest that you read his book only so that you can see that what I am saying is true, but get it from the library instead of purchasing it. This way you can stay educated and at the same time not be helping this guy benefit from his hatred.
Now to the meat of the matter. The first thing I would like to address is, in his writing of the war in Iraq, he continues to make the statement that the United States is in an Occupation of Iraq instead of a war in Iraq. To make the statement that we are in an Occupation makes the soldiers who are fighting and dying over there feel as if they are not being supported. Ask any soldier that has served in Iraq if they feel they are merely Occupying Iraq or if they are actually fighting and dying there. I know most of you already know the answer to this question but there will those who are extremely leftist who will agree with the author. To those I pose the about statement. Ask a soldier if he is occupying of fighting. I bet they will tell you!!
This author continues to make inflammatory statements regarding the war and the process in which the administration is handling it. To him I say, grab a weapon and go serve a tour. I would like to see what you have to say after being there day after day having to patrol the streets of Iraq with the possibility of a roadside bomb going off at any moment. I am sure he would change his tune the first time a soldier had to disarm a I.E.D. before it killed him. I hate it when people make statements like he is making without firsthand knowledge of the situation. He is clearly an anti-war and anti-bush person and everything that spews out of his mouth is subject to bias.
In his book, he goes on to criticize the Blackwater group for their participation in the war in Iraq as well as Afghanistan. He makes claims of the men of Blackwater doing illegal activities in these and other war areas. He makes claims that he cannot or will not back up. He makes statement of questionable nature concerning this companies growth. I feel from reading his book that he against any company making a profit. He reminds me of a Socialist in his statements. He makes the reader feel as if it is somehow improper that a company should make a profit at the expense of a situation. I hate it tell him, this is how a democracy works. You find a need in the market and you fill it. You also do everything in your power to ensure you position in that market. He makes the reader feel as if making a profit is dirty or illegal. I bet he doesn't turn away any money he makes from his books though. He makes money from the very market he despises. I hate hypocrite's.
He then shifts from the war in Iraq to the Border situation and the Hurricane Katrina Situation. He makes claims of Blackwater men illegally patrolling the streets of New Orleans and doing illegal activities. He comments on the men of Blackwater firing at people in Louisiana, briefly even mentioning that they were criminals. He clearly has an agenda with this book. I think this agenda is to undermine the present administration while at the same time trying to insinuate the company of Blackwater of some wrongdoing. I think he is doing this so that there might be some government officials who are as biased as he is, start some investigations which would result in a railroad job against this company. He probably is a wannabe in the military community and was rejected by Blackwater. This is just my view, nothing to confirm that.
The next thing I would like to address his his constant attack on the christian nomination of anyone associated within the Bush administration or it's associates. This is downright un-american, one of our countries original mandates is the ability for one to practice the religion of their choice. And let me remind you all, this country was founded on Christian Fundamentals. Our forefathers made ALL their decisions with the lord almighty at the center. For this yahoo to insinuate that because our President believes in the Almighty, he must somehow be corrupt as a leader is just plain Stupid, as is He.
There is so much in this book I would like to address, but it would do no good. I think with what I have written here, you get the message. This guy is no good, not for our country, not for business, and nor for free enterprise. He should be living in Red China. Oh yea, if he was, he couldn't spew his hatred of the country. They would kill him and never allow him to publish his book.
I know there will be those of you who will read this book and agree with everything this guy spews out of his mouth. To these I say, welcome to America, where you can benefit from criticizing your own country.
Talk to you soon. Earl
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I want to inform you of a Presidential candidate who has aided and abetted the enemy in the past week. I am talking about Dennis J. Kucinich. This man should be eliminated from the presidential race, as well as be kicked out of congress.
I do not care what party you belong to or what your political views are, if you are a true American, you will join me in calling for the withdrawal and firing of this congressman. He is a true traitor to our country and to our soldiers who are fighting and dying in Iraq.
For those of you who are unaware of what has happened, let me be the one to light the fire in your belly. I hope is that after you hear what he has done, you will call for his immediate resignation and withdrawal from the presidential race.
Earlier in the week, Dennis Kucinich went to Syria, one of the five axis of evil members as described by our President and spoke against our country and our war in Iraq. He met with the President of Syria and made repeated statements saying that our war in Iraq is Illegal and was brought upon the country of Iraq upon a pack of lies. To anyone who has monitored the ongoing investigations of the information that led to the decision to go to war in Iraq knows that this is a bold face lie. All the investigations that have been held by both parties as well as other countries' intelligence agencies have declared that the information that was given to the President and the Congress was true as far as could be determined. There was NO intentional deceit associated with the President's decision to take our country and our soldiers into harms way. For this man to go to one of our countries greatest enemies is treasonous at best.
This is not the only thing he has done, NOOOO, he also went on Syrian television which is broadcast all over the Arab world and repeatedly stated that the United States was continuing to impose an Illegal Occupation of the country of Iraq. Now I do not know about you, but when I hear of an American citizen going and meeting with the leader of one of our greatest adversaries and making the comments he has made, and then make these statements on an enemies national television station, I call that Traitorous and Treasonous. If this does not cause your blood to boil, maybe you should take a deep look inside of yourself. This is unacceptable in a member of our congress, and for ANYONE to defend him is just playing politics with this idiot.
I am requesting that congress impose the 14Th Amendment which states that no person shall serve in the congress that has aided and abetted the enemy in a time of war. Dennis Kucinich has committed such an act by going on an enemies state run television which is broadcast throughout the Middle East. He publicly denounced the policies of the President of the United States and denounced the President himself as well as made comments that are in direct contradiction to the facts associated with the war. He has helped the enemies of the United States in ways few others have. He has given the impression that the American People are criminals and that our President has declared an unjust war. Neither of these things are correct and for him to imply otherwise just to get votes in Treasonous. I hope he burns!!!
Please contact any and all members of the Senate and the House of Representatives and call for this mans ( I use that word very Liberally) resignation and immediate withdrawal from the presidential race. I further call for him to be brought up on charges of Treason for the statements and actions make while in Syria. I really hope that there are true Americans out there who still believe in our country and our way of life. Please Join Me!!!!!!!!!
Talk to you soon. Earl
I do not care what party you belong to or what your political views are, if you are a true American, you will join me in calling for the withdrawal and firing of this congressman. He is a true traitor to our country and to our soldiers who are fighting and dying in Iraq.
For those of you who are unaware of what has happened, let me be the one to light the fire in your belly. I hope is that after you hear what he has done, you will call for his immediate resignation and withdrawal from the presidential race.
Earlier in the week, Dennis Kucinich went to Syria, one of the five axis of evil members as described by our President and spoke against our country and our war in Iraq. He met with the President of Syria and made repeated statements saying that our war in Iraq is Illegal and was brought upon the country of Iraq upon a pack of lies. To anyone who has monitored the ongoing investigations of the information that led to the decision to go to war in Iraq knows that this is a bold face lie. All the investigations that have been held by both parties as well as other countries' intelligence agencies have declared that the information that was given to the President and the Congress was true as far as could be determined. There was NO intentional deceit associated with the President's decision to take our country and our soldiers into harms way. For this man to go to one of our countries greatest enemies is treasonous at best.
This is not the only thing he has done, NOOOO, he also went on Syrian television which is broadcast all over the Arab world and repeatedly stated that the United States was continuing to impose an Illegal Occupation of the country of Iraq. Now I do not know about you, but when I hear of an American citizen going and meeting with the leader of one of our greatest adversaries and making the comments he has made, and then make these statements on an enemies national television station, I call that Traitorous and Treasonous. If this does not cause your blood to boil, maybe you should take a deep look inside of yourself. This is unacceptable in a member of our congress, and for ANYONE to defend him is just playing politics with this idiot.
I am requesting that congress impose the 14Th Amendment which states that no person shall serve in the congress that has aided and abetted the enemy in a time of war. Dennis Kucinich has committed such an act by going on an enemies state run television which is broadcast throughout the Middle East. He publicly denounced the policies of the President of the United States and denounced the President himself as well as made comments that are in direct contradiction to the facts associated with the war. He has helped the enemies of the United States in ways few others have. He has given the impression that the American People are criminals and that our President has declared an unjust war. Neither of these things are correct and for him to imply otherwise just to get votes in Treasonous. I hope he burns!!!
