I was just having a discussion with my wife about religion and the effects it has had upon the world and people as a whole. I thought it might be a good idea to put some of what we discussed into a discussion forum such as this to generate thought and discussion about a subject that is considered taboo to discuss but needs to be discussed none the less. So here it goes.
I feel that religion is the cause for most of the worlds present and past problems that have ended the lives of literally tens of millions of people. I mean just look at what what done in the name of god during the middle ages, I.E. the Crusades. The millions of people who were killed in the name of Christianity perpetrated by the Catholic Church of that time. Then lets go to the was between the Christians and the Muslims to declare whose God was the most righteous. How many millions of Christians and Muslims were killed in the name of their God. How about one more recent, how about the war between the Jews and the Muslims in the middle East, the war between Israel and Palestine. These are just a few examples of people killing in the name of God.
I propose that all religion is corrupt and that people should follow their hearts and souls, not the religious propaganda of a supposed religious leader that may or may not have an alternative motive in what he is either preaching or directing in the name of God. There has never been a religion on Earth that has not committed atrocities in the name of their God. Is there anyone out there that would honestly say that their God, a God that is supposed to be all loving, all caring and all forgiving, that their god would promote or encourage death be handed out in his name. I don't think so. I think that a God is there for the purpose of people becoming better, not worse. I think that God would want man to do well by one another, not commit acts of cruelty against one another in his name.
Now this is just my own thoughts on the subject, and I don't think that I will move anyone to quit believing what they have been taught through a lifetime of indoctrination to believe. I just hope that it causes people to take a step back and consider it before doing something in the name of God that would just go naturally against what God is supposed to stand for. I think that people will make it to heaven just fine if they live their lives according to the principles of love and forgiveness. I think that God will accept people of all faiths into his arms as long as you lived your life to benefit mankind and not destroy it. I think that people will be accepted to heaven as long as they have tried their best to live a god like existence and have asked for forgiveness when they failed. I think that God is an all forgiving god and will accept those who have really tried to live the life of a good person. I don't think it matter even a little bit what religion you are or by what name you call God, God. I do believe that as long as you believe in god and live your life accordingly, that you will be accepted into heaven.
As a parting let me say, Religions come and go, but eternal life is ETERNAL.
As always, l look forward to your responses. Earl
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I myself am not too pleased with how religion has turned men and woman ugly toward eachother. Catholics dispising the Protestants. Each religion feeling they are right. And even down to each church, being better than the other one.
But lets face it. The bottom line it is a place to Worship and grow in Christ. And we as humans need someone to worship and pray too.
And we need a place to go too and call it our time with God and fellow beleivers.
The difference between being religious and being a Christian. There are millions of people on this earth who have never seen the serious nature of sin. They are in the dark. They have no idea that they will end up in hell for crimes that the consider trivial. They know that they have to face God after death, but they think that their religious works will by their way out of any trouble in which they may find themselves. And as long as they trivialize their sin, they will decieve themselves's into thinking that they can work their way into Heaven by their religiou works. But it is as futile as the man who tried to row against the river until he went over the falls. God Himself has thrown us a rope in Jesus Christ. He is the only One that can save us from death and hell. But we must let go of our own efforts to save ourselves and take hold of the rope. The moment we cease our own religious rowing" and have faith in Jesus, that's when we find peace with God.
The bible says, For by grace you have been saved through faith,and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, least anyone boast. (Eph.2:8-9)
How could a loving God send someone to that horrific place called hell. He doesn't. It is your rejection of the provision (Jesus) for your sin that sends you there. We all have a free will, and we can choose not to repent. Repent means to turn away from or change. In Deuteronomy 30:19, God says, I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one comes to the Father except through Me.
By choosing to do nothing, you have already made a choice. You choose death and hell forever.
Thank you for reading
I agree with what you have said, I also believe that there will be many people who have believed in God, but just by upbringing or teachings have called him by another name. I do not believe that God will condemn them for the name in which they chose to call him. The bottom line is, live your life with the knowledge that you will have to answer for it at the end. Thanks for your response. Earl
Will these people have Jesus be One of the (Names)... is the key word.
God is called many names. But...
Jesus is called One Name.
No Jesus no eternal life.
Everyone has the chance to know who Jesus is in there life time. He makes sure that not one person is without knowing.
Many times over.
Jesus was brutally beaten beyond recognition as a man, severly whipped, and nailed to a cross where he suffered an excruciating death. He paid the fine in His lifes blood for the crimes that you commited: and because this he can not be called another name. for He is the Lord of God. And no other name is Jesus that is more powerful than His.
A good judge must carry out his judegment. And I can not accept this reply to make amends for people that called him other than who he was. Because then they knew him "Not" what He did for us.
I never met anyone that called Jesus Alah. Or any other name.
O.K. What about all the tribes in the Amazon jungle that have never heard of Jesus. Are they to be condemned just because of their ignorance? Your view is coming from the Christian faith, nothing wrong with that but their are many other faiths that subscribe to only one God. Those faiths may not have Jesus in them and that is their beliefs, I only suggest that their are going to be good people out there that for whatever reason will have called God by another name and I cannot see a God refusing them on that ground alone. you are looking at the subject througha very narrow field of vision because of your beliefs. I also subscribe to the Christian Philasophy, and with that I lean in the same belief structure you do. With that being said, I am also looking at the bigger picture, not just through a Christians eyes, but through a member of the human race. I believe that everyone will have a chance to accept God on judgement Day, those who called him by another name will finally see the truth and have a chance to correct. Those who take advantage of the chance will be accepted, those who do not, will not. Earl
I cannot make my own judgement on this issue for indivdual tribes of people.
As I said days before when I asked God about this subject, he put forth an aray of colors and they represented people of different religions. The answer was what you ended your last paragraph with.
All I know is that every Word in the bible was inspired by God, it is the only guide of life which really leads the spirit in the way of peace and salvation.
I still stand on spreading the good news to all the lost souls.
That is one of our purposes on earth to do, and show people the truth.
I do not accept there faith, but I respect them. And tell them about Jesus. I don't have to do anything else. God does the rest. We just plant a small seed.
Many people go through life never taking the time to investigate what the Bible has to say. They need christains to tell them.
People will usually believe whatever religious beliefs they were raised with and not question them. They adhere to that old saying, never discuss religion or politics, then remaining uninformed on the subject.
(Matthew 7:14) Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
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