I want to address the idea of Oil Companies being responsible for the cost of gas at the present time.
When did we change the type of country that we live in? When did we move from a Republic to a Socialist society? When did we become the type of people who blame Big Business for all our problems?
The reason I am bringing this up is because this week, the congress is calling the Executives of the Big Oil Companies in front of them to give them a chewing out over the current oil or fuel prices.
The congress is using the current fuel prices to grandstand in front of the television cameras by dragging the Executives in front of them and giving them the Fifth degree over their profits. Lets not worry about all the time when the Oil Companies were barely making a profit for all those years in the past. Lets not address the reality that we are still a country that is operated by the free enterprise system. When did it become congress's job to dictate how much an oil company can make? I thought that making money was what a Free Enterprise system was all about. When did we as a people come to the place that we now feel that it is O.K. to let the government interject itself into the business of private companies or corporations.
How is it the Oil Companies responsibility to look for Alternative Fuel sources? I mean, look at the title of the companies, I. E. Oil Companies. They are in the business of finding and producing oil. Now if they want to address that, I am sure the oil companies would be more than happy to have a legitimate discussion on that topic. I am sure that the oil companies would love to hear congress explain how they are putting the needs of some insignificant wildlife ahead of the needs of it's citizenry. I am sure the oil companies would love to have congress ask them why there have been no oil refineries built in the last thirty, yes I said thirty, years! I am sure that the oil companies would love to have congress ask them about the lack of Nuclear Power Plants that have been built to take some of the strain off of the Oil and Natural gas electrical plants. I would love to hear that discussion, wouldn't you?
We need to quit blaming companies for problems that our country is facing that they have and have had no hand in. We need to start allowing these same companies to do what they do, drill and produce oil. We have a number of sites that have been available in this country for over twenty-five years that we could start drilling today. Anwar, up in Alaska is the most popular and the most common. We have others that are not so common, not so popular but are there waiting to be drilled none the less. We have large deposits of oil off of our coastlines that we have not allowed the oil companies to drill. We have the ability to convert coal to oil, yet the elected officials in congress refuse to allow the mining of these extremely large reserves. We have two other sites in Alaska that are just waiting for us to tap, yet our elected officials refuse to allow the oil companies to do it. One of these sites would produce enough oil to provide the entire population of the United States with fuel at future usage assumptions for the next 200 years. That is just One site. We could see $1.50 a gallon gas in one year if the congress would just get out of the way of the oil companies ans allow them to do what they do best. Get the oil. Quit putting the welfare of wildlife in front of the welfare of the citizens. I could care less if some moose or bunny becomes extinct to ensure our way of life. I guess I am just some kind of hater, but I believe that people should come before animals. Period.
Send a message to congress this election cycle. Vote for only those officials that really want this country to be what it has always been, the leader of the world. Vote for those who have publicly stated that they support drilling in Anwar as well as off of our coastlines. Vote for those officials that would allow the building of new Oil Refineries as well as Nuclear Power Plants. Vote for those officials that believe in this country, not in their words, but in their voting actions. We are a great people who can do great things, if we are allowed. Help me get the government out of our way so that we can continue to be the great people we are. If we just vote on these principles, we can again be the leaders that every other country in the world has come to expect us to be.
Let me close with this question. If we are such a bad people and a bad country, why are people dying everyday to come here? Just a thought.
As always, I welcome your comments. Earl
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