Please contact any and all members of the Senate and the House of Representatives and call for this mans ( I use that word very Liberally) resignation and immediate withdrawal from the presidential race. I further call for him to be brought up on charges of Treason for the statements and actions make while in Syria. I really hope that there are true Americans out there who still believe in our country and our way of life. Please Join Me!!!!!!!!!
Talk to you soon. Earl
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Today I want to address the possibility of a major terrorist attack that is being planned against us on our own soil, again.
This time the terrorist are targeting not our economy, not our buildings, not our way of life, but something much more important. This time they are targeting our Children!!!!
There is mounting evidence of reconnaissance being conducted at schools located in numerous states around our country. There has been many reports of strangers hanging around schools observing security measures, there also has been people taken into custody who have had school schedules, security measures, number of students, location of administration offices as well as student and teacher schedules. The people who had this information had no reason to have it in their possession as they were not attached in any way to the education system.
There was an incident in Beslam Russia about three years ago where Chechen's Rebels took control of a school of approximately 1200 people. Three days later over three hundred and fifty adults and children were dead. Osama bin Laden has stated that what occurred in Russia will be visited upon America one hundred times as worse. In addition, Bin Laden has gone to the head Cleric for permission to kill up to and including two million American Children in the name of Allah and the holy Jihad. The Cleric have given Bin Laden his blessing, thereby cementing the fact that there will be some sort of attack against our children in the future.
We as Americans need to come to grips with the fact that we are going to lose a lot of blood in this war. We have not fully accepted the fact that we are at war, and that this war is going to spill over into our streets once again. We have not had the difficulties of other generations when it comes to the sacrifice that had to be endured during other wars. The only way we know that we are at war is because it is being broadcast daily in the news, as well as the parents and loved ones of the soldiers killed. We as a people have not had to sacrifice for the good of the war as other generations have. Maybe, that is the reason that we are not ready for the coming brutality.
The people of the Muslim community, your time is getting dangerously short to come out and support this nation. If you are not an Islamic Fundamentalist, then you need to stand up and state that your are an American and you do not support what these terrorist are doing and planning to do. You need to make it clear that these people do not represent you or your religion. If you fail to do this, then this makes you culpable in any terrorist attack that happens to Americans either here or overseas. It is time for you to make your stand, your are either with us or you are with them, There is no room for you to be on the sidelines or indecisive, you must declare your intentions to the world and live or die by those declarations. If you do not make such a declaration, you will open yourself up to all sorts of repercussions if something was to happen in the name of Allah.
Parents, it is time for you to start taking these threats seriously. You need to start talking with your children concerning the war and what is being planned. You need to have an action plan as well as a reaction plan. You need to inform your children of what these plans are and what parts they are to perform as part of these plans. For many of you, this will be the first time that you will have to make any type of plans such as these, do not fear, there are many websites available to you to assist you in designing a plan for your family. The most important thing you can do right now is to talk to your children and spouses about what is being planned by these nut jobs. The most dangerous thing you can do is, NOTHING!!! It is your choice, but placing your head in the sand and acting as if nothing is happening does not mean that nothing is happening. It is your job as a parent to prepare your families the best you can. By acting as if nothing is wrong, you will only bring worse heartache later. Prepare now and you at least stand a chance of your children surviving if they do encounter something in their school. If nothing happens, you have at least done your job in keeping your family informed.
Men, it is time for you to start being men. The time of feminism and getting in touch with your famine side is over. You as men better start training yourselves to defend you families. there will be no time to do this once the war reaches our shores. If you do not know how to defend yourself, take a self-defense class. If you have never shot a gun, go to a gun range and take lessons in combat shooting. Buy a gun and know how to use it. Remember, it is a mans responsibility to defend and protect his family. That is gods law. We as American men cannot and will not lose this fight which has been brought against us. We will triumph!!
I hope this has gotten through to some of you, for those of you who still believe that this is all just baloney, I really, really hope you are right. I for one will not place my families lives in hope!! I for one will do my job.
Books associated with this topic,
Lt. Col. Ruffini is a counterterrorism expert and the author of When Terror Comes to Main Street: A Citizens' Guide to Terror Awareness, Preparedness, and Prevention.
Former FBI Special Agent Don Clark led the investigation after the first World Trade Center attack. He recommends the website www.counterterrorismblog.org as a great resource for staying up to date with the threats that veteran intelligence officials are most concerned about.
John Giduck is the author of Terror at Beslan: A Russian Tragedy with Lessons for America's Schools.
Talk to you soon, Earl
This time the terrorist are targeting not our economy, not our buildings, not our way of life, but something much more important. This time they are targeting our Children!!!!
There is mounting evidence of reconnaissance being conducted at schools located in numerous states around our country. There has been many reports of strangers hanging around schools observing security measures, there also has been people taken into custody who have had school schedules, security measures, number of students, location of administration offices as well as student and teacher schedules. The people who had this information had no reason to have it in their possession as they were not attached in any way to the education system.
There was an incident in Beslam Russia about three years ago where Chechen's Rebels took control of a school of approximately 1200 people. Three days later over three hundred and fifty adults and children were dead. Osama bin Laden has stated that what occurred in Russia will be visited upon America one hundred times as worse. In addition, Bin Laden has gone to the head Cleric for permission to kill up to and including two million American Children in the name of Allah and the holy Jihad. The Cleric have given Bin Laden his blessing, thereby cementing the fact that there will be some sort of attack against our children in the future.
We as Americans need to come to grips with the fact that we are going to lose a lot of blood in this war. We have not fully accepted the fact that we are at war, and that this war is going to spill over into our streets once again. We have not had the difficulties of other generations when it comes to the sacrifice that had to be endured during other wars. The only way we know that we are at war is because it is being broadcast daily in the news, as well as the parents and loved ones of the soldiers killed. We as a people have not had to sacrifice for the good of the war as other generations have. Maybe, that is the reason that we are not ready for the coming brutality.
The people of the Muslim community, your time is getting dangerously short to come out and support this nation. If you are not an Islamic Fundamentalist, then you need to stand up and state that your are an American and you do not support what these terrorist are doing and planning to do. You need to make it clear that these people do not represent you or your religion. If you fail to do this, then this makes you culpable in any terrorist attack that happens to Americans either here or overseas. It is time for you to make your stand, your are either with us or you are with them, There is no room for you to be on the sidelines or indecisive, you must declare your intentions to the world and live or die by those declarations. If you do not make such a declaration, you will open yourself up to all sorts of repercussions if something was to happen in the name of Allah.
Parents, it is time for you to start taking these threats seriously. You need to start talking with your children concerning the war and what is being planned. You need to have an action plan as well as a reaction plan. You need to inform your children of what these plans are and what parts they are to perform as part of these plans. For many of you, this will be the first time that you will have to make any type of plans such as these, do not fear, there are many websites available to you to assist you in designing a plan for your family. The most important thing you can do right now is to talk to your children and spouses about what is being planned by these nut jobs. The most dangerous thing you can do is, NOTHING!!! It is your choice, but placing your head in the sand and acting as if nothing is happening does not mean that nothing is happening. It is your job as a parent to prepare your families the best you can. By acting as if nothing is wrong, you will only bring worse heartache later. Prepare now and you at least stand a chance of your children surviving if they do encounter something in their school. If nothing happens, you have at least done your job in keeping your family informed.
Men, it is time for you to start being men. The time of feminism and getting in touch with your famine side is over. You as men better start training yourselves to defend you families. there will be no time to do this once the war reaches our shores. If you do not know how to defend yourself, take a self-defense class. If you have never shot a gun, go to a gun range and take lessons in combat shooting. Buy a gun and know how to use it. Remember, it is a mans responsibility to defend and protect his family. That is gods law. We as American men cannot and will not lose this fight which has been brought against us. We will triumph!!
I hope this has gotten through to some of you, for those of you who still believe that this is all just baloney, I really, really hope you are right. I for one will not place my families lives in hope!! I for one will do my job.
Books associated with this topic,
Lt. Col. Ruffini is a counterterrorism expert and the author of When Terror Comes to Main Street: A Citizens' Guide to Terror Awareness, Preparedness, and Prevention.
Former FBI Special Agent Don Clark led the investigation after the first World Trade Center attack. He recommends the website www.counterterrorismblog.org as a great resource for staying up to date with the threats that veteran intelligence officials are most concerned about.
John Giduck is the author of Terror at Beslan: A Russian Tragedy with Lessons for America's Schools.
