The U.S. Supreme court recently made two decisions that will make a direct impact on the lives of all gun owners and parents.
The first was the 5-4 decision that made it illegal for a child rapist to face the death penalty. The decision goes further in it's explanation by stating that it does not matter how many children or for how long a child rapist rapes a child, the penalty shall never be exceeding of the crime. What this means is that because a child did not die during a rape that the rapist can not be given the death penalty. I don't know about you, but I feel that if there was ever a call for the death penalty, it is in the defense of our children. The courts routinely place people on death row for crimes of passion or momentary insanity. I can see where if someone walks in on their spouse and finds them have sexual relations with someone else can lose their judgement temporarily. I can not see where someone rapes a child has that same defense. I know, they are mentally unstable or sick or whatever other excuses you want to make for them. The truth is, there has never been a proven case of rehabilitation of a child rapist/molester. The only rehabilitation for these people is a bullet through the head. I guarantee you if someone rapes or molest a child of mine, they will not have to worry about going to court. I will take care of them before they ever have a chance for a slimy attorney to get them off on a technicality. I hope there are more people like me than people like the Supreme Court Justices.
The decision that was released today is concerning the Washington D.C. gun ban. The Supreme Court came back with a decision of 5-4 again, but this time they ruled in favor of the second amendment. The court decided that the Washington D.C. gun ban is unconstitutional. On the surface this is a win for gun owner not only in Washington D.C. but throughout the country. What concerns me is that the Second Amendment was even being challenged in the U.S. Supreme Court. The constitution is very clear in it's meaning of the second amendment. Every citizen shall have the RIGHT to keep and bear arms. There is nothing to be decided on this issue, yet the government continues to try and challenge the interpretation of the amendment. This amendment was put in the Constitution for the purpose of the people of the country to defend themselves against a government who is corrupt, not so you would have a gun to hunt with. It is the responsibility of the citizens to stand up and defend the Constitution of the United States when it comes under attack as it did in the Supreme Court. I don't think people understand what could have happened if the court ruled in the other direction. Let me enlighten you. If the decision would have come back in favor of the City of Washington D.C. it would have opened the door for challenges to the second amendment in every city in the United States. Your right to keep and bear arms would have disappeared overnight. The local municipalities would have been able to dictate if and when a person would be allowed to own or possess a gun. That this issue was even being debated should scare the living snot out of every citizen in this country. The reason I say this is because today it was the second amendment. Tomorrow it could very well be the first amendment of the fifth amendment. Where does it stop? The people of the United States have been sleeping for far too long, it is time for them to wake up and make their voices heard. Our country is under attack, but it is not from a foreign army. It is from the extreme left of the Democratic Party. The section of the party that is controlled by George Soros. The basic democrat is just as much an American as you or I, it is the ones on the extreme edge that has hijacked their party and moved it into a Socialist Party. The Democratic Party of our fathers and grandfathers no longer exist. It is now the Socialist Party and if you need any more confirmation of what I am saying just listen to their own words. They want to take away guns for the good of the masses. That's funny, that is what Hitler said right before he confiscated all the guns in Germany. They want to socialize big oil, by socialize they use the words "government run", but it is still Socialism. They want to take windfall profits from big business and redistribute it to those who do not have as much. Socialism 1o1. I could keep going but I think you get the point. The country is indeed under attack and if people do not start standing up and demanding their rights, their rights shall surly be taken from them. I fear for my children and my grandchildren, they are in for some seriously hard times unless we start taking back our country and our government. By the way, do not think for a moment that the gun issue is dead. It will come back, it always does!
One final thought, in the beginning of each decision I gave the count of for and against in the decision. I did that for a reason. Did you catch that there were Five Judges that were for the Rapist and there were Four Judges that voted against the second amendment. That should wake you up.
As always, your comments are welcome. Earl
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Update on Iraq.
I have a serious problem with the country of Iraq. Our country has given over four thousand men and women in the pursuit of their freedom. Our country has given an enormous amount of money for the freedom they are starting to enjoy. Now anyone who has read my blog for any amount of time knows that I have always supported the War in Iraq. With that being said, how about a little reciprocation.
