Friday, July 11, 2008

Political Experience

I would like to address an item that has been crawling under my skin in this election. The issue of a candidate having or not having enough experience to serve in a public office, I.E. President of the United States.

Unless there has been a change to the Constitution, the only requirements for a person to run for President is for that person to be at least 35 years of age and be a natural born citizen of the United States. That is it, there is nothing to say that a person has to have so many years in either a state or federal office prior to running for President.

I am one of the most anti-Obama people you will run across, and this has nothing to do with his experience. There should be an awakening in the country when you continue to hear about the lack of experience a candidate has. So what!! Sometimes I think the lack of experience can serve someone better than someone who has been in politics his or her whole adult life. I feel that the lack of experience would lead someone to listen more closely to the people.

If you want to disqualify a person from your vote, don't do it on their experience. Do it on their history and what they stand for. If a person has a history of being extremely Left of your positions, then don't vote for them. If a person has stated his agenda and it conflicts with your beliefs and agenda, don't vote for them. But, to not vote for someone just because they are new to the political scene is just being ignorant.

On the same token, when there is a person who has been in political office for a time, there is nothing to say that you shouldn't look at that persons voting history to see where that person stands politically. Many times a person will say they stand for one thing but their voting history show that they stand for the opposite. This is called due diligence and it is every voters responsibility to find out to the best they can what a candidate stands for, if they have a history to investigate. On the people that have no history, you have to listen to what they say and talk to people who have known them to get a feel for who they are and what they stand for. Under not circumstances should a person be considered unqualified just because they have not served in the public arena prior.

One other thing. Anyone who thinks these candidates know all there is to know or have all the answers for problems the country is facing should have their head examined. These candidates are just as human as you and I, they have the same faults and weaknesses as you and I. I would rather have a candidate state that they are not completely familiar with a certain subject, and then go on to say who they would recommend as a Presidential Advisor to assist them in those areas in which they find themselves weak. I would rather hear that, than to hear how this person or that person has all the answers for what ails the country. I have to tell you, there is not a candidate out there that can claim they have experience in every aspect of the country, and when they do say something like that you should be vary wary.

As always, I look forward to your responses. Earl

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