Talk to you soon, Earl
Sunday, September 9, 2007
NAFTA Superhighway
I would like to inform you of a new (or not so new) program that is going on right in front of our faces and under our noses, this program is the NAFTA Superhighway. Most people have not heard of this.
The NAFTA Superhighway will connect all three North American countries together. This connection will take place with the construction of this highway. For those who are not geographically literate, those three countries are The United States of America, Canada and Mexico.
This highway, which is scheduled to start construction next year will consist of ten lanes (5 in each direction) and will start in Lazaro Cardinas, Mexico and run up through the United States with the first customs stop being in Kansas City, with it then proceeding up through Canada. I do not know about the rest of you, but this seems to me to be the beginning of the end of the Independent United States as we know it. This is starting to sound like a audio bit out of the twilight zone.
Most people who will read this will think that this is another conspiracy theory being spread around by people with nothing better to do. To those people I say to start doing your own research on the subject. All you have to do is go to your favorite search engine such as Google and type in NAFTA superhighway or just superhighway or any other key words and it will bring up a ton of information concerning this VERY important subject. I hope some of you will do this, it will help me to spread the word about how our very sovereignty is being sold out. I am including several links to help you get started in your own search, please do not just rely on these, do your own investigation and make your own conclusions. I think that you will become as distressed as I have become after doing my research. At least I hope you do.
Now let me get to the heart of the matter. Does anyone believe that this is going to cause the United States much more problems than it is going to solve? I for one think that this is opening up a Pandora's Box that we will not be able to close. We will be inviting the social collapse of our middle class society that has carried our economy as well as has been the envy of every other industrialized country in the world. We are committing the most severe mistake I think this country has ever made.
We hear of and see the problems we are having with Immigration as the borders are right now. Can you imagine the social and economic problems that lay in wait for us when this corridor is completed. This is in essence eliminating the borders between our country and those of Mexico and Canada. Do we really think we can control the flow of illegals that will result from this corridor. We cannot even control them now, and we do not have nearly the influx we will have.
Now, in this plan it states that the containers will be sealed at the ports in Mexico and will not be tampered with while in transit. RIGHT!! We are talking about the same Mexico that has one of the highest corruption levels in government of almost any country. Are we really to believe that they are all of the sudden going to control their own crime as well as their own immigration laws. Oh, I forgot, they have none!! Am I the only one who foresees these containers being utilized by the Drug cartels as well as the shipment of illegal aliens that are presently coming across our deserts. Am I to believe that they will not have bought off the Mexican trucking companies for their shipments. Oh yes, I forgot, most of those trucking companies were formed within the last ten years when the idea of the NAFTA Superhighway was first formed. And who do you think formed most of these companies, that's right, the drug cartels.
Now if I have not convinced you of the problems that lay in wait for us, here is something that has just happened in the last couple of weeks. For those of you who read this blog, you know about the PILOT program that was started that lets Mexican Trucks and truckers drive across out borders and deliver cargo to sites within out country. Well, going back to the superhighway, doesn't it figure that the truckers would need to know the lay of the land when they start using the superhighway? Using this logic, what better way for them to start getting acquainted with out road systems that being given a PILOT program that allows them to start using our roads prior to the completion of the superhighway. I know, I am just being paranoid.
Talk to you soon. Earl
The NAFTA Superhighway will connect all three North American countries together. This connection will take place with the construction of this highway. For those who are not geographically literate, those three countries are The United States of America, Canada and Mexico.
This highway, which is scheduled to start construction next year will consist of ten lanes (5 in each direction) and will start in Lazaro Cardinas, Mexico and run up through the United States with the first customs stop being in Kansas City, with it then proceeding up through Canada. I do not know about the rest of you, but this seems to me to be the beginning of the end of the Independent United States as we know it. This is starting to sound like a audio bit out of the twilight zone.
Most people who will read this will think that this is another conspiracy theory being spread around by people with nothing better to do. To those people I say to start doing your own research on the subject. All you have to do is go to your favorite search engine such as Google and type in NAFTA superhighway or just superhighway or any other key words and it will bring up a ton of information concerning this VERY important subject. I hope some of you will do this, it will help me to spread the word about how our very sovereignty is being sold out. I am including several links to help you get started in your own search, please do not just rely on these, do your own investigation and make your own conclusions. I think that you will become as distressed as I have become after doing my research. At least I hope you do.
Now let me get to the heart of the matter. Does anyone believe that this is going to cause the United States much more problems than it is going to solve? I for one think that this is opening up a Pandora's Box that we will not be able to close. We will be inviting the social collapse of our middle class society that has carried our economy as well as has been the envy of every other industrialized country in the world. We are committing the most severe mistake I think this country has ever made.
We hear of and see the problems we are having with Immigration as the borders are right now. Can you imagine the social and economic problems that lay in wait for us when this corridor is completed. This is in essence eliminating the borders between our country and those of Mexico and Canada. Do we really think we can control the flow of illegals that will result from this corridor. We cannot even control them now, and we do not have nearly the influx we will have.
Now, in this plan it states that the containers will be sealed at the ports in Mexico and will not be tampered with while in transit. RIGHT!! We are talking about the same Mexico that has one of the highest corruption levels in government of almost any country. Are we really to believe that they are all of the sudden going to control their own crime as well as their own immigration laws. Oh, I forgot, they have none!! Am I the only one who foresees these containers being utilized by the Drug cartels as well as the shipment of illegal aliens that are presently coming across our deserts. Am I to believe that they will not have bought off the Mexican trucking companies for their shipments. Oh yes, I forgot, most of those trucking companies were formed within the last ten years when the idea of the NAFTA Superhighway was first formed. And who do you think formed most of these companies, that's right, the drug cartels.
Now if I have not convinced you of the problems that lay in wait for us, here is something that has just happened in the last couple of weeks. For those of you who read this blog, you know about the PILOT program that was started that lets Mexican Trucks and truckers drive across out borders and deliver cargo to sites within out country. Well, going back to the superhighway, doesn't it figure that the truckers would need to know the lay of the land when they start using the superhighway? Using this logic, what better way for them to start getting acquainted with out road systems that being given a PILOT program that allows them to start using our roads prior to the completion of the superhighway. I know, I am just being paranoid.
Talk to you soon. Earl
Monday, September 3, 2007
Mexican Trucking
I want to touch base today on something that has happened in San Francisco. In their normal socialist way of doing things, the 9Th circuit court of San Francisco has ruled against a temporary injunction to prevent Mexican long haul trucks from operating in our country. In the past, when trucks carrying cargo for the U.S. from Mexico came to the border, they had to switch their loads to truckers from the United States who then would transport the cargo to it's final destination in the United States. Now, that is no longer the case.
The current political administration has to comply with an order given under the Clinton Administration stating that their would be a one year pilot program where Mexican trucks will be allowed to transport cargo all the way to it's final destination in the United States. There were several organizations who were trying to place a temporary injunction against this until the entire process could have serious national oversight. The organizations in this were the Teamsters and the Sierra Club and consumer group Public Citizen . These organizations should be praised for their efforts in trying to prevent this.
I know some of you will be asking why is this a bad thing? After all, it will mean that we will get our cargo more quickly and with less costs. Well, that may be true in the short term, but in the long term, the economic implications are too lengthy to discuss right now. But to be sure, I will be readdressing this subject in more detail in the future. The way I see it, we can either continue along this slippery slope towards invisibility or we can start taking back our country from these communist who wear Judges Robes. Earl
The current political administration has to comply with an order given under the Clinton Administration stating that their would be a one year pilot program where Mexican trucks will be allowed to transport cargo all the way to it's final destination in the United States. There were several organizations who were trying to place a temporary injunction against this until the entire process could have serious national oversight. The organizations in this were the Teamsters and the Sierra Club and consumer group Public Citizen . These organizations should be praised for their efforts in trying to prevent this.
I know some of you will be asking why is this a bad thing? After all, it will mean that we will get our cargo more quickly and with less costs. Well, that may be true in the short term, but in the long term, the economic implications are too lengthy to discuss right now. But to be sure, I will be readdressing this subject in more detail in the future. The way I see it, we can either continue along this slippery slope towards invisibility or we can start taking back our country from these communist who wear Judges Robes. Earl
Friday, August 31, 2007
Stress and Relationships
I would like to talk about Stress today. It seems that too many of us are out there stressing about things that are unimportant.