I am talking about the oil bids that were just accepted by the newly elected democratic government. The government of Iraq just gave seven oil contracts to countries other than the United States. These countries have been awarded contracts to explore and extract oil from both discovered and still undiscovered oil fields located with the country. I am seriously disappointed in that government in it's blatant lack of appreciation of the United States. I would think that the government would be bending over backward to try and thank our country for the liberation of its country.
If the government of Iraq has decided that the United States is not deserving of at the very least an oil contract, that we should withdraw our troops from the country. That goes against the views I have expressed in the past but I feel at this time the subject has changed. The American people has spilled blood for Iraq's freedom, we have given to the tune of Trillions of dollars for their opportunity to enjoy freedom for the first time. I would think that the Iraqi government would be very appreciative of what the American people have sacrificed and given for their freedom. I would think that they would have given the U.S. companies automatic contracts for a period of time as a sign of appreciation. I feel betrayed by the Iraqi government. I feel as if all that was given for their freedom has been given in vain. I only hope that the Government of Iraq will reconsider what they have done and show the the American people their gratitude for their freedom.
As always, your views and comments are welcome. Earl
I am talking about the oil bids that were just accepted by the newly elected democratic government. The government of Iraq just gave seven oil contracts to countries other than the United States. These countries have been awarded contracts to explore and extract oil from both discovered and still undiscovered oil fields located with the country. I am seriously disappointed in that government in it's blatant lack of appreciation of the United States. I would think that the government would be bending over backward to try and thank our country for the liberation of its country.
If the government of Iraq has decided that the United States is not deserving of at the very least an oil contract, that we should withdraw our troops from the country. That goes against the views I have expressed in the past but I feel at this time the subject has changed. The American people has spilled blood for Iraq's freedom, we have given to the tune of Trillions of dollars for their opportunity to enjoy freedom for the first time. I would think that the Iraqi government would be very appreciative of what the American people have sacrificed and given for their freedom. I would think that they would have given the U.S. companies automatic contracts for a period of time as a sign of appreciation. I feel betrayed by the Iraqi government. I feel as if all that was given for their freedom has been given in vain. I only hope that the Government of Iraq will reconsider what they have done and show the the American people their gratitude for their freedom.
As always, your views and comments are welcome. Earl
Preemptive Strike
Why is it wrong for people to question Obama's faults? Obama came out at the end of the week last week and said that their campaign is preparing for the Republicans to start bringing race into the campaign. I say good. Let me say before I go on that anyone who knows me knows that I am the last person you can call racist. Now, with that being said, why would it be out of bounds to address the issue of Obams's racism or that of his wife's. I think that it would only be prudent that these issues be address when someone is aspiring to run the greatest country in the world.
The media has given Obama pass upon pass when it comes to people he associates with who are very publicly Anti-American and Anti-White. When someone whose wife has made questionable statements concerning the White people who founded this country.
I have a serious question that I would like Obama to answer. Why does he qualify himself as a Black man when he has both White and Black in him? Why is it that he claims to be Black when his father abandoned him in his early youth and it was his White side of the family who took him in and raised him? Why is it that he feels he has to offend the White race that has taken him in and allowed him to pursue and indeed achieve the level of success that he presently enjoys. Why is it that when anyone who makes reference to these and the many other questionable remarks and/or associates are automatically labeled a Racist. I dare anyone to call me a racist. There is no way it came be claimed in a serious manner. I make these remarks because I am tired of people cowering at the slightest hint that they will be called a Racist if they bring these questions to light.
It is every Americans responsibility to question all the candidates on any issues that cause them concern. I for one will not cower. I for one will welcome a serious debate concerning any of the possible candidates. Bring it on, but leave your labels and accusations at the door.
As always, I welcome your comments and responses.
The media has given Obama pass upon pass when it comes to people he associates with who are very publicly Anti-American and Anti-White. When someone whose wife has made questionable statements concerning the White people who founded this country.
