I want to address a problem we currently are experiencing and nobody is addressing. I am talking about the age of our military and it's weapon systems.
I know we are presently involved in three wars, the war on terror, the Iraq war, and the war in Afghanistan. I am also aware of the limits that are put on our military due to the number of wars we are presently involved in. I also know that there are several places in which we have soldiers that are acting in an "Advisor" role, meaning there is no declaration of war or conflict but none the less we have soldiers there.
You add to the number of troops and wars that we are involved in with the fact that we have an aging arsenal of military equipment, and we have a recipe for disaster for the first time in our military's history.
The average age of our top jet fighter is 25 years old. The average age of our refueling tankers are 45 years old. We have our planes operating at their limits as far as age and time of service as well as flight time goes. This is a serious problem as I see it. This is the first time in our history that an enemy or possible adversary has a more modern Air Force than our own. I am speaking of course of China.
While we have been busy with Iraq and Afghanistan, China has been literally dumping Billions of dollars into their military. They are filling their skies with the most modern fighters and bombers made by Russia as well as their own manufactures'. They are also spending a fortune on the Anti-Aircraft systems that are being placed all around the perimeter if China. It makes me wonder what does China know that we don't?
It goes back to the old magician's trick which goes something like this. Look at my lovely assistant and don't worry about what I am doing while you are not watching. I think that China is preparing for a war with someone, and I cannot think of anyone other than the United States that would be an adversary worthy of this type of military buildup. I know it is making me very nervous.
Think about it this way. When is the best time to strike a potential enemy? Well, there are two answers really. One, when your enemies attention is diverted from protecting itself, or two, when your enemies forces and equipment are in such a state of disrepair that they are unable to defend themselves from the onslaught. Does one or both of these scenarios sound familiar? I would have to say, unquestionably Yes!!!
Our politicians in Washington need to understand the threat and act accordingly. While everyone is watching and worrying about Iran, China is using that diversion to build up it's military might. We need to start a Major Military Buildup like the one we did during the Cold War with Russia. We need to start aggressively start Modernizing our military before it is too late. We also need to start making it mandatory for all men to serve at least 4 years in the military right out of high school. I know this is going to be VERY unpopular with a lot of people out there, I don't care! I know that our troops are being spread too thin and that there are not enough troops to make the rotations out of the combat zones. There is a price for Freedom and that price is Service.
There are going to be people out there that say the the United States is on a mission to conquest the World. I say to them that the United States has never kept land that it has won in combat! On the contrary, it not only gives back the land that it has fairly won, but in addition, it helps that country rebuild after the was is over. We are a people who value freedom and liberty over everything else and when we go to war, it is to help others know the type of freedom that we enjoy. For anyone to say anything else is just plain wrong and probably has some political motive. We are a God loving and God fearing people. We need to start inviting God back into our lives and into our Country before he abandons us all together. I honestly believe that everything that is going on with our country is going on because we have tried to Expel God from our lives. I am not a deeply religious person but I am a DEEPLY Spiritual person. We Need God in our country for our country to survive. Our very way of life was founded with Christianity at it's roots, all you have to do is read the Constitution to understand that. The trouble we are facing with China and Iran is a direct reflection of our expulsion of God from our lives and from our Country.
Please tell people you know to contact their politicians and tell them we need a STRONG DEFENSE. Modernize our Air Force And our Navy. Increase the number of our Planes and Aircraft Carrier groups as well as our Soldiers and the Support elements. This is not something that can be ignored anymore, to do so would be catastrophic to our very way of life. Everyone in this country loves Freedom, even those who speak against our ways enjoys the freedom of speaking out without fear of death or severe repercussions. There is a price for that freedom and that price is Service and a strong military. Without those two items, we would fall as surly as a bully takes from the weaker.
A quote to end this on.
Project strength to avoid conflict.
The reason we are having so many problems in the world right now is that other countries see us as weak and uncommitted to our beliefs. Let's show them how very wrong they are!!
Talk to you soon. Earl
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Jeremy Scahill
I normally would not write about a book I've read or an author, but I feel it is an obligation to inform you of this author and his book called "Blackwater".
While normally I enjoy a good book and even a book that causes me to think of alternative points of view, I cannot and will not let this author go unchecked in his ranting about the United States Government and the group Blackwater.
