In this article I wish to address the lopsided information being given in regards to Global Warming.
First off, I want everyone to understand that I believe that Global Warming exists and even that we are going through a stage of it at this time. I just do not believe that mankind has the ability to effect the planet on such a massive scale as to effect the global temperature.
Global warming is a cyclic event that happens every so many years. The earth goes through these changes and there is little or nothing that mankind can do to change that. I know that there are literally thousands of commercials and information out there to try and make you believe that we (mankind) is responsible for Global Warming and that we (mankind) has to take immediate action in order to stop or slow this change. I say B.S. There is absolutely nothing we can do to stop what is happening, nor should we.
I know that Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth" is being played in all of our schools and is being propped up as the final answer to the global warming debate. Let me inform you all on a little truth that you are not hearing in the media. Al Gore has publicly stated that starting in June of this year, he was going to start the largest Mass Persuasion campaign the planet has ever seen. Does this statement sound familiar? Well if not, it should. It was the same statement Hitler used when he started his campaign to annihilate the Jews during the second world war. He stated that if he could convince the people that the Jews were the cause of all their problems than he would run into little existence in exterminating them. Al Gore is using this same tactic to try and bully the U.S. population into believing that We (the U.S.) are the major cause of said global warming. He further goes on to say that we should pay an additional Tax to pay for the additional damage we are doing to the planet. So once again, it comes down to money. But in this case, the money does not go into our governments pots. Oh no, this time the money will go to the U.N. That's right, another way for the globalist to redistribute our wealth. Again, it comes down to money. If you do not believe me, just Google "Carbon Offset Tax" and see what comes back. I think you will be both surprised and P.O. at the way you have been and are continuing to be lied to.
As far as the actual event of Global Warming, it is happening. Of this I have no doubt. I just think that the planet goes through these cycles every 1500 years or so in order to make corrections to the planet's atmosphere. I think it is a normal event that has happened numerous times in the past and will continue to happen in the future until the end of the planets days. If you do not believe this, all you need to do is research the Ice Core sample as they relate to global climate shifts. You will find that these events have happened for millions of years prior to mankind even populating the planet in any quantity. If this is true, how did the planet go through these shifts without mankind's assistance? The answer is, it always has and always will. It is a normal occurrence of the planet and no matter what we do we will not be able to alter these events, not even a little bit.
Lets take a look into the past just a little while. Lets go back 25 years. Did you know that the planet was going through a global cooling? That's right, a global cooling! Do you know what the brain power of those days thought we should do? They suggested that we should spread black ash across the frozen tundra and the polar icecaps in order to attract more of the suns heat to the surface of the planet which would cause the planets surface temperature to increase. So as you can see, these alarmist have been at this game of trying to have us in fear of a global catastrophe of one kind or another.
Global Climate Shifts I.E. ( global warming and global cooling, not to mention complete polar shifts) have always been and will always be. Did you know that Ice core samples have proven that the planet have been as much as 28 degrees warmer that it is right now. Did you also know that all the fear mongering that has been going on has been over .6 of 1 degrees of increase in the Earths temperature. When you hear all the facts, it really does make you mad that the globalist have this type of power to persuade an entire planet that these changes are their ( the worlds population) fault.
I just thought that you would like to know the truth about Global Warming. If you decide to continue to play into these Globalist agendas as they pertain to the Global Warming issue and the redistribution of wealth from America to the U.N. then that is up to you. At the very least you are now informed and cannot claim ignorance in the future.
Thank you for reading and leaving feedback. Earl
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1 comment:
Well I have to agree with this.
I maybe partial to you. But this subject is true to my way of thinking also.
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