I have a serious question that I would like Obama to answer. Why does he qualify himself as a Black man when he has both White and Black in him? Why is it that he claims to be Black when his father abandoned him in his early youth and it was his White side of the family who took him in and raised him? Why is it that he feels he has to offend the White race that has taken him in and allowed him to pursue and indeed achieve the level of success that he presently enjoys. Why is it that when anyone who makes reference to these and the many other questionable remarks and/or associates are automatically labeled a Racist. I dare anyone to call me a racist. There is no way it came be claimed in a serious manner. I make these remarks because I am tired of people cowering at the slightest hint that they will be called a Racist if they bring these questions to light.
It is every Americans responsibility to question all the candidates on any issues that cause them concern. I for one will not cower. I for one will welcome a serious debate concerning any of the possible candidates. Bring it on, but leave your labels and accusations at the door.
As always, I welcome your comments and responses.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Conspiracy Theory
I want to go down Conspiracy Row in this article. I want to address the fact that everything that the government is doing is looking more and more like it is being done intentionally. Lets start with the Public school system. We have a system that pays a public school approximately $13,000.00 per year per student. Now, what are we getting for this money that is coming out of our taxes? We are having our children taught by teachers that are not even able to be fired if they are not performing up to par. The teachers union prevents the firing of any teacher that has tenor. In case you don't know what tenor is, it is being vested after a certain number of years. I believe that that time frame is 5 years but I am not certain. It takes approximately 2 and a half years and $150,000.00 to fire a teacher. Now above that, the teachers are not teaching the kids the necessary skills needed to succeed in life. The are no longer teaching the constitution in class, don't believe me? Ask your child! They do not know when the constitution was written, they do not know who wrote it. They do not know what the Bill of Rights is or what the bills are. They have never heard of the Federalist Papers. These are all documents that are directly related to what our country is founded on, yet the teachers are not teaching this. But ask your children what Political Correctness is, ask them what Diversity is, ask them what is the government's role in our country is supposed to be and listen to their answer. It will shock you.
The majority of teachers try and do a good job, but the number of teachers that are bad is growing and effecting the rest. We need to get more involved in the education of our children and make sure they are being taught the truth. Because of the teachers and professors are the grown up flower children of the 60's, they are teaching our children that our country is not special. They are teaching our children that the United States the the cause of the worlds problems, not the solution. They are teaching our children that they should be pacifist, always turning the other cheek regardless of what is done to them. They are told not to defend themselves if attacked but to take it and then report it. This is just some of things that are going on in our schools, but for the sake of the length of this article I will cut it here.
Why are the borders still open and not secure? Why is Mexico now requesting that victims of shootings in Mexican border towns be brought to the United States for treatment? The reason the Mexican government is giving is because the victims are now being taken to Mexican hospitals and the drug enforcers who originally shot them are following them to the hospitals and finishing them off there. Here's an idea, Close the Borders. There are two people who are the representatives for the democratic and Republican parties, and neither of these candidates are willing to close the borders. We will have to take the lead as the citizens of this country and make the politicians do OUR will. We have had 6000 people killed in border town shooting not even five mile from the border. We have had several hundred U.S. citizens disappear from U.S. border towns. We have cases of American Teenage girls being kidnapped and given to Mexican drug lords as gifts. We have hundreds of thousands of pounds of drugs come through the southern borders. He have had over 20 million illegals come through the southern borders. We are losing millions of dollars a year in medical services to illegals. We are losing millions more in Welfare to illegals. We have not even discussed the fact that 1 in 4 prisoners in states that have borders are illegal aliens who have done some sort of criminal activity. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
The lack of Drilling our own resources. We have had several bills introduced to have the ability to drill our own reserves voted down by our elected officials. We have not built a new refinery in over 37 years. We have not built a new coal plant in over 25 years. We have not built a Nuclear plant in over 20 years. Why is this? Just these three items make me think that the policies that have been implemented over the last 30 years have been designed to intentionally weaken us as a country. There are many other items that come to mind that convince me even more that this is being done intentionally. Like language. Why is it now that we do not require people coming to this country to learn English? Why is is that the Senator of Florida tried to have legislation passed through congress that would require that interpreters be provided in all government facilities so that people who couldn't speak English could be understood. Luckily, we were able to flood the fax lines and telephone lines and shut down their circuits. But the larger question is, Why would a U.S. Senator even want legislation like that.