I have read this book and I cannot remember a book that was so one sided and against everything this country and our present political administration is for. He seems to have a hatred for everything this country stands for. I hope that you will not help this author to prosper one more cent by purchasing his books. I would suggest that you read his book only so that you can see that what I am saying is true, but get it from the library instead of purchasing it. This way you can stay educated and at the same time not be helping this guy benefit from his hatred.
Now to the meat of the matter. The first thing I would like to address is, in his writing of the war in Iraq, he continues to make the statement that the United States is in an Occupation of Iraq instead of a war in Iraq. To make the statement that we are in an Occupation makes the soldiers who are fighting and dying over there feel as if they are not being supported. Ask any soldier that has served in Iraq if they feel they are merely Occupying Iraq or if they are actually fighting and dying there. I know most of you already know the answer to this question but there will those who are extremely leftist who will agree with the author. To those I pose the about statement. Ask a soldier if he is occupying of fighting. I bet they will tell you!!
This author continues to make inflammatory statements regarding the war and the process in which the administration is handling it. To him I say, grab a weapon and go serve a tour. I would like to see what you have to say after being there day after day having to patrol the streets of Iraq with the possibility of a roadside bomb going off at any moment. I am sure he would change his tune the first time a soldier had to disarm a I.E.D. before it killed him. I hate it when people make statements like he is making without firsthand knowledge of the situation. He is clearly an anti-war and anti-bush person and everything that spews out of his mouth is subject to bias.
In his book, he goes on to criticize the Blackwater group for their participation in the war in Iraq as well as Afghanistan. He makes claims of the men of Blackwater doing illegal activities in these and other war areas. He makes claims that he cannot or will not back up. He makes statement of questionable nature concerning this companies growth. I feel from reading his book that he against any company making a profit. He reminds me of a Socialist in his statements. He makes the reader feel as if it is somehow improper that a company should make a profit at the expense of a situation. I hate it tell him, this is how a democracy works. You find a need in the market and you fill it. You also do everything in your power to ensure you position in that market. He makes the reader feel as if making a profit is dirty or illegal. I bet he doesn't turn away any money he makes from his books though. He makes money from the very market he despises. I hate hypocrite's.
He then shifts from the war in Iraq to the Border situation and the Hurricane Katrina Situation. He makes claims of Blackwater men illegally patrolling the streets of New Orleans and doing illegal activities. He comments on the men of Blackwater firing at people in Louisiana, briefly even mentioning that they were criminals. He clearly has an agenda with this book. I think this agenda is to undermine the present administration while at the same time trying to insinuate the company of Blackwater of some wrongdoing. I think he is doing this so that there might be some government officials who are as biased as he is, start some investigations which would result in a railroad job against this company. He probably is a wannabe in the military community and was rejected by Blackwater. This is just my view, nothing to confirm that.
The next thing I would like to address his his constant attack on the christian nomination of anyone associated within the Bush administration or it's associates. This is downright un-american, one of our countries original mandates is the ability for one to practice the religion of their choice. And let me remind you all, this country was founded on Christian Fundamentals. Our forefathers made ALL their decisions with the lord almighty at the center. For this yahoo to insinuate that because our President believes in the Almighty, he must somehow be corrupt as a leader is just plain Stupid, as is He.
There is so much in this book I would like to address, but it would do no good. I think with what I have written here, you get the message. This guy is no good, not for our country, not for business, and nor for free enterprise. He should be living in Red China. Oh yea, if he was, he couldn't spew his hatred of the country. They would kill him and never allow him to publish his book.
I know there will be those of you who will read this book and agree with everything this guy spews out of his mouth. To these I say, welcome to America, where you can benefit from criticizing your own country.
Talk to you soon. Earl
While normally I enjoy a good book and even a book that causes me to think of alternative points of view, I cannot and will not let this author go unchecked in his ranting about the United States Government and the group Blackwater.
I have read this book and I cannot remember a book that was so one sided and against everything this country and our present political administration is for. He seems to have a hatred for everything this country stands for. I hope that you will not help this author to prosper one more cent by purchasing his books. I would suggest that you read his book only so that you can see that what I am saying is true, but get it from the library instead of purchasing it. This way you can stay educated and at the same time not be helping this guy benefit from his hatred.
