Thursday, June 12, 2008

Oil Exploration and Drilling

I am tired of the Democrats and some Republicans continuing to go against the American People's wishes when it comes to Drilling and mining our own Natural Resources. In the past few years there have been numerous bills purposed to allow for drilling of our own resources in Alaska as well as off of our Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf Coast. When the rest of the world is doing everything possible to find more resources for their citizens, the U.S. congress continues to stonewall every effort to allow us to get self sufficient. The last poll taken showed the over 65% of the American people were in support of finding and drilling our own resources, yet the politicians in Washington continue to bow to the Environmentalist lobby. It does not help that both Presidential candidates have repeatedly voted in the past against drilling. It will not matter who wins the Election at the end of the year, in the end, you are still going to get a Socialist who believes that the government knows what best for the people instead of a government who does the will of the people.

Did you know that 50 miles off of the coast of Key West the Chinese are setting up drilling platforms? Did you also know that this platform employs the newest drilling technology that would allow the Chinese to Slant Drill? Do you even know what Slant Drilling is? Slant Drilling is just what it's name implies, it allows for the sideways drilling of the platform. What does that mean to you and me? It means that the Chinese are going to be able not only to drill the oil reserves found in the international Waters, but would also allow them to slant drill into reserves located inside and under the U.S. restricted waters. The Chinese are not the only country out there, but they are the largest with the largest budget available for exploration. We need to pay attention and start drilling our own before it is taken from us.

We have not built a new Oil Refinery in over 37 years and yet the government continues to deny permits to companies that are willing to build them. We have the worlds LARGEST supply of coal and we have the technology to convert coal to oil, but yet the government refuses to allow the building of any more coal to electrical plants. The government refuses to allow the building of Nuclear plants and yet when you hear these politicians on television, all you hear is how they
upset with the huge profits the oil companies are making. Here's an idea, let the oil companies keep their profits and reinvest them into the exploration and drilling our our own resources. How about letting the oil companies keep their profits and allow them to build refineries and coal plants. How about allowing them to build Nuclear Plants. Here is the best idea yet. how about WASHINGTON GETTING THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This election is one of the most important in my lifetime and people need to wake up and get involved

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