Saturday, August 11, 2007

New Jersey

Today I want to discuss the events that have transpired in New Jersey over the last week. For those of you who do not know what I am talking about, there was a multiple killing last week.

Last week the police found four teenage kids, both male and female shot execution style. Three of the kids died and as of this posting one of the kids is still in critical condition. Here are the basics of the event. Four teenagers who were on their way to college in the coming school year were shot and killed for no apparent reason. One of the kids, a girl, was shot prior to the others and at a distance from the others. The other three were forced on their knees and shot a point blank range in the back of the head. those three died instantly and the girl who was shot first is still fighting for her life. Please send her your prayers.

Now for those of you who are already starting to think that this is a drug related instance, it is not. All four kids were students who were being held as examples for other students to follow. The members of their community stated that they were the success stories you never hear about. By the way, all four of the kids were from the black community. I mention this because we never hear of the good that happens in the black community, only the bad. These kids were on their way of making something of their selves and were role models for their peers and their communities.

Now here is where the anger comes in. The person picked up for their killings is an Illegal Immigrant. Not only that, he was already being charged for the rape of a five year old. In addition, he had a history of violence in the past. This is a killing that did not have to happen. There were many signs indicating that this was someone who did not belong in society, but yet he was freed on bail to kill three kids and have a forth fighting for her life. This is unacceptable.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am tired of all the empty promises our politicians keep making concerning this issue. And make no mistake, I am not going to change the terminology from Illegal Immigrant to Undocumented person. They are Illegal and that is that. I want the politicians and all the leftist organizations to stop with all the political correct B.S. and call a spade a spade. Until we do, this type of violence is only going to continue and grow. If you think I am exaggerating, think of what happened when we allowed all those refugees from Cuba in. It was not only the ones that needed work and freedom from oppression who were on those boats. There were many, many criminals mixed in with them. You might ask yourself how do I know this. Well, I was engaged to one of the Cuban refugees back in the early 80's. Here family ended up running one of the largest drug organizations my city had ever seen. So I think I have experience in these matters.

The Illegals who are coming across our borders are not only people who want to make a living for their families. There are many notorious individuals who are mixing in with the others that are coming in also. We have proof that there have been terrorist who have been making their way into our country through our porous southern border as well as the gang members from the Zetas. These are just two of the unwanted types of people that we don't want using our open borders to gain access to our country.

I wanted to mention the above briefly but did not want to get side tracked from the event in New Jersey, I just thought that the above needed mentioning because if fits in with the main story.

The object of bringing up what happened in New Jersey was to bring to your attention the problem we are facing within our own established legal system concerning Illegal Aliens. It has become so politically incorrect to even mention the term Illegal Aliens that they are trying to change the terminology to suit their own needs. Did you know that in Florida there was a senator who proposed legislation to ban those two words from any and all state governmental documents. She wanted to change the term to Undocumented workers because she understands that those who control the language control the argument. Luckily for Floridians, this legislature did not pass, but can you see how they are trying to force us onto this political correct way of thinking. Please do not allow yourself to be cowed by these Liberals in silence. Stand your ground and demand that you be allowed to call a spade a spade. Remember the 1st amendment.

The Illegal in New Jersey should never have been in this country in the first place. In the second place, when he was arrested for violence, he should have immediately been deported back to his own country. When he raped the 5 year old girl, he should have been put in prison (general population) and never given any right to bail until after his hearing (if the other prisoners allowed him to live that long). We have such a Liberal judge population within our legal system that scum like these are allowed back on the streets over and over again to prey on our society. Why can't our politicians stand for what is right and correct in our country anymore. This should never have been allowed to happen and the fact that it was shows how much deeper trouble we are in than anyone is telling you.

If you are a man, do not allow yourself to become feminized to the point of inaction. The men in this country have a responsibility to their wives and children to stay the men of our ancestors and to fight for our families. There has been a concerted effort to feminize men to such an extent that they will do nothing when something bad happens and he is needed to take action.