Now to the meat of the matter. The first thing I would like to address is, in his writing of the war in Iraq, he continues to make the statement that the United States is in an Occupation of Iraq instead of a war in Iraq. To make the statement that we are in an Occupation makes the soldiers who are fighting and dying over there feel as if they are not being supported. Ask any soldier that has served in Iraq if they feel they are merely Occupying Iraq or if they are actually fighting and dying there. I know most of you already know the answer to this question but there will those who are extremely leftist who will agree with the author. To those I pose the about statement. Ask a soldier if he is occupying of fighting. I bet they will tell you!!
This author continues to make inflammatory statements regarding the war and the process in which the administration is handling it. To him I say, grab a weapon and go serve a tour. I would like to see what you have to say after being there day after day having to patrol the streets of Iraq with the possibility of a roadside bomb going off at any moment. I am sure he would change his tune the first time a soldier had to disarm a I.E.D. before it killed him. I hate it when people make statements like he is making without firsthand knowledge of the situation. He is clearly an anti-war and anti-bush person and everything that spews out of his mouth is subject to bias.
In his book, he goes on to criticize the Blackwater group for their participation in the war in Iraq as well as Afghanistan. He makes claims of the men of Blackwater doing illegal activities in these and other war areas. He makes claims that he cannot or will not back up. He makes statement of questionable nature concerning this companies growth. I feel from reading his book that he against any company making a profit. He reminds me of a Socialist in his statements. He makes the reader feel as if it is somehow improper that a company should make a profit at the expense of a situation. I hate it tell him, this is how a democracy works. You find a need in the market and you fill it. You also do everything in your power to ensure you position in that market. He makes the reader feel as if making a profit is dirty or illegal. I bet he doesn't turn away any money he makes from his books though. He makes money from the very market he despises. I hate hypocrite's.
He then shifts from the war in Iraq to the Border situation and the Hurricane Katrina Situation. He makes claims of Blackwater men illegally patrolling the streets of New Orleans and doing illegal activities. He comments on the men of Blackwater firing at people in Louisiana, briefly even mentioning that they were criminals. He clearly has an agenda with this book. I think this agenda is to undermine the present administration while at the same time trying to insinuate the company of Blackwater of some wrongdoing. I think he is doing this so that there might be some government officials who are as biased as he is, start some investigations which would result in a railroad job against this company. He probably is a wannabe in the military community and was rejected by Blackwater. This is just my view, nothing to confirm that.
The next thing I would like to address his his constant attack on the christian nomination of anyone associated within the Bush administration or it's associates. This is downright un-american, one of our countries original mandates is the ability for one to practice the religion of their choice. And let me remind you all, this country was founded on Christian Fundamentals. Our forefathers made ALL their decisions with the lord almighty at the center. For this yahoo to insinuate that because our President believes in the Almighty, he must somehow be corrupt as a leader is just plain Stupid, as is He.
There is so much in this book I would like to address, but it would do no good. I think with what I have written here, you get the message. This guy is no good, not for our country, not for business, and nor for free enterprise. He should be living in Red China. Oh yea, if he was, he couldn't spew his hatred of the country. They would kill him and never allow him to publish his book.
I know there will be those of you who will read this book and agree with everything this guy spews out of his mouth. To these I say, welcome to America, where you can benefit from criticizing your own country.
Talk to you soon. Earl
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I want to inform you of a Presidential candidate who has aided and abetted the enemy in the past week. I am talking about Dennis J. Kucinich. This man should be eliminated from the presidential race, as well as be kicked out of congress.
I do not care what party you belong to or what your political views are, if you are a true American, you will join me in calling for the withdrawal and firing of this congressman. He is a true traitor to our country and to our soldiers who are fighting and dying in Iraq.
For those of you who are unaware of what has happened, let me be the one to light the fire in your belly. I hope is that after you hear what he has done, you will call for his immediate resignation and withdrawal from the presidential race.
