Sunday, September 9, 2007

NAFTA Superhighway

I would like to inform you of a new (or not so new) program that is going on right in front of our faces and under our noses, this program is the NAFTA Superhighway. Most people have not heard of this.

The NAFTA Superhighway will connect all three North American countries together. This connection will take place with the construction of this highway. For those who are not geographically literate, those three countries are The United States of America, Canada and Mexico.

This highway, which is scheduled to start construction next year will consist of ten lanes (5 in each direction) and will start in Lazaro Cardinas, Mexico and run up through the United States with the first customs stop being in Kansas City, with it then proceeding up through Canada. I do not know about the rest of you, but this seems to me to be the beginning of the end of the Independent United States as we know it. This is starting to sound like a audio bit out of the twilight zone.

Most people who will read this will think that this is another conspiracy theory being spread around by people with nothing better to do. To those people I say to start doing your own research on the subject. All you have to do is go to your favorite search engine such as Google and type in NAFTA superhighway or just superhighway or any other key words and it will bring up a ton of information concerning this VERY important subject. I hope some of you will do this, it will help me to spread the word about how our very sovereignty is being sold out. I am including several links to help you get started in your own search, please do not just rely on these, do your own investigation and make your own conclusions. I think that you will become as distressed as I have become after doing my research. At least I hope you do.

Now let me get to the heart of the matter. Does anyone believe that this is going to cause the United States much more problems than it is going to solve? I for one think that this is opening up a Pandora's Box that we will not be able to close. We will be inviting the social collapse of our middle class society that has carried our economy as well as has been the envy of every other industrialized country in the world. We are committing the most severe mistake I think this country has ever made.

We hear of and see the problems we are having with Immigration as the borders are right now. Can you imagine the social and economic problems that lay in wait for us when this corridor is completed. This is in essence eliminating the borders between our country and those of Mexico and Canada. Do we really think we can control the flow of illegals that will result from this corridor. We cannot even control them now, and we do not have nearly the influx we will have.

Now, in this plan it states that the containers will be sealed at the ports in Mexico and will not be tampered with while in transit. RIGHT!! We are talking about the same Mexico that has one of the highest corruption levels in government of almost any country. Are we really to believe that they are all of the sudden going to control their own crime as well as their own immigration laws. Oh, I forgot, they have none!! Am I the only one who foresees these containers being utilized by the Drug cartels as well as the shipment of illegal aliens that are presently coming across our deserts. Am I to believe that they will not have bought off the Mexican trucking companies for their shipments. Oh yes, I forgot, most of those trucking companies were formed within the last ten years when the idea of the NAFTA Superhighway was first formed. And who do you think formed most of these companies, that's right, the drug cartels.

Now if I have not convinced you of the problems that lay in wait for us, here is something that has just happened in the last couple of weeks. For those of you who read this blog, you know about the PILOT program that was started that lets Mexican Trucks and truckers drive across out borders and deliver cargo to sites within out country. Well, going back to the superhighway, doesn't it figure that the truckers would need to know the lay of the land when they start using the superhighway? Using this logic, what better way for them to start getting acquainted with out road systems that being given a PILOT program that allows them to start using our roads prior to the completion of the superhighway. I know, I am just being paranoid.

Talk to you soon. Earl

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