People out there are stressing about what car they drive or how big their house is compared to their friends or neighbors. They concern themselves about how much money they want or don't have or what new Things they can or cannot purchase. These are things that are causing people stress that does not need to be. We need to learn to take a step back occasionally and see what we have accomplished since we were kids. We need to learn to appreciate what we have and not be so concerned about what we want.
Materialism is going to be the death of us if we do not get a handle on it. I understand wanting nice things and having the bigger house and the nicer cars. I have been in pursuit of these and other things all my life, but the one thing I never forgot about is where I came from and therefore I have always been able to keep things in perspective. Material items are great and they are a way of motivating oneself to try and achieve a greater success in their pursuit. But, if in that pursuit one forgets about the more important things in their life, it can be very easy to lose everything.
If you have a loving wife, good kids, a roof over your head and food in you belly, and a faith that there is something greater than yourself, what more does one really need? I ask this to try and get you to take a look at your own life. Have you forgotten what is truly important in your pursuits? When was the last time you told your wife that you loved her, and did it because you meant it, not because you were leaving or going to bed or because you wanted something from her? When was the last time you just grabbed the kids and took them to see a movie or to play at the playground or did something you know they liked just because? When was the last time you called a good friend just to say hello, not because you needed their help or because you needed to discuss a problem you were having? I know these things sound trivial, but think about it, how would you feel it this happened to you? I bet it would put a smile on your face and a good feeling in your gut! These are the things we should be pursuing!
My wife and I just got back together after being separated for a couple of months due to transfers. When we were out, she made the comment that it felt like we were never apart. Think about that for a moment! How many times does it feel like you are in the same room with someone yet they feel like they are on the other side of the planet? To have the closeness that can be shared like what I mentioned above is truly a blessing. I have a friend like that also, we cannot see each other in years and yet when we do get together, it is like we saw each other yesterday. These are the type of relationships we should all strive to have. I feel truly blessed to have people like these in my life. Do you have people like these in your life? If so, have you told them how much you value their relationship with you? I bet if you are a guy, probably not! Guys for the most part do not put these thoughts into words. It is just the way we are made! Women on the other hand probably have make statements like these at some time. But either way, just think how much it will mean to that someone when you do say it, even if it does feel Korney.
In wrapping up I am just trying to say that put all the unnecessary stress that you are putting on yourself in the background for just a little while and put the necessary work into what is really important. If you do this, guess what, you will find that it is not work at all! Remember, when everything falls apart in your life, it is the people who care about you and you care about who are there for you. Make sure you are there for them!!
Now, go and play with you kids, or kiss the wife. Talk to you soon. Earl
People out there are stressing about what car they drive or how big their house is compared to their friends or neighbors. They concern themselves about how much money they want or don't have or what new Things they can or cannot purchase. These are things that are causing people stress that does not need to be. We need to learn to take a step back occasionally and see what we have accomplished since we were kids. We need to learn to appreciate what we have and not be so concerned about what we want.
Materialism is going to be the death of us if we do not get a handle on it. I understand wanting nice things and having the bigger house and the nicer cars. I have been in pursuit of these and other things all my life, but the one thing I never forgot about is where I came from and therefore I have always been able to keep things in perspective. Material items are great and they are a way of motivating oneself to try and achieve a greater success in their pursuit. But, if in that pursuit one forgets about the more important things in their life, it can be very easy to lose everything.
If you have a loving wife, good kids, a roof over your head and food in you belly, and a faith that there is something greater than yourself, what more does one really need? I ask this to try and get you to take a look at your own life. Have you forgotten what is truly important in your pursuits? When was the last time you told your wife that you loved her, and did it because you meant it, not because you were leaving or going to bed or because you wanted something from her? When was the last time you just grabbed the kids and took them to see a movie or to play at the playground or did something you know they liked just because? When was the last time you called a good friend just to say hello, not because you needed their help or because you needed to discuss a problem you were having? I know these things sound trivial, but think about it, how would you feel it this happened to you? I bet it would put a smile on your face and a good feeling in your gut! These are the things we should be pursuing!
My wife and I just got back together after being separated for a couple of months due to transfers. When we were out, she made the comment that it felt like we were never apart. Think about that for a moment! How many times does it feel like you are in the same room with someone yet they feel like they are on the other side of the planet? To have the closeness that can be shared like what I mentioned above is truly a blessing. I have a friend like that also, we cannot see each other in years and yet when we do get together, it is like we saw each other yesterday. These are the type of relationships we should all strive to have. I feel truly blessed to have people like these in my life. Do you have people like these in your life? If so, have you told them how much you value their relationship with you? I bet if you are a guy, probably not! Guys for the most part do not put these thoughts into words. It is just the way we are made! Women on the other hand probably have make statements like these at some time. But either way, just think how much it will mean to that someone when you do say it, even if it does feel Korney.
In wrapping up I am just trying to say that put all the unnecessary stress that you are putting on yourself in the background for just a little while and put the necessary work into what is really important. If you do this, guess what, you will find that it is not work at all! Remember, when everything falls apart in your life, it is the people who care about you and you care about who are there for you. Make sure you are there for them!!
Now, go and play with you kids, or kiss the wife. Talk to you soon. Earl
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Border Security
I would like to ask a question. When did the United States start having to ask permission to protect their own borders and National Interest? I ask this because of what is happening on our northern ans southern borders.
Lets start with the obvious problem which is the southern border. We have an obvious porous border on our southern end and nobody is doing anything about it. Well, I shouldn't say nobody, the group called The Minutemen are trying to do something but they are so few and it is such a large area of land that needs to be monitored. Other than these great Americans, there is nobody outside of the Border Patrol working on this issue. When I say nobody else, I am assuming you all know I mean the Government. But just it case, because we know what Ass-U-Me means, let me be clear. Where is the government when it comes to this issue. I can tell you where they are not. They are not protecting our borders!!
We have several Border Patrol agents who are at present serving time in federal prisons for no other reason than they were doing their jobs. Why is the Federal Prosecutor going after our men and women who are only doing what we hired and trained them to do? The reason is, they are sending a message to our agents. What message is that? That they are only there for visual effects, to show the American people that we are protecting the borders. But in reality, they are sending a message to our agents that if they in fact do their jobs, that they will be imprisoned like the others. Would you be volunteering for this job if you knew that all you could do is watch and report what was happening but had your hands tied to actually do anything? I certainly wouldn't.
Did you also know that we have agents being fired upon on a regular basis on our southern borders? Did you also know that there was an agent killed in his patrol car on the border? You do not remember hearing about this in the media do you?
Concerning our Northern border with Canada. We are having trouble with them now because they feel that our border checks are too difficult and time consuming. I say, Too Bad. We are not here to placate them or bend to their will. We are here to defend ourselves from Illegal Aliens and if they do not like it, TOO Bad!!!! They are lucky that we are being as lenient as we are concerning what we have faced in the fight on terror. We should have much stricter border policies, not more lenient.
There will be more to come concerning the border issue because it is central to our fight with the terrorist and Islamic Fundamentalist. Stay Tuned. Thank for reading, come back soon. Earl
Lets start with the obvious problem which is the southern border. We have an obvious porous border on our southern end and nobody is doing anything about it. Well, I shouldn't say nobody, the group called The Minutemen are trying to do something but they are so few and it is such a large area of land that needs to be monitored. Other than these great Americans, there is nobody outside of the Border Patrol working on this issue. When I say nobody else, I am assuming you all know I mean the Government. But just it case, because we know what Ass-U-Me means, let me be clear. Where is the government when it comes to this issue. I can tell you where they are not. They are not protecting our borders!!
We have several Border Patrol agents who are at present serving time in federal prisons for no other reason than they were doing their jobs. Why is the Federal Prosecutor going after our men and women who are only doing what we hired and trained them to do? The reason is, they are sending a message to our agents. What message is that? That they are only there for visual effects, to show the American people that we are protecting the borders. But in reality, they are sending a message to our agents that if they in fact do their jobs, that they will be imprisoned like the others. Would you be volunteering for this job if you knew that all you could do is watch and report what was happening but had your hands tied to actually do anything? I certainly wouldn't.
Did you also know that we have agents being fired upon on a regular basis on our southern borders? Did you also know that there was an agent killed in his patrol car on the border? You do not remember hearing about this in the media do you?