Earlier in the week, Dennis Kucinich went to Syria, one of the five axis of evil members as described by our President and spoke against our country and our war in Iraq. He met with the President of Syria and made repeated statements saying that our war in Iraq is Illegal and was brought upon the country of Iraq upon a pack of lies. To anyone who has monitored the ongoing investigations of the information that led to the decision to go to war in Iraq knows that this is a bold face lie. All the investigations that have been held by both parties as well as other countries' intelligence agencies have declared that the information that was given to the President and the Congress was true as far as could be determined. There was NO intentional deceit associated with the President's decision to take our country and our soldiers into harms way. For this man to go to one of our countries greatest enemies is treasonous at best.
This is not the only thing he has done, NOOOO, he also went on Syrian television which is broadcast all over the Arab world and repeatedly stated that the United States was continuing to impose an Illegal Occupation of the country of Iraq. Now I do not know about you, but when I hear of an American citizen going and meeting with the leader of one of our greatest adversaries and making the comments he has made, and then make these statements on an enemies national television station, I call that Traitorous and Treasonous. If this does not cause your blood to boil, maybe you should take a deep look inside of yourself. This is unacceptable in a member of our congress, and for ANYONE to defend him is just playing politics with this idiot.
I am requesting that congress impose the 14Th Amendment which states that no person shall serve in the congress that has aided and abetted the enemy in a time of war. Dennis Kucinich has committed such an act by going on an enemies state run television which is broadcast throughout the Middle East. He publicly denounced the policies of the President of the United States and denounced the President himself as well as made comments that are in direct contradiction to the facts associated with the war. He has helped the enemies of the United States in ways few others have. He has given the impression that the American People are criminals and that our President has declared an unjust war. Neither of these things are correct and for him to imply otherwise just to get votes in Treasonous. I hope he burns!!!
Please contact any and all members of the Senate and the House of Representatives and call for this mans ( I use that word very Liberally) resignation and immediate withdrawal from the presidential race. I further call for him to be brought up on charges of Treason for the statements and actions make while in Syria. I really hope that there are true Americans out there who still believe in our country and our way of life. Please Join Me!!!!!!!!!
Talk to you soon. Earl
I do not care what party you belong to or what your political views are, if you are a true American, you will join me in calling for the withdrawal and firing of this congressman. He is a true traitor to our country and to our soldiers who are fighting and dying in Iraq.
For those of you who are unaware of what has happened, let me be the one to light the fire in your belly. I hope is that after you hear what he has done, you will call for his immediate resignation and withdrawal from the presidential race.
Earlier in the week, Dennis Kucinich went to Syria, one of the five axis of evil members as described by our President and spoke against our country and our war in Iraq. He met with the President of Syria and made repeated statements saying that our war in Iraq is Illegal and was brought upon the country of Iraq upon a pack of lies. To anyone who has monitored the ongoing investigations of the information that led to the decision to go to war in Iraq knows that this is a bold face lie. All the investigations that have been held by both parties as well as other countries' intelligence agencies have declared that the information that was given to the President and the Congress was true as far as could be determined. There was NO intentional deceit associated with the President's decision to take our country and our soldiers into harms way. For this man to go to one of our countries greatest enemies is treasonous at best.
This is not the only thing he has done, NOOOO, he also went on Syrian television which is broadcast all over the Arab world and repeatedly stated that the United States was continuing to impose an Illegal Occupation of the country of Iraq. Now I do not know about you, but when I hear of an American citizen going and meeting with the leader of one of our greatest adversaries and making the comments he has made, and then make these statements on an enemies national television station, I call that Traitorous and Treasonous. If this does not cause your blood to boil, maybe you should take a deep look inside of yourself. This is unacceptable in a member of our congress, and for ANYONE to defend him is just playing politics with this idiot.
I am requesting that congress impose the 14Th Amendment which states that no person shall serve in the congress that has aided and abetted the enemy in a time of war. Dennis Kucinich has committed such an act by going on an enemies state run television which is broadcast throughout the Middle East. He publicly denounced the policies of the President of the United States and denounced the President himself as well as made comments that are in direct contradiction to the facts associated with the war. He has helped the enemies of the United States in ways few others have. He has given the impression that the American People are criminals and that our President has declared an unjust war. Neither of these things are correct and for him to imply otherwise just to get votes in Treasonous. I hope he burns!!!