The Political correctness crowd is trying to make our country bi-lingual. They want the country to have both English and Spanish as primary languages of the United States. No country can survive with multiple languages as primary. Any country that has attempted this has fallen, all you have to do is check your history. Language is one of the core items that unite a people together. America has many, many people from different nationalities that have helped build our country. The one thing that was common among all these different groups was that they learned English and had a common method of communication. These people were happy to learn English, they understood that they were becoming citizens of another country and were happy to assimilate into their new country.
I will be adding more to this article in the future to further show that even thought I have title this article Conspiracy Theory, it will look more and more like a face. All I am asking of you the reader is think. Do your own investigation and make you own conclusions. Just think for yourself and stop letting these politicians and media outlets twist the truth to benefit who? WE need to wake everyone up and have them get involved in our country. WE need to show the politicians in Washington that they work for us, not vice verse. We loan these clowns the power they have, we have the ability to take that power back when they abuse it. Start exercising you power!!!
As always, your comments are welcome.
The majority of teachers try and do a good job, but the number of teachers that are bad is growing and effecting the rest. We need to get more involved in the education of our children and make sure they are being taught the truth. Because of the teachers and professors are the grown up flower children of the 60's, they are teaching our children that our country is not special. They are teaching our children that the United States the the cause of the worlds problems, not the solution. They are teaching our children that they should be pacifist, always turning the other cheek regardless of what is done to them. They are told not to defend themselves if attacked but to take it and then report it. This is just some of things that are going on in our schools, but for the sake of the length of this article I will cut it here.
Why are the borders still open and not secure? Why is Mexico now requesting that victims of shootings in Mexican border towns be brought to the United States for treatment? The reason the Mexican government is giving is because the victims are now being taken to Mexican hospitals and the drug enforcers who originally shot them are following them to the hospitals and finishing them off there. Here's an idea, Close the Borders. There are two people who are the representatives for the democratic and Republican parties, and neither of these candidates are willing to close the borders. We will have to take the lead as the citizens of this country and make the politicians do OUR will. We have had 6000 people killed in border town shooting not even five mile from the border. We have had several hundred U.S. citizens disappear from U.S. border towns. We have cases of American Teenage girls being kidnapped and given to Mexican drug lords as gifts. We have hundreds of thousands of pounds of drugs come through the southern borders. He have had over 20 million illegals come through the southern borders. We are losing millions of dollars a year in medical services to illegals. We are losing millions more in Welfare to illegals. We have not even discussed the fact that 1 in 4 prisoners in states that have borders are illegal aliens who have done some sort of criminal activity. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
The lack of Drilling our own resources. We have had several bills introduced to have the ability to drill our own reserves voted down by our elected officials. We have not built a new refinery in over 37 years. We have not built a new coal plant in over 25 years. We have not built a Nuclear plant in over 20 years. Why is this? Just these three items make me think that the policies that have been implemented over the last 30 years have been designed to intentionally weaken us as a country. There are many other items that come to mind that convince me even more that this is being done intentionally. Like language. Why is it now that we do not require people coming to this country to learn English? Why is is that the Senator of Florida tried to have legislation passed through congress that would require that interpreters be provided in all government facilities so that people who couldn't speak English could be understood. Luckily, we were able to flood the fax lines and telephone lines and shut down their circuits. But the larger question is, Why would a U.S. Senator even want legislation like that.
The Political correctness crowd is trying to make our country bi-lingual. They want the country to have both English and Spanish as primary languages of the United States. No country can survive with multiple languages as primary. Any country that has attempted this has fallen, all you have to do is check your history. Language is one of the core items that unite a people together. America has many, many people from different nationalities that have helped build our country. The one thing that was common among all these different groups was that they learned English and had a common method of communication. These people were happy to learn English, they understood that they were becoming citizens of another country and were happy to assimilate into their new country.