Concerning our Northern border with Canada. We are having trouble with them now because they feel that our border checks are too difficult and time consuming. I say, Too Bad. We are not here to placate them or bend to their will. We are here to defend ourselves from Illegal Aliens and if they do not like it, TOO Bad!!!! They are lucky that we are being as lenient as we are concerning what we have faced in the fight on terror. We should have much stricter border policies, not more lenient.
There will be more to come concerning the border issue because it is central to our fight with the terrorist and Islamic Fundamentalist. Stay Tuned. Thank for reading, come back soon. Earl
Monday, August 20, 2007
Sub Americans
Today I would like to address all the groups in our country that are dividing our country into many sub American groups.
I am sick and tired of hearing of the Mexican-American, African-American, Irish American, German-American etc. Since when did our country divide up into all these different sub American titles? I can tell you when!
The beginning of this phenomenon can be linked to when the black society was trying to come to grips with the slang names that were around in that time. They settled on African Americans to describe themselves. I initially had no problem with this, but have since changed my mind. I think this is a bad idea and I will tell you why.
When we start identifying ourselves as anything other than Americans, we are allowing groups who have their individual agendas to divide us. When a society is divided, it is easier to control. By this I mean, when each group of people is only concerned with what effects their group, they no longer see what is best for the country. When a country is divided, it will certainly fall. this has always been true in the past and is still true today.
We are all Americans, there are VERY few people who have ever been to the country of their ancestors. They have no idea what that country is like or even if the culture is something they would like to be associated with. So when I hear people address themselves as something other than just an American, it ticks me off. For those who get offended, too bad. You have no right to claim you are anything other than an American. If you feel that you do have a loyalty to another country, then by all means go there. We do not want anyone in this country who does not want to be here. There is only room in this country for one Nationality, and American is it. I do not mean to say that you should not investigate you heritage, on the contrary, I think everyone should know where they come from so they can realize how truly blessed they are to live in a country as ours. We have the best country in the world and I should know, I have been to numerous countries and have always found that I couldn't wait to get back to the good old United States. There is truly no better country out there.
So, please stop allowing yourselves to be separated by titles that mean nothing to anyone other than those who have an agenda to separate and dominate. Come together as one and do not allow yourselves to be fooled any longer. We are all Americans and nothing else. I love the United States and am not afraid to say so. How may of you can say that without pause? I fear to say, not many. It has become fashionable to talk down about the United States, to degrade our purpose on this planet. I for one feel that this country was founded with divine intervention. I feel that our country was founded with the lords blessing so that we could spread freedom throughout the world. When we started getting away from our purpose, the lord started separating himself from us. We have gone astray and we need to get back on track to get back in the good lords good graces.
We are Americans, start acting like it. Never again claim yourself to be anything other than an American. Once this happens, the ability to separate us will have been eliminated.
Thanks for reading. Earl
I am sick and tired of hearing of the Mexican-American, African-American, Irish American, German-American etc. Since when did our country divide up into all these different sub American titles? I can tell you when!
The beginning of this phenomenon can be linked to when the black society was trying to come to grips with the slang names that were around in that time. They settled on African Americans to describe themselves. I initially had no problem with this, but have since changed my mind. I think this is a bad idea and I will tell you why.
When we start identifying ourselves as anything other than Americans, we are allowing groups who have their individual agendas to divide us. When a society is divided, it is easier to control. By this I mean, when each group of people is only concerned with what effects their group, they no longer see what is best for the country. When a country is divided, it will certainly fall. this has always been true in the past and is still true today.
We are all Americans, there are VERY few people who have ever been to the country of their ancestors. They have no idea what that country is like or even if the culture is something they would like to be associated with. So when I hear people address themselves as something other than just an American, it ticks me off. For those who get offended, too bad. You have no right to claim you are anything other than an American. If you feel that you do have a loyalty to another country, then by all means go there. We do not want anyone in this country who does not want to be here. There is only room in this country for one Nationality, and American is it. I do not mean to say that you should not investigate you heritage, on the contrary, I think everyone should know where they come from so they can realize how truly blessed they are to live in a country as ours. We have the best country in the world and I should know, I have been to numerous countries and have always found that I couldn't wait to get back to the good old United States. There is truly no better country out there.
So, please stop allowing yourselves to be separated by titles that mean nothing to anyone other than those who have an agenda to separate and dominate. Come together as one and do not allow yourselves to be fooled any longer. We are all Americans and nothing else. I love the United States and am not afraid to say so. How may of you can say that without pause? I fear to say, not many. It has become fashionable to talk down about the United States, to degrade our purpose on this planet. I for one feel that this country was founded with divine intervention. I feel that our country was founded with the lords blessing so that we could spread freedom throughout the world. When we started getting away from our purpose, the lord started separating himself from us. We have gone astray and we need to get back on track to get back in the good lords good graces.
We are Americans, start acting like it. Never again claim yourself to be anything other than an American. Once this happens, the ability to separate us will have been eliminated.
Thanks for reading. Earl
Thursday, August 16, 2007
I know this is a sticky subject with many people and I think it is a subject that deserves attention due to the extremely powerful emotions it elicits from people on both sides of the debate.
I feel that abortion is a criminal act regardless of what the law with the VERY liberal judges that passed the Roe VS. Wade decision. This issue should not even be an issue, and I believe that it is only an issue because of the extremely strong lobby that the pro abortion people have put together. I will even go as far as to say that I think that with abortion, our country has committed the largest case of genocide on the planet. More on that a little later.
First let me say that I understand all sides of the issue and have not come to my conclusions without much thought and inner debate. I will try to go through why I have come to the conclusion I have come to, and weather you agree with me or not at least it will cause you to take a second look at this important issue.
The first part of the debate I am going to discuss is the side that believes in freedom of choice. I contend that by the very title of "freedom of choice" that the pro abortion side has a flawed argument. How can it be that it is Freedom of choice if the child in question does not the freedom of choice that the mother has? I know that the pro abortion critics state that it is not a baby until the baby's head escapes the birth canal. I know that that argument has been held as the primary argument used to get the decision of the Roe VS. Wade case. I feel that this cannot be used anymore and that the decision of the Roe VS. Wade case has to be readdressed. I say this because of the technological advances that have been made in medicine in the past couple decades. It can now be proven that the child, while still in the mothers belly can and does have feeling and emotions. This has been proven on several documentaries from several sources. I personally believe that once a baby is conceived, it is and should be honored as a living soul and as such be given the utmost protection our society has to offer. We will go to the greatest of extents to protect our children from child predators and abusive families, but we think nothing of killing these same children just because they have not arrived into the world yet. It hurts my soul every time I think of all the children our society has disregarded without a second thought, we should be doing all we can to protect our most vulnerable.
I also understand the No abortion critics. they want all children to have the same opportunity to life. I agree with them. I feel that every child conceived should have the same right to life that you and I enjoy. I further know that there are many, many, many women out there who do not want to have children. I also know that there are so many childless families as well as families with children who would take these children in. We should use the process of adoption to give all these children a fighting chance. We are supposed to be the leading country when it comes to being an open and free society. I say we start acting like it and start taking the lead when it comes to this issue. Let the children live so our society can get back in the good graces of the lord as well as starting to lead the world in changing the views of the importance of our children. They are our most precious resource. Without them, we have no future.
There will be and are those who will think like I used to. I used to believe that there should not be legal abortion in our country except in the case of rape, incest or the mothers life is in danger. On the surface, these arguments seem logical and just. I mean who would want a women to have a baby from a rapist or from an incestuous event. And no man wants to stand there and watch the love of his life die to give birth, after all , they can always try again, right? The flaw in this argument that I have found after much soul searching is that once you start making exceptions, where do you draw the line? Who says that your reasons are the only valid arguments that can be made. It is for this very reason that I have changed my way of thinking when it comes to this issue. I no longer will accept any reasons why abortion would be valid.
I know the religious right will say that every child has the right to life in the eyes of the lord, and they would be right. I do not always agree with the religious right, but in this case I do.
you will have those in the medical field as well as those who have retarded or malformed children who will argue that in the instances that the medical field feels that there is sufficient evidence to conclude that a baby will be born with either mental or physical impairments, that the parents should have the choice as to weather they want to raise a child with those limitations or not. I would agree, except that I do not think that they should have the choice of abortion. I go back to the adoption choice, there are many families willing to accept these children and love them as if there were nothing wrong with them. God makes allocations for all difficulties that he places in out paths. It is up to us to see the good choices from the bad ones.
