Thursday, September 13, 2007


I want to inform you of a Presidential candidate who has aided and abetted the enemy in the past week. I am talking about Dennis J. Kucinich. This man should be eliminated from the presidential race, as well as be kicked out of congress.

I do not care what party you belong to or what your political views are, if you are a true American, you will join me in calling for the withdrawal and firing of this congressman. He is a true traitor to our country and to our soldiers who are fighting and dying in Iraq.

For those of you who are unaware of what has happened, let me be the one to light the fire in your belly. I hope is that after you hear what he has done, you will call for his immediate resignation and withdrawal from the presidential race.

Earlier in the week, Dennis Kucinich went to Syria, one of the five axis of evil members as described by our President and spoke against our country and our war in Iraq. He met with the President of Syria and made repeated statements saying that our war in Iraq is Illegal and was brought upon the country of Iraq upon a pack of lies. To anyone who has monitored the ongoing investigations of the information that led to the decision to go to war in Iraq knows that this is a bold face lie. All the investigations that have been held by both parties as well as other countries' intelligence agencies have declared that the information that was given to the President and the Congress was true as far as could be determined. There was NO intentional deceit associated with the President's decision to take our country and our soldiers into harms way. For this man to go to one of our countries greatest enemies is treasonous at best.

This is not the only thing he has done, NOOOO, he also went on Syrian television which is broadcast all over the Arab world and repeatedly stated that the United States was continuing to impose an Illegal Occupation of the country of Iraq. Now I do not know about you, but when I hear of an American citizen going and meeting with the leader of one of our greatest adversaries and making the comments he has made, and then make these statements on an enemies national television station, I call that Traitorous and Treasonous. If this does not cause your blood to boil, maybe you should take a deep look inside of yourself. This is unacceptable in a member of our congress, and for ANYONE to defend him is just playing politics with this idiot.

I am requesting that congress impose the 14Th Amendment which states that no person shall serve in the congress that has aided and abetted the enemy in a time of war. Dennis Kucinich has committed such an act by going on an enemies state run television which is broadcast throughout the Middle East. He publicly denounced the policies of the President of the United States and denounced the President himself as well as made comments that are in direct contradiction to the facts associated with the war. He has helped the enemies of the United States in ways few others have. He has given the impression that the American People are criminals and that our President has declared an unjust war. Neither of these things are correct and for him to imply otherwise just to get votes in Treasonous. I hope he burns!!!

Please contact any and all members of the Senate and the House of Representatives and call for this mans ( I use that word very Liberally) resignation and immediate withdrawal from the presidential race. I further call for him to be brought up on charges of Treason for the statements and actions make while in Syria. I really hope that there are true Americans out there who still believe in our country and our way of life. Please Join Me!!!!!!!!!

Talk to you soon. Earl

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