I will be adding more to this article in the future to further show that even thought I have title this article Conspiracy Theory, it will look more and more like a face. All I am asking of you the reader is think. Do your own investigation and make you own conclusions. Just think for yourself and stop letting these politicians and media outlets twist the truth to benefit who? WE need to wake everyone up and have them get involved in our country. WE need to show the politicians in Washington that they work for us, not vice verse. We loan these clowns the power they have, we have the ability to take that power back when they abuse it. Start exercising you power!!!
As always, your comments are welcome.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Oil Exploration and Drilling
I am tired of the Democrats and some Republicans continuing to go against the American People's wishes when it comes to Drilling and mining our own Natural Resources. In the past few years there have been numerous bills purposed to allow for drilling of our own resources in Alaska as well as off of our Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf Coast. When the rest of the world is doing everything possible to find more resources for their citizens, the U.S. congress continues to stonewall every effort to allow us to get self sufficient. The last poll taken showed the over 65% of the American people were in support of finding and drilling our own resources, yet the politicians in Washington continue to bow to the Environmentalist lobby. It does not help that both Presidential candidates have repeatedly voted in the past against drilling. It will not matter who wins the Election at the end of the year, in the end, you are still going to get a Socialist who believes that the government knows what best for the people instead of a government who does the will of the people.
Did you know that 50 miles off of the coast of Key West the Chinese are setting up drilling platforms? Did you also know that this platform employs the newest drilling technology that would allow the Chinese to Slant Drill? Do you even know what Slant Drilling is? Slant Drilling is just what it's name implies, it allows for the sideways drilling of the platform. What does that mean to you and me? It means that the Chinese are going to be able not only to drill the oil reserves found in the international Waters, but would also allow them to slant drill into reserves located inside and under the U.S. restricted waters. The Chinese are not the only country out there, but they are the largest with the largest budget available for exploration. We need to pay attention and start drilling our own before it is taken from us.
We have not built a new Oil Refinery in over 37 years and yet the government continues to deny permits to companies that are willing to build them. We have the worlds LARGEST supply of coal and we have the technology to convert coal to oil, but yet the government refuses to allow the building of any more coal to electrical plants. The government refuses to allow the building of Nuclear plants and yet when you hear these politicians on television, all you hear is how they
upset with the huge profits the oil companies are making. Here's an idea, let the oil companies keep their profits and reinvest them into the exploration and drilling our our own resources. How about letting the oil companies keep their profits and allow them to build refineries and coal plants. How about allowing them to build Nuclear Plants. Here is the best idea yet. how about WASHINGTON GETTING THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This election is one of the most important in my lifetime and people need to wake up and get involved
Did you know that 50 miles off of the coast of Key West the Chinese are setting up drilling platforms? Did you also know that this platform employs the newest drilling technology that would allow the Chinese to Slant Drill? Do you even know what Slant Drilling is? Slant Drilling is just what it's name implies, it allows for the sideways drilling of the platform. What does that mean to you and me? It means that the Chinese are going to be able not only to drill the oil reserves found in the international Waters, but would also allow them to slant drill into reserves located inside and under the U.S. restricted waters. The Chinese are not the only country out there, but they are the largest with the largest budget available for exploration. We need to pay attention and start drilling our own before it is taken from us.
We have not built a new Oil Refinery in over 37 years and yet the government continues to deny permits to companies that are willing to build them. We have the worlds LARGEST supply of coal and we have the technology to convert coal to oil, but yet the government refuses to allow the building of any more coal to electrical plants. The government refuses to allow the building of Nuclear plants and yet when you hear these politicians on television, all you hear is how they
upset with the huge profits the oil companies are making. Here's an idea, let the oil companies keep their profits and reinvest them into the exploration and drilling our our own resources. How about letting the oil companies keep their profits and allow them to build refineries and coal plants. How about allowing them to build Nuclear Plants. Here is the best idea yet. how about WASHINGTON GETTING THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This election is one of the most important in my lifetime and people need to wake up and get involved
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