One other thing, I have yet to run into a women who has not felt terrible about the choice she make to abort a baby. Everyone that I have talked to on this issue has said she would not do it again had she known of all the pain she would feel throughout the years. The great thing is, as long as you ask for forgiveness and are serious, it is given.
Here is the definition of genocide from the American Heritage dictionary.
"The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group".
wouldn't you say that this is exactly what is happening with our children? Think about it. Is there any wonder why god has abandoned this country. Our forefathers are rolling in their graves, seeing what our society has become.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to your views. Earl
I feel that abortion is a criminal act regardless of what the law with the VERY liberal judges that passed the Roe VS. Wade decision. This issue should not even be an issue, and I believe that it is only an issue because of the extremely strong lobby that the pro abortion people have put together. I will even go as far as to say that I think that with abortion, our country has committed the largest case of genocide on the planet. More on that a little later.
First let me say that I understand all sides of the issue and have not come to my conclusions without much thought and inner debate. I will try to go through why I have come to the conclusion I have come to, and weather you agree with me or not at least it will cause you to take a second look at this important issue.
The first part of the debate I am going to discuss is the side that believes in freedom of choice. I contend that by the very title of "freedom of choice" that the pro abortion side has a flawed argument. How can it be that it is Freedom of choice if the child in question does not the freedom of choice that the mother has? I know that the pro abortion critics state that it is not a baby until the baby's head escapes the birth canal. I know that that argument has been held as the primary argument used to get the decision of the Roe VS. Wade case. I feel that this cannot be used anymore and that the decision of the Roe VS. Wade case has to be readdressed. I say this because of the technological advances that have been made in medicine in the past couple decades. It can now be proven that the child, while still in the mothers belly can and does have feeling and emotions. This has been proven on several documentaries from several sources. I personally believe that once a baby is conceived, it is and should be honored as a living soul and as such be given the utmost protection our society has to offer. We will go to the greatest of extents to protect our children from child predators and abusive families, but we think nothing of killing these same children just because they have not arrived into the world yet. It hurts my soul every time I think of all the children our society has disregarded without a second thought, we should be doing all we can to protect our most vulnerable.
I also understand the No abortion critics. they want all children to have the same opportunity to life. I agree with them. I feel that every child conceived should have the same right to life that you and I enjoy. I further know that there are many, many, many women out there who do not want to have children. I also know that there are so many childless families as well as families with children who would take these children in. We should use the process of adoption to give all these children a fighting chance. We are supposed to be the leading country when it comes to being an open and free society. I say we start acting like it and start taking the lead when it comes to this issue. Let the children live so our society can get back in the good graces of the lord as well as starting to lead the world in changing the views of the importance of our children. They are our most precious resource. Without them, we have no future.
There will be and are those who will think like I used to. I used to believe that there should not be legal abortion in our country except in the case of rape, incest or the mothers life is in danger. On the surface, these arguments seem logical and just. I mean who would want a women to have a baby from a rapist or from an incestuous event. And no man wants to stand there and watch the love of his life die to give birth, after all , they can always try again, right? The flaw in this argument that I have found after much soul searching is that once you start making exceptions, where do you draw the line? Who says that your reasons are the only valid arguments that can be made. It is for this very reason that I have changed my way of thinking when it comes to this issue. I no longer will accept any reasons why abortion would be valid.
I know the religious right will say that every child has the right to life in the eyes of the lord, and they would be right. I do not always agree with the religious right, but in this case I do.
you will have those in the medical field as well as those who have retarded or malformed children who will argue that in the instances that the medical field feels that there is sufficient evidence to conclude that a baby will be born with either mental or physical impairments, that the parents should have the choice as to weather they want to raise a child with those limitations or not. I would agree, except that I do not think that they should have the choice of abortion. I go back to the adoption choice, there are many families willing to accept these children and love them as if there were nothing wrong with them. God makes allocations for all difficulties that he places in out paths. It is up to us to see the good choices from the bad ones.
One other thing, I have yet to run into a women who has not felt terrible about the choice she make to abort a baby. Everyone that I have talked to on this issue has said she would not do it again had she known of all the pain she would feel throughout the years. The great thing is, as long as you ask for forgiveness and are serious, it is given.
Here is the definition of genocide from the American Heritage dictionary.
"The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group".
wouldn't you say that this is exactly what is happening with our children? Think about it. Is there any wonder why god has abandoned this country. Our forefathers are rolling in their graves, seeing what our society has become.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to your views. Earl
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Global Warming
In this article I wish to address the lopsided information being given in regards to Global Warming.
First off, I want everyone to understand that I believe that Global Warming exists and even that we are going through a stage of it at this time. I just do not believe that mankind has the ability to effect the planet on such a massive scale as to effect the global temperature.
Global warming is a cyclic event that happens every so many years. The earth goes through these changes and there is little or nothing that mankind can do to change that. I know that there are literally thousands of commercials and information out there to try and make you believe that we (mankind) is responsible for Global Warming and that we (mankind) has to take immediate action in order to stop or slow this change. I say B.S. There is absolutely nothing we can do to stop what is happening, nor should we.
I know that Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth" is being played in all of our schools and is being propped up as the final answer to the global warming debate. Let me inform you all on a little truth that you are not hearing in the media. Al Gore has publicly stated that starting in June of this year, he was going to start the largest Mass Persuasion campaign the planet has ever seen. Does this statement sound familiar? Well if not, it should. It was the same statement Hitler used when he started his campaign to annihilate the Jews during the second world war. He stated that if he could convince the people that the Jews were the cause of all their problems than he would run into little existence in exterminating them. Al Gore is using this same tactic to try and bully the U.S. population into believing that We (the U.S.) are the major cause of said global warming. He further goes on to say that we should pay an additional Tax to pay for the additional damage we are doing to the planet. So once again, it comes down to money. But in this case, the money does not go into our governments pots. Oh no, this time the money will go to the U.N. That's right, another way for the globalist to redistribute our wealth. Again, it comes down to money. If you do not believe me, just Google "Carbon Offset Tax" and see what comes back. I think you will be both surprised and P.O. at the way you have been and are continuing to be lied to.
As far as the actual event of Global Warming, it is happening. Of this I have no doubt. I just think that the planet goes through these cycles every 1500 years or so in order to make corrections to the planet's atmosphere. I think it is a normal event that has happened numerous times in the past and will continue to happen in the future until the end of the planets days. If you do not believe this, all you need to do is research the Ice Core sample as they relate to global climate shifts. You will find that these events have happened for millions of years prior to mankind even populating the planet in any quantity. If this is true, how did the planet go through these shifts without mankind's assistance? The answer is, it always has and always will. It is a normal occurrence of the planet and no matter what we do we will not be able to alter these events, not even a little bit.
Lets take a look into the past just a little while. Lets go back 25 years. Did you know that the planet was going through a global cooling? That's right, a global cooling! Do you know what the brain power of those days thought we should do? They suggested that we should spread black ash across the frozen tundra and the polar icecaps in order to attract more of the suns heat to the surface of the planet which would cause the planets surface temperature to increase. So as you can see, these alarmist have been at this game of trying to have us in fear of a global catastrophe of one kind or another.
Global Climate Shifts I.E. ( global warming and global cooling, not to mention complete polar shifts) have always been and will always be. Did you know that Ice core samples have proven that the planet have been as much as 28 degrees warmer that it is right now. Did you also know that all the fear mongering that has been going on has been over .6 of 1 degrees of increase in the Earths temperature. When you hear all the facts, it really does make you mad that the globalist have this type of power to persuade an entire planet that these changes are their ( the worlds population) fault.
I just thought that you would like to know the truth about Global Warming. If you decide to continue to play into these Globalist agendas as they pertain to the Global Warming issue and the redistribution of wealth from America to the U.N. then that is up to you. At the very least you are now informed and cannot claim ignorance in the future.
Thank you for reading and leaving feedback. Earl
First off, I want everyone to understand that I believe that Global Warming exists and even that we are going through a stage of it at this time. I just do not believe that mankind has the ability to effect the planet on such a massive scale as to effect the global temperature.
Global warming is a cyclic event that happens every so many years. The earth goes through these changes and there is little or nothing that mankind can do to change that. I know that there are literally thousands of commercials and information out there to try and make you believe that we (mankind) is responsible for Global Warming and that we (mankind) has to take immediate action in order to stop or slow this change. I say B.S. There is absolutely nothing we can do to stop what is happening, nor should we.
I know that Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth" is being played in all of our schools and is being propped up as the final answer to the global warming debate. Let me inform you all on a little truth that you are not hearing in the media. Al Gore has publicly stated that starting in June of this year, he was going to start the largest Mass Persuasion campaign the planet has ever seen. Does this statement sound familiar? Well if not, it should. It was the same statement Hitler used when he started his campaign to annihilate the Jews during the second world war. He stated that if he could convince the people that the Jews were the cause of all their problems than he would run into little existence in exterminating them. Al Gore is using this same tactic to try and bully the U.S. population into believing that We (the U.S.) are the major cause of said global warming. He further goes on to say that we should pay an additional Tax to pay for the additional damage we are doing to the planet. So once again, it comes down to money. But in this case, the money does not go into our governments pots. Oh no, this time the money will go to the U.N. That's right, another way for the globalist to redistribute our wealth. Again, it comes down to money. If you do not believe me, just Google "Carbon Offset Tax" and see what comes back. I think you will be both surprised and P.O. at the way you have been and are continuing to be lied to.
As far as the actual event of Global Warming, it is happening. Of this I have no doubt. I just think that the planet goes through these cycles every 1500 years or so in order to make corrections to the planet's atmosphere. I think it is a normal event that has happened numerous times in the past and will continue to happen in the future until the end of the planets days. If you do not believe this, all you need to do is research the Ice Core sample as they relate to global climate shifts. You will find that these events have happened for millions of years prior to mankind even populating the planet in any quantity. If this is true, how did the planet go through these shifts without mankind's assistance? The answer is, it always has and always will. It is a normal occurrence of the planet and no matter what we do we will not be able to alter these events, not even a little bit.
Lets take a look into the past just a little while. Lets go back 25 years. Did you know that the planet was going through a global cooling? That's right, a global cooling! Do you know what the brain power of those days thought we should do? They suggested that we should spread black ash across the frozen tundra and the polar icecaps in order to attract more of the suns heat to the surface of the planet which would cause the planets surface temperature to increase. So as you can see, these alarmist have been at this game of trying to have us in fear of a global catastrophe of one kind or another.
Global Climate Shifts I.E. ( global warming and global cooling, not to mention complete polar shifts) have always been and will always be. Did you know that Ice core samples have proven that the planet have been as much as 28 degrees warmer that it is right now. Did you also know that all the fear mongering that has been going on has been over .6 of 1 degrees of increase in the Earths temperature. When you hear all the facts, it really does make you mad that the globalist have this type of power to persuade an entire planet that these changes are their ( the worlds population) fault.
I just thought that you would like to know the truth about Global Warming. If you decide to continue to play into these Globalist agendas as they pertain to the Global Warming issue and the redistribution of wealth from America to the U.N. then that is up to you. At the very least you are now informed and cannot claim ignorance in the future.
Thank you for reading and leaving feedback. Earl
Monday, August 13, 2007
I would like to know when it became mainstream to bash America? I mean whereever you look you either hear or see things that directly attack the American way of life.
Have you noticed the increase in movies that have an anti-American theme to them? Let's see, there was the Bourne series that showed that the CIA was making assassins for their own personal use. Then there was Shooter which showed a secret part of the government which would be willing to do anything it took to get what it wanted. Etc. I am a movie buff and I enjoyed both movies I just mentioned but I am getting seriously P.O. over the ever increasing attacks on my country.
I say my country because I served several years in our great military and I am one of the most patriotic people I know. I am unwilling to allow people who have no idea what it takes to secure and protect this great country to talk negative about it. Now I believe in the first amendment which is freedom of speech, but I also believe in my freedom in not having to listen if I don't want to. If you are one of the many who enjoy bashing our country, stay away from me!!
I can remember a time when it was an honer to mention the United States in conversation, now it seems that the only time you hear anyone mention it is when they are bashing it or trying to convince someone that all the worlds problems are America's fault. If you feel this way, Move!!!
There are plenty of countries who would love to have you as a member of their societies, just a few that come to mind are China, Russia, France, and Iran. Let's take a look at each of these individually shall we.
China, well they are a communist country who believes that the only way is the governments way and that it is the governments right to only allow you to have so much and the rest will go to the governing body. Good luck, have a nice life.
Russia, Where do I start with them? no matter what you are told they are still a country that is highly disorganized and President Putan has openly stated that the United States is still their countries number one enemy. They also are trying to reoganize their country into one major communist block again. Lets not forget that the crime syndicate is running rampid there and there is a crime rate there that would make our seem like it is non existance. Farewell and good luck living there.
France. They will be speaking and being governed by the muslim people in the next 20 t0 60 years. If you are a woman, I hope you like Berkas and being stoned to death for simply not following your husbands orders. By the way, what ever religion you are you can forget it. I only religion you can have is Islam and even if you convert you will be taxed insanely because you are still considered an infidel. If you don't convert, they kill you. If you are a man, you are expected to commit a jahad against the west and will probably be forced to become a suicide bomber for the greater good. I guess that work for you, I mean you would no longer have to deal with all the horrors the United States commits on you on a daily basis. I mean like freedom and such horrible idea such as that. I guess there will be one good thing that will come from you moving to France, you will be one of the only people in the world with tanned armpits. With all the surrendering they do and all.
Iran, As an american wanting to move to Iran, I am sure they will open their arms wide for you and wrap you in their hospitality. I mean, what is 50 percent unemployment when compared to the benifits of living in a country that can't even process their own oil, feed their own people, have medical aid when needed and oh so much more. I am sure you are going to be able to just have a wonderful life there.
I have just touched the basics that these countries have to offer you, please, go and have a good life. We are a country that prides itself on letting people persue their own happiness and if America makes you so unhappy please feel free to leave.
I love this country and will fight with my last breath to protect it and it's way of life. I only hope that their are more people out there that feel the same way I do. We may not have the best government there ever will be but by god we have the best one on the planet today. I know that there will come a day when the belief I have for this country will be challenged and when it does, beware he that does the challenging. I am a proud American!!
Until tomorrow. Earl
Have you noticed the increase in movies that have an anti-American theme to them? Let's see, there was the Bourne series that showed that the CIA was making assassins for their own personal use. Then there was Shooter which showed a secret part of the government which would be willing to do anything it took to get what it wanted. Etc. I am a movie buff and I enjoyed both movies I just mentioned but I am getting seriously P.O. over the ever increasing attacks on my country.
I say my country because I served several years in our great military and I am one of the most patriotic people I know. I am unwilling to allow people who have no idea what it takes to secure and protect this great country to talk negative about it. Now I believe in the first amendment which is freedom of speech, but I also believe in my freedom in not having to listen if I don't want to. If you are one of the many who enjoy bashing our country, stay away from me!!
I can remember a time when it was an honer to mention the United States in conversation, now it seems that the only time you hear anyone mention it is when they are bashing it or trying to convince someone that all the worlds problems are America's fault. If you feel this way, Move!!!
There are plenty of countries who would love to have you as a member of their societies, just a few that come to mind are China, Russia, France, and Iran. Let's take a look at each of these individually shall we.
China, well they are a communist country who believes that the only way is the governments way and that it is the governments right to only allow you to have so much and the rest will go to the governing body. Good luck, have a nice life.
Russia, Where do I start with them? no matter what you are told they are still a country that is highly disorganized and President Putan has openly stated that the United States is still their countries number one enemy. They also are trying to reoganize their country into one major communist block again. Lets not forget that the crime syndicate is running rampid there and there is a crime rate there that would make our seem like it is non existance. Farewell and good luck living there.
France. They will be speaking and being governed by the muslim people in the next 20 t0 60 years. If you are a woman, I hope you like Berkas and being stoned to death for simply not following your husbands orders. By the way, what ever religion you are you can forget it. I only religion you can have is Islam and even if you convert you will be taxed insanely because you are still considered an infidel. If you don't convert, they kill you. If you are a man, you are expected to commit a jahad against the west and will probably be forced to become a suicide bomber for the greater good. I guess that work for you, I mean you would no longer have to deal with all the horrors the United States commits on you on a daily basis. I mean like freedom and such horrible idea such as that. I guess there will be one good thing that will come from you moving to France, you will be one of the only people in the world with tanned armpits. With all the surrendering they do and all.