Please contact any and all members of the Senate and the House of Representatives and call for this mans ( I use that word very Liberally) resignation and immediate withdrawal from the presidential race. I further call for him to be brought up on charges of Treason for the statements and actions make while in Syria. I really hope that there are true Americans out there who still believe in our country and our way of life. Please Join Me!!!!!!!!!
Talk to you soon. Earl
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Today I want to address the possibility of a major terrorist attack that is being planned against us on our own soil, again.
This time the terrorist are targeting not our economy, not our buildings, not our way of life, but something much more important. This time they are targeting our Children!!!!
There is mounting evidence of reconnaissance being conducted at schools located in numerous states around our country. There has been many reports of strangers hanging around schools observing security measures, there also has been people taken into custody who have had school schedules, security measures, number of students, location of administration offices as well as student and teacher schedules. The people who had this information had no reason to have it in their possession as they were not attached in any way to the education system.
There was an incident in Beslam Russia about three years ago where Chechen's Rebels took control of a school of approximately 1200 people. Three days later over three hundred and fifty adults and children were dead. Osama bin Laden has stated that what occurred in Russia will be visited upon America one hundred times as worse. In addition, Bin Laden has gone to the head Cleric for permission to kill up to and including two million American Children in the name of Allah and the holy Jihad. The Cleric have given Bin Laden his blessing, thereby cementing the fact that there will be some sort of attack against our children in the future.
We as Americans need to come to grips with the fact that we are going to lose a lot of blood in this war. We have not fully accepted the fact that we are at war, and that this war is going to spill over into our streets once again. We have not had the difficulties of other generations when it comes to the sacrifice that had to be endured during other wars. The only way we know that we are at war is because it is being broadcast daily in the news, as well as the parents and loved ones of the soldiers killed. We as a people have not had to sacrifice for the good of the war as other generations have. Maybe, that is the reason that we are not ready for the coming brutality.
The people of the Muslim community, your time is getting dangerously short to come out and support this nation. If you are not an Islamic Fundamentalist, then you need to stand up and state that your are an American and you do not support what these terrorist are doing and planning to do. You need to make it clear that these people do not represent you or your religion. If you fail to do this, then this makes you culpable in any terrorist attack that happens to Americans either here or overseas. It is time for you to make your stand, your are either with us or you are with them, There is no room for you to be on the sidelines or indecisive, you must declare your intentions to the world and live or die by those declarations. If you do not make such a declaration, you will open yourself up to all sorts of repercussions if something was to happen in the name of Allah.
Parents, it is time for you to start taking these threats seriously. You need to start talking with your children concerning the war and what is being planned. You need to have an action plan as well as a reaction plan. You need to inform your children of what these plans are and what parts they are to perform as part of these plans. For many of you, this will be the first time that you will have to make any type of plans such as these, do not fear, there are many websites available to you to assist you in designing a plan for your family. The most important thing you can do right now is to talk to your children and spouses about what is being planned by these nut jobs. The most dangerous thing you can do is, NOTHING!!! It is your choice, but placing your head in the sand and acting as if nothing is happening does not mean that nothing is happening. It is your job as a parent to prepare your families the best you can. By acting as if nothing is wrong, you will only bring worse heartache later. Prepare now and you at least stand a chance of your children surviving if they do encounter something in their school. If nothing happens, you have at least done your job in keeping your family informed.
Men, it is time for you to start being men. The time of feminism and getting in touch with your famine side is over. You as men better start training yourselves to defend you families. there will be no time to do this once the war reaches our shores. If you do not know how to defend yourself, take a self-defense class. If you have never shot a gun, go to a gun range and take lessons in combat shooting. Buy a gun and know how to use it. Remember, it is a mans responsibility to defend and protect his family. That is gods law. We as American men cannot and will not lose this fight which has been brought against us. We will triumph!!
I hope this has gotten through to some of you, for those of you who still believe that this is all just baloney, I really, really hope you are right. I for one will not place my families lives in hope!! I for one will do my job.
Books associated with this topic,
Lt. Col. Ruffini is a counterterrorism expert and the author of When Terror Comes to Main Street: A Citizens' Guide to Terror Awareness, Preparedness, and Prevention.
Former FBI Special Agent Don Clark led the investigation after the first World Trade Center attack. He recommends the website www.counterterrorismblog.org as a great resource for staying up to date with the threats that veteran intelligence officials are most concerned about.
John Giduck is the author of Terror at Beslan: A Russian Tragedy with Lessons for America's Schools.
Talk to you soon, Earl
This time the terrorist are targeting not our economy, not our buildings, not our way of life, but something much more important. This time they are targeting our Children!!!!
There is mounting evidence of reconnaissance being conducted at schools located in numerous states around our country. There has been many reports of strangers hanging around schools observing security measures, there also has been people taken into custody who have had school schedules, security measures, number of students, location of administration offices as well as student and teacher schedules. The people who had this information had no reason to have it in their possession as they were not attached in any way to the education system.
There was an incident in Beslam Russia about three years ago where Chechen's Rebels took control of a school of approximately 1200 people. Three days later over three hundred and fifty adults and children were dead. Osama bin Laden has stated that what occurred in Russia will be visited upon America one hundred times as worse. In addition, Bin Laden has gone to the head Cleric for permission to kill up to and including two million American Children in the name of Allah and the holy Jihad. The Cleric have given Bin Laden his blessing, thereby cementing the fact that there will be some sort of attack against our children in the future.
We as Americans need to come to grips with the fact that we are going to lose a lot of blood in this war. We have not fully accepted the fact that we are at war, and that this war is going to spill over into our streets once again. We have not had the difficulties of other generations when it comes to the sacrifice that had to be endured during other wars. The only way we know that we are at war is because it is being broadcast daily in the news, as well as the parents and loved ones of the soldiers killed. We as a people have not had to sacrifice for the good of the war as other generations have. Maybe, that is the reason that we are not ready for the coming brutality.
The people of the Muslim community, your time is getting dangerously short to come out and support this nation. If you are not an Islamic Fundamentalist, then you need to stand up and state that your are an American and you do not support what these terrorist are doing and planning to do. You need to make it clear that these people do not represent you or your religion. If you fail to do this, then this makes you culpable in any terrorist attack that happens to Americans either here or overseas. It is time for you to make your stand, your are either with us or you are with them, There is no room for you to be on the sidelines or indecisive, you must declare your intentions to the world and live or die by those declarations. If you do not make such a declaration, you will open yourself up to all sorts of repercussions if something was to happen in the name of Allah.
Parents, it is time for you to start taking these threats seriously. You need to start talking with your children concerning the war and what is being planned. You need to have an action plan as well as a reaction plan. You need to inform your children of what these plans are and what parts they are to perform as part of these plans. For many of you, this will be the first time that you will have to make any type of plans such as these, do not fear, there are many websites available to you to assist you in designing a plan for your family. The most important thing you can do right now is to talk to your children and spouses about what is being planned by these nut jobs. The most dangerous thing you can do is, NOTHING!!! It is your choice, but placing your head in the sand and acting as if nothing is happening does not mean that nothing is happening. It is your job as a parent to prepare your families the best you can. By acting as if nothing is wrong, you will only bring worse heartache later. Prepare now and you at least stand a chance of your children surviving if they do encounter something in their school. If nothing happens, you have at least done your job in keeping your family informed.
Men, it is time for you to start being men. The time of feminism and getting in touch with your famine side is over. You as men better start training yourselves to defend you families. there will be no time to do this once the war reaches our shores. If you do not know how to defend yourself, take a self-defense class. If you have never shot a gun, go to a gun range and take lessons in combat shooting. Buy a gun and know how to use it. Remember, it is a mans responsibility to defend and protect his family. That is gods law. We as American men cannot and will not lose this fight which has been brought against us. We will triumph!!
I hope this has gotten through to some of you, for those of you who still believe that this is all just baloney, I really, really hope you are right. I for one will not place my families lives in hope!! I for one will do my job.
Books associated with this topic,
Lt. Col. Ruffini is a counterterrorism expert and the author of When Terror Comes to Main Street: A Citizens' Guide to Terror Awareness, Preparedness, and Prevention.
Former FBI Special Agent Don Clark led the investigation after the first World Trade Center attack. He recommends the website www.counterterrorismblog.org as a great resource for staying up to date with the threats that veteran intelligence officials are most concerned about.
John Giduck is the author of Terror at Beslan: A Russian Tragedy with Lessons for America's Schools.
Talk to you soon, Earl
Sunday, September 9, 2007
NAFTA Superhighway
I would like to inform you of a new (or not so new) program that is going on right in front of our faces and under our noses, this program is the NAFTA Superhighway. Most people have not heard of this.
The NAFTA Superhighway will connect all three North American countries together. This connection will take place with the construction of this highway. For those who are not geographically literate, those three countries are The United States of America, Canada and Mexico.
This highway, which is scheduled to start construction next year will consist of ten lanes (5 in each direction) and will start in Lazaro Cardinas, Mexico and run up through the United States with the first customs stop being in Kansas City, with it then proceeding up through Canada. I do not know about the rest of you, but this seems to me to be the beginning of the end of the Independent United States as we know it. This is starting to sound like a audio bit out of the twilight zone.
Most people who will read this will think that this is another conspiracy theory being spread around by people with nothing better to do. To those people I say to start doing your own research on the subject. All you have to do is go to your favorite search engine such as Google and type in NAFTA superhighway or just superhighway or any other key words and it will bring up a ton of information concerning this VERY important subject. I hope some of you will do this, it will help me to spread the word about how our very sovereignty is being sold out. I am including several links to help you get started in your own search, please do not just rely on these, do your own investigation and make your own conclusions. I think that you will become as distressed as I have become after doing my research. At least I hope you do.
Now let me get to the heart of the matter. Does anyone believe that this is going to cause the United States much more problems than it is going to solve? I for one think that this is opening up a Pandora's Box that we will not be able to close. We will be inviting the social collapse of our middle class society that has carried our economy as well as has been the envy of every other industrialized country in the world. We are committing the most severe mistake I think this country has ever made.
We hear of and see the problems we are having with Immigration as the borders are right now. Can you imagine the social and economic problems that lay in wait for us when this corridor is completed. This is in essence eliminating the borders between our country and those of Mexico and Canada. Do we really think we can control the flow of illegals that will result from this corridor. We cannot even control them now, and we do not have nearly the influx we will have.
Now, in this plan it states that the containers will be sealed at the ports in Mexico and will not be tampered with while in transit. RIGHT!! We are talking about the same Mexico that has one of the highest corruption levels in government of almost any country. Are we really to believe that they are all of the sudden going to control their own crime as well as their own immigration laws. Oh, I forgot, they have none!! Am I the only one who foresees these containers being utilized by the Drug cartels as well as the shipment of illegal aliens that are presently coming across our deserts. Am I to believe that they will not have bought off the Mexican trucking companies for their shipments. Oh yes, I forgot, most of those trucking companies were formed within the last ten years when the idea of the NAFTA Superhighway was first formed. And who do you think formed most of these companies, that's right, the drug cartels.
Now if I have not convinced you of the problems that lay in wait for us, here is something that has just happened in the last couple of weeks. For those of you who read this blog, you know about the PILOT program that was started that lets Mexican Trucks and truckers drive across out borders and deliver cargo to sites within out country. Well, going back to the superhighway, doesn't it figure that the truckers would need to know the lay of the land when they start using the superhighway? Using this logic, what better way for them to start getting acquainted with out road systems that being given a PILOT program that allows them to start using our roads prior to the completion of the superhighway. I know, I am just being paranoid.
Talk to you soon. Earl
The NAFTA Superhighway will connect all three North American countries together. This connection will take place with the construction of this highway. For those who are not geographically literate, those three countries are The United States of America, Canada and Mexico.
This highway, which is scheduled to start construction next year will consist of ten lanes (5 in each direction) and will start in Lazaro Cardinas, Mexico and run up through the United States with the first customs stop being in Kansas City, with it then proceeding up through Canada. I do not know about the rest of you, but this seems to me to be the beginning of the end of the Independent United States as we know it. This is starting to sound like a audio bit out of the twilight zone.
Most people who will read this will think that this is another conspiracy theory being spread around by people with nothing better to do. To those people I say to start doing your own research on the subject. All you have to do is go to your favorite search engine such as Google and type in NAFTA superhighway or just superhighway or any other key words and it will bring up a ton of information concerning this VERY important subject. I hope some of you will do this, it will help me to spread the word about how our very sovereignty is being sold out. I am including several links to help you get started in your own search, please do not just rely on these, do your own investigation and make your own conclusions. I think that you will become as distressed as I have become after doing my research. At least I hope you do.
Now let me get to the heart of the matter. Does anyone believe that this is going to cause the United States much more problems than it is going to solve? I for one think that this is opening up a Pandora's Box that we will not be able to close. We will be inviting the social collapse of our middle class society that has carried our economy as well as has been the envy of every other industrialized country in the world. We are committing the most severe mistake I think this country has ever made.
We hear of and see the problems we are having with Immigration as the borders are right now. Can you imagine the social and economic problems that lay in wait for us when this corridor is completed. This is in essence eliminating the borders between our country and those of Mexico and Canada. Do we really think we can control the flow of illegals that will result from this corridor. We cannot even control them now, and we do not have nearly the influx we will have.
Now, in this plan it states that the containers will be sealed at the ports in Mexico and will not be tampered with while in transit. RIGHT!! We are talking about the same Mexico that has one of the highest corruption levels in government of almost any country. Are we really to believe that they are all of the sudden going to control their own crime as well as their own immigration laws. Oh, I forgot, they have none!! Am I the only one who foresees these containers being utilized by the Drug cartels as well as the shipment of illegal aliens that are presently coming across our deserts. Am I to believe that they will not have bought off the Mexican trucking companies for their shipments. Oh yes, I forgot, most of those trucking companies were formed within the last ten years when the idea of the NAFTA Superhighway was first formed. And who do you think formed most of these companies, that's right, the drug cartels.
Now if I have not convinced you of the problems that lay in wait for us, here is something that has just happened in the last couple of weeks. For those of you who read this blog, you know about the PILOT program that was started that lets Mexican Trucks and truckers drive across out borders and deliver cargo to sites within out country. Well, going back to the superhighway, doesn't it figure that the truckers would need to know the lay of the land when they start using the superhighway? Using this logic, what better way for them to start getting acquainted with out road systems that being given a PILOT program that allows them to start using our roads prior to the completion of the superhighway. I know, I am just being paranoid.
Talk to you soon. Earl
Monday, September 3, 2007
Mexican Trucking
I want to touch base today on something that has happened in San Francisco. In their normal socialist way of doing things, the 9Th circuit court of San Francisco has ruled against a temporary injunction to prevent Mexican long haul trucks from operating in our country. In the past, when trucks carrying cargo for the U.S. from Mexico came to the border, they had to switch their loads to truckers from the United States who then would transport the cargo to it's final destination in the United States. Now, that is no longer the case.
The current political administration has to comply with an order given under the Clinton Administration stating that their would be a one year pilot program where Mexican trucks will be allowed to transport cargo all the way to it's final destination in the United States. There were several organizations who were trying to place a temporary injunction against this until the entire process could have serious national oversight. The organizations in this were the Teamsters and the Sierra Club and consumer group Public Citizen . These organizations should be praised for their efforts in trying to prevent this.
I know some of you will be asking why is this a bad thing? After all, it will mean that we will get our cargo more quickly and with less costs. Well, that may be true in the short term, but in the long term, the economic implications are too lengthy to discuss right now. But to be sure, I will be readdressing this subject in more detail in the future. The way I see it, we can either continue along this slippery slope towards invisibility or we can start taking back our country from these communist who wear Judges Robes. Earl
The current political administration has to comply with an order given under the Clinton Administration stating that their would be a one year pilot program where Mexican trucks will be allowed to transport cargo all the way to it's final destination in the United States. There were several organizations who were trying to place a temporary injunction against this until the entire process could have serious national oversight. The organizations in this were the Teamsters and the Sierra Club and consumer group Public Citizen . These organizations should be praised for their efforts in trying to prevent this.
I know some of you will be asking why is this a bad thing? After all, it will mean that we will get our cargo more quickly and with less costs. Well, that may be true in the short term, but in the long term, the economic implications are too lengthy to discuss right now. But to be sure, I will be readdressing this subject in more detail in the future. The way I see it, we can either continue along this slippery slope towards invisibility or we can start taking back our country from these communist who wear Judges Robes. Earl
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