Please keep your eyes open and be willing to step to the plate if someone is in need of assistance. I feel as more and more of these types of atrocities are committed against our own people, there will come a time when you will witness something and have to make the decision of to get involved or not. Just thing if what was happening was happening to someone you loved, would you want someone to assist them? I am sure as I am sitting here that someone saw what was happening to those four kids and did nothing to try and stop it from happening. Yes, it is very possible that you can be killed trying to help. SO WHAT!! Is the death of your soul any less deadly if you do nothing. For me, I would rather meet my maker knowing I at least tried to do the right thing rather than face my maker and have to explain my inaction. Somehow, I do not thing the lord would look too kindly on me if I did nothing.

I cannot tell you how you should live you life, I can tell you that if your choose wrong, you are the one who has to live with the results of your decision. Men, it is time to stand up and be men. Do not allow this to continue to happen in our communities. Make your minds up to stand and protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Let us hope that this event that happened in New Jersey wakes up our politicians to the dangers of their actions. Somehow, I am afraid that it won't. I fear it is up to the individuals in our society to clean up the mess our government and politicians have created for our country through the non enforcement of our border laws. I pray that you all have the courage to make the right decision when you are called on. I fear the call may come sooner rather than later at the rate things seem to be spiraling out of control.

We will be discussing more on the Immigration issues in upcoming issues. For now, go enjoy your children and family. Do so for those who no longer can. God speed. Earl


Tom CAMS said...

This particular subject has many facets to it and we must be careful to be specific with which facet we are talking about at any given time. A few of those facets are...
1. The illegal who comes for exploit of the USA.
2. The illegal who comes out of true despiration and refuses assimilation.
3. The illegal who comes out of true despiration and makes a good attempt at assimilation.

There are more facets but these are primary.
Any illegal immigrant who commits a crime with premeditation is automatically number 1 in the list above. However, there can be someone who accidentally breaks the law out of ignorance and they probably should fall into number 2 or 3 above.

The one thing we must get straight is what happens to whom in the event an illegal alien is discovered by authorities in the USA. The law says they must serve whatever time mandated by any law they may have broken then be sent on the most immediate and direct route out of the USA. In an attempt to passify the opposite side of this scenario, I would like to see some things done to change the whole thing, top to bottom...
First, we need to make it faster and less complicated for the person who wants to come and live in the USA. The trouble with this is getting the information of how to the people needing it. I feel for the small family living in a 200 squarefoot structure with a total yearly income for the entire family being somewhere around 500 dollars US. Feeding the little ones rarely happens. It's sad but it is going on, even in Mexico. Let's give these struggling families the chance to be a family and restore pride in the father of that family. If you ask me, most Mexican people are decent and kind people.
The real problem begins when people like this guy in NJ slip through and begin to exploit the USA. I can't help but wonder, where would he have been this whole time if he WAS an American citizen when he committe the first crime with the little girl? Jail most likely. So, American citizens seem to have LESS rights in America than the illegal immigrant. That's probably the ACLU's doing. Anyway, back to the changes...
After making it easier for the people who really desire and/or need to be citizens, make it illegal for any state to deal with illegal immigrant issues. A central agency will handle all cases with representation in every area of the country. These illegals will be taken to a judge for sentencing without a jury, that law is for citizens. Then they would be taken to prison and at the end of their term, they get escort out of the country with a guaranteed double fine if they are found to return. If they served 5 years this time, 10 years is the minimum the second time. We would also need to make some way to exploit them back to a degree. Free labor while in prison may be a good way to go.
The next thing is to assist in assimilation. There has to be a timeline of some sort they should follow in order to be able to live a "normal" life here in America. Top of the list is the language barrier. They must learn english and they must show progress over a period of time, no exceptions. They get the three strike rule here, no progress after a third check up and their out.

The underlying problem is that theiy know they are illegal and this causes a definite contempt for US law. We have to create a more open system for the good ones and a much more serious and harsh one for the bad ones.
Forgive me if I went off a single track, this subject is so broad it could take literally weeks to just grasp every situation and every possibility for a solution.

factfinder said...

Thanks Tonasi, I know this issue has many facets that would take months to get to. I just wanted to bring this individual case to the forefront of people's minds for those who do not activly watch the news. This is an issue that is only going to get more and more heated as time goes on. There will come a day when the public will demand action and when the government fails to act, the people will. I do not with this to happen and will continue to get the word out the best I can to help prevent this. Earl