Iran, As an american wanting to move to Iran, I am sure they will open their arms wide for you and wrap you in their hospitality. I mean, what is 50 percent unemployment when compared to the benifits of living in a country that can't even process their own oil, feed their own people, have medical aid when needed and oh so much more. I am sure you are going to be able to just have a wonderful life there.
I have just touched the basics that these countries have to offer you, please, go and have a good life. We are a country that prides itself on letting people persue their own happiness and if America makes you so unhappy please feel free to leave.
I love this country and will fight with my last breath to protect it and it's way of life. I only hope that their are more people out there that feel the same way I do. We may not have the best government there ever will be but by god we have the best one on the planet today. I know that there will come a day when the belief I have for this country will be challenged and when it does, beware he that does the challenging. I am a proud American!!
Until tomorrow. Earl
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Today I would like to cover something that has bothering me for years. Our country's growing tolerance of Immigration with assimilation.
Has anyone else noticed that there is a larger contingent of our population who are not assimilating into our culture. They come to this country either legally or illegally and want to participate in the services and wealth this country has to offer but do not want to assimilate into our country like our ancestors did. They do not declare themselves as Americans but as people who have come here to get what they can but do not want to change to adapt to our way of life. Instead, they fully expect you and I to change our culture and our way of life to conform to theirs. I say B.S. This is my country and if you want to come here, then by god you should be required to fully assimilate into our society.
Fully assimilate means that not only do you learn our language, but you also adapt our culture as your own. You do not see Americans going to other countries and expecting them to automatically change their religion to Judea-christianity or to think that they should all speak English so that we are made to feel as if we never left home. When you come to our country, you are saying that you want to have what our country has to offer, and in exchange, you are going to make a contribution to our society with the knowledge and or work ethic that you bring with you.
I have no problem with legal Immigration, I know that this country was founded on Immigration and continues to grow because of it. I just feel we need to get back to the policy of making sure we bring immigrants here who have something to offer to our society. This policy of accepting just anyone is turning our country into a third world. Have you gone outside your little circle lately? Go to the less desirable areas of your town and you will see an entire subculture existing right within our borders. Neighborhoods that are composed entirely of a single nationality and they are not even trying to conform to our way of life. They bring all the old customs of their parent land here with them and then want to live according to those customs rather that adopt ours and assimilate into our culture.
If you are coming into my country, you have a responsibility to learn out culture and language and assimilate into our culture to the best of your ability. I am not saying you cannot speak your language when in your own home or when you are having a gathering that include others of your same nationality. What I am saying is you have no right to expect that we are going to provide you with interpreters at businesses and documents in your native tongue. When you agree to come to this country you are agreeing to our culture and language. I am sick and tired of all the political correct Nazis trying to force us to conform to others. This is America and if you do not want to assimilate into our culture, GO HOME!! We do not need you nor do we want you here. We only want people here who are going to make our society grow and who want to make a better life for themselves and their families. If you are someone who is here because you know you can live on our social services and not contribute to our society. GET OUT!! You are not wanted here!
To all the Immigrants who are here legally and are assimilating into our culture, I say welcome. We welcome you as fellow Americans and as brothers and sisters of our nation. We welcome you diversity and your contributions to our country and we honestly hope that you are able to fulfil you pursuit of happiness that you have earned the right to have by doing things the right way.
To those who are here illegally, there is a storm coming! There is going to come a time when the American people are going to get fed up with supporting your lazy butts and when that time comes, there will be a day of reckoning. When this day comes, the only one you will have to blame is yourself, by not coming in the front door legally, you have opened yourself up to any and all retaliatory events that are being considered even at this time. Do not believe for a moment that you think because of your numbers that you would win the day. When we want, we can be a ferocious people who will protect their beliefs with all we have. If you do not want this to happen to you, go home and come back the right way.
To the politicians I say, we do not need a complete immigration overhaul. We need you to start enforcing the laws that are on the books already. If you do this, our immigration problems will be over. Enforce the laws so that our society does not do what I fear in coming. Enforce our immigration laws so that the average person does not take the law into their own hands. IF you feel this is a far fetched idea, think again. All you have to do is get back in touch with the American people and talk to them. You will find that our citizens have become disenfranchised with our government and it's unwillingness to secure our borders and enforce our immigration policies. Do your jobs or get out and let others in there who will!!
If we continue to allow Immigration without Assimilation, we will soon be in the same boat as France. They have a whole subculture of Muslims who have not assimilated into France and their culture. Now that same sub-culture is threatening France's very existence. They are now becoming to majority people in that country and within just a couple of decades they will control that country. I fear that France is too gone far to recover, do we really want this to happen to America? All we need to do for this to happen is Nothing.
Assimilate or Vacate.
Thanks for reading. Earl
Has anyone else noticed that there is a larger contingent of our population who are not assimilating into our culture. They come to this country either legally or illegally and want to participate in the services and wealth this country has to offer but do not want to assimilate into our country like our ancestors did. They do not declare themselves as Americans but as people who have come here to get what they can but do not want to change to adapt to our way of life. Instead, they fully expect you and I to change our culture and our way of life to conform to theirs. I say B.S. This is my country and if you want to come here, then by god you should be required to fully assimilate into our society.
Fully assimilate means that not only do you learn our language, but you also adapt our culture as your own. You do not see Americans going to other countries and expecting them to automatically change their religion to Judea-christianity or to think that they should all speak English so that we are made to feel as if we never left home. When you come to our country, you are saying that you want to have what our country has to offer, and in exchange, you are going to make a contribution to our society with the knowledge and or work ethic that you bring with you.
I have no problem with legal Immigration, I know that this country was founded on Immigration and continues to grow because of it. I just feel we need to get back to the policy of making sure we bring immigrants here who have something to offer to our society. This policy of accepting just anyone is turning our country into a third world. Have you gone outside your little circle lately? Go to the less desirable areas of your town and you will see an entire subculture existing right within our borders. Neighborhoods that are composed entirely of a single nationality and they are not even trying to conform to our way of life. They bring all the old customs of their parent land here with them and then want to live according to those customs rather that adopt ours and assimilate into our culture.
If you are coming into my country, you have a responsibility to learn out culture and language and assimilate into our culture to the best of your ability. I am not saying you cannot speak your language when in your own home or when you are having a gathering that include others of your same nationality. What I am saying is you have no right to expect that we are going to provide you with interpreters at businesses and documents in your native tongue. When you agree to come to this country you are agreeing to our culture and language. I am sick and tired of all the political correct Nazis trying to force us to conform to others. This is America and if you do not want to assimilate into our culture, GO HOME!! We do not need you nor do we want you here. We only want people here who are going to make our society grow and who want to make a better life for themselves and their families. If you are someone who is here because you know you can live on our social services and not contribute to our society. GET OUT!! You are not wanted here!
To all the Immigrants who are here legally and are assimilating into our culture, I say welcome. We welcome you as fellow Americans and as brothers and sisters of our nation. We welcome you diversity and your contributions to our country and we honestly hope that you are able to fulfil you pursuit of happiness that you have earned the right to have by doing things the right way.
To those who are here illegally, there is a storm coming! There is going to come a time when the American people are going to get fed up with supporting your lazy butts and when that time comes, there will be a day of reckoning. When this day comes, the only one you will have to blame is yourself, by not coming in the front door legally, you have opened yourself up to any and all retaliatory events that are being considered even at this time. Do not believe for a moment that you think because of your numbers that you would win the day. When we want, we can be a ferocious people who will protect their beliefs with all we have. If you do not want this to happen to you, go home and come back the right way.
To the politicians I say, we do not need a complete immigration overhaul. We need you to start enforcing the laws that are on the books already. If you do this, our immigration problems will be over. Enforce the laws so that our society does not do what I fear in coming. Enforce our immigration laws so that the average person does not take the law into their own hands. IF you feel this is a far fetched idea, think again. All you have to do is get back in touch with the American people and talk to them. You will find that our citizens have become disenfranchised with our government and it's unwillingness to secure our borders and enforce our immigration policies. Do your jobs or get out and let others in there who will!!
If we continue to allow Immigration without Assimilation, we will soon be in the same boat as France. They have a whole subculture of Muslims who have not assimilated into France and their culture. Now that same sub-culture is threatening France's very existence. They are now becoming to majority people in that country and within just a couple of decades they will control that country. I fear that France is too gone far to recover, do we really want this to happen to America? All we need to do for this to happen is Nothing.
Assimilate or Vacate.
Thanks for